=pod =head1 1.2b11 (BETA) 4 Nov 1999 - Added the "Status:" header and error message to embpcgi.pl to let Apache return the correct status line. Patch from Jason Holt. - Fixed problem that Apache SIGSEGVs when an error message contains a %x. Spotted by Ed Park. - Added missing BEGIN block in docs for Session handling. - Fixed an endless loop that occured when tainting is on and the same document is called two times via Execute. With help from Jason Holt. - Changed access to addtional upload fileinfo. The old syntax (${${$fdat{}}}) isn't available anymore, because it doesn't work with filenames that are not a vaild perl variable name. Now there is a second field which start with a dash that's holds a hash ref to the file info. Spotted by Huang-Ming Pan. - The Embperl specific part of Apache session (former Apache::Session::Embperl) is now part of the Embperl distribution (as HTML::Embperl::Session). This makes Embperl independ of new releases of Apache::Session. Embperl now works with Apache::Session version 1.00 and higher. Apache::Session 0.17 is still supported, but the documentation is removed, because it should no longer be used. - Apache::Session must not be preloaded prior to Embperl. It's enought to set EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES and Embperl will bring the right modules in memory for you. - Removed the call to mod_perl_sent_header, which was an workaround for an problem with (very) old mod_perl version, because it doesn't resolve on (every) IRIX. Spotted by Jearanai Vongsaard. - NOT_FOUND, FORBIDDEN now also logged thru Apache, so the LogLevel is honoured and log message in Apache error log get a time stamp. Spotted by Christian Gilmore. - Removed warings that apears when compiling with -Wall. - Added URL of better emacs mode for Embperl from Erik Arneson. - Added new paramter 'errors' to Execute function which takes an array ref, that returns any error messages. Suggested by James Elson. - Fixed that serveral options where not settable inside an Embperl page. Spotted by Ilya Ketris. =head1 1.2b10 (BETA) 7 Oct. 1999 - Fixed a great security whole in CGI mode. Because Apache passes anything after the first '?' to the cgi script as commandline arguments, embpexec.pl could be tricked into offline mode, where it returned any file that is readable by the httpd! So if you are using CGI mode, I strongly recommend to update to 1.2b10. Now you must use embpcgi.pl instead of embpexec.pl in CGI mode. Spotted by Jason Holt. - Added EMBPERL_ALLOW. If the file doesn't EMBPERL_ALLOW Embperl will return forbidden. This is primarly another security feature, because dependig on the way you use Embperl in CGI mode, it will not honour all Apache access restrictions. With EMBPERL_ALLOW, you can now force it to serve only certain files. Suggested by Jason Holt. - Fixed a problem that had occured with magic SVs (tied scalar) as source for the Execute function. Spotted by Todd Eigenschink. - Embperl works now with Apache::Session 0.17, 1.02 and 1.04 (1.03 is errornous) - Fixed a SIGSEGV that occurs when the req_rec parameter of the Execute functions gets a Apache::Request object instead of a Apache object, which occured due to the different ways the Apache internal request_rec is stored inside the object. Spotted by Francis J. Lacoste. - Fixed a SIGSEGV that occured when outputting to a scalar and optReturnError is set. Spotted by Francis J. Lacoste. - Added a ; after the begin block in startup.pl, which seems had cause a syntax error in some situations. Spotted by Oyvind Gjerstad. - exit now works the same in offline, mod_perl and cgi mode, it ends the execution of the page, but not the programm itself. - exit inside a sub will now really exit the page. (but exit inside a file called via Execute will only exit this file, not the whole request) Spotted by Cliff Rayman. - Added new hash %http_headers_out which could be used to set arbitary http header under mod_perl _and_ in cgi mode. "Location" header will automaticly set status to 301. - setting http headers and now works also in cgi mode. - Session Handling now also works in CGI mode (needs Apache::Session >= 1.04) - ACTION attribute of Formtag is now URL en/decoded. Spotted by Hartmut Palm. =head1 1.2b9 (BETA) 10. Sept 1999 - Fixed a problem with loading Apache::Session 1.01, when Apache::Session 0.17 is not installed. Spotted by Volker Hess. =head1 1.2b8 (BETA) 9. Sept 1999 - Fixed behaviour of . now does not overide VALUE="" with the value from %fdat. This seems to has been broken, since a couple of versions and the fix may break pages that depends on that wrong behaviour. Anyway I have to fix it before the release version is out! - Added a patch (and a FAQ) from Jens-Uwe Mager, so Embperl compiles and links on AIX. - Fixed error in URL unescaping, spotted by Hartmut Palm. - _WINSOCK2API_ gets defined on Win32, when compiling with Apache 1.3.9. Spotted by Randy Korbes. - Win32 test uses also embpexec.test.pl (instead of .bat), so cgi test runs also with Apache 1.3.9. Spotted by Randy Korbes. - Fixed problem with EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS that splits the arguments wrong when, for example, the DataSource contains a '='. Spotted by Vince Galloway. - Fix a memory leak which eats one SV per