
Please feel free to add yourself to the list by tweeting at us or opening up an issue and linking to a tweet.

This list is in alphabetical order.

Cloudera Impala

We shipped Impala 0.7 ( - a whole ton of great new features including DDL, Parquet support and partitioned joins!

— Henry Robinson (@HenryR) April 16, 2013


Parquet: Efficient Columnar Storage for Apache #Hadoop via @cloudera - #Criteo R&D very happy to contribute!

— Julien SIMON (@julsimon) March 14, 2013


@ParquetFormat at via @cloudera

— Twitter Open Source (@TwitterOSS) October 22, 2013


We’re moving basically all of our archival data at @stripe into @ParquetFormat, and I’m super pleased with how well it’s working out.

— Avi Bryant (@avibryant) October 18, 2013


Converting some data to Parquet on the Twitter clusters. I’m seeing a 28% space saving thanks to the compressibility of the column layout.

— Julien Le Dem (@J_) March 24, 2013