Here it starts with some HTML Text

First of all assign a value: [- $a = '(this is the value in $a)' -]
Now we have some 'Umlaute': [- $b = "$a äöüäöü???<\&+ " -] [- $id = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; $text = "This is a text ? \& + - " -] Now lets look what we are getting from this:
[+ $a +] [+ $b +]
What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] Now a Url: Here it goes [+ $escmode = 1 +] Now lets look what we are getting from this:
[+ $a +] [+ $b +]
What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] Now a Url: Here it goes [+ $escmode = 2 +] Now lets look what we are getting from this:
[+ $a +] [+ $b +]
What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] Now a Url: Here it goes [+ $escmode = 0 +] Now lets look what we are getting from this:
[+ $a +] [+ $b +]
What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] Now a Url: Here it goes [+ $escmode = 3 +] Now lets look what we are getting from this:
[+ $a +] [+ $b +]
What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] Now a Url: Here it goes What is the EscMode? [+ $escmode +] [! sub foo($) { my @name ; my @data ; $name[0] = 'abcd' ; $data[0] = 'xyz' ; my $bar = $_[0]; return "file.html?name=$name[$bar]&data=$data[$bar]"; } !] [+ foo (0) +] Now we localy set $escmode:
[+ local $escmode = 0 ; $b +]
[+ local $escmode = 1 ; $b +]
[+ local $escmode = 2 ; $b +]
[+ local $escmode = 3 ; $b +]
[+ $n = 'My Name öäü' ; $escmode = 0 +] [+ $escmode = 0 +]
We can avoid interpreting [[- foo -] with a double [[[[
This should also work for [[* foo *]
