=head1 INSTALLATION =head2 UNIX - B - B You will be asked if you want to compile in support for Apache mod_perl. If you say yes, the source of Apache is searched (for headerfiles). If it can't found, please specify the basepath. Please make sure mod_perl is already installed. If you have installed mod_perl-0.96 or higher, Makefile.PL automatically suggests the same source path as was used to build mod_perl. - B - B - B B (Embperl-1.2b1 or higher) For using session handling you need Apache::Session-0.16 or higher. For Apache-Session-0.16 to work, you must apply the session.patch from the Embperl distribution. =head2 WIN 32 I have tested the offline mode on Windows 95 with a Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 compiler and I have succesfully run Embperl with apache_1.3b5-1.3.1 / mod_perl-1.12-1.14 / perl5.004_04-perl5.005 (without threads) on Windows NT with VC++ 5.0. B It was necessary for me to compile perl5.004_04 with the VC++ on my own to get it to run with Apache and mod_perl, while I was able to use the binary distribution (/authors/id/GSAR/perl5.00402-bindist04-bc.tar.gz) of Perl for offline testing under Win 95. B If you use mod_perl <= 1.11 you should apply the win32.patch, otherwise you will get a deadlock. On Windows 95/NT you have to do the following: B B (you must have the c compiler in your path) you will get an error about compiling Embperl.c. Edit Embperl.c and change -#line "Embperl.xs" to +#line 1 "Embperl.xs" now re-run nmake and it should compile. B B nmake test needs libwin32, libwww and HTML::Parser installed to work B =head2 Further Documentation See L<"perldoc Intro"|"Intro.pod"> for an step by step introduction to Embperl. See L<"perldoc Embperl"|"Embperl.pod"> for complete documentation. See the L<"eg/"|"Examples.pod"> directory for examples. See L<"perldoc Faq"|"Faq.pod"> for Frequently Asked Questions.