= Meecrowave Configuration :jbake-date: 2016-10-24 :jbake-type: page :jbake-status: published :jbake-meecrowavepdf: :jbake-meecrowavetitleicon: icon icon_puzzle_alt :jbake-meecrowavecolor: body-blue :icons: font Meecrowave configuration is centralized in `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$Builder` class. Here are the main properties: include::../../../../../target/generated-doc/Configuration.adoc[] NOTE: the class also provides some helper methods for programmatic use case like `randomHttpPort()` to automatically set an available port to `httpPort`. You can also write a `Consumer` to configure programmatically the `Builder` and make it active using `addCustomizer(Consumer)`. Example: [source,java] ---- new Meecrowave(new Builder() {{ randomHttpPort(); setTomcatScanning(false); setTomcatAutoSetup(false); setRealm(new JAASRealm()); user("admin", "secret"); }}) .bake() .await(); ---- == CDI SE API CDI 2.0 introduces a "SE API" for CDI. It looks like: [source,java] ---- try (final SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance() .disableDiscovery() .addBeanClasses(Configured.class) .initialize()) { // your main } ---- Meecrowave inherits from OpenWebBeans SE API implementation and therefore this SE API will work out of the box. It is implemented as a `bake()` and you can still access the `Builder` configuration or even `Meecrowave` itself if needed: [source,java] ---- try (final SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance() .disableDiscovery() .addBeanClasses(Configured.class) .initialize()) { // use the configuration to access extensions, custom config or even server port Meecrowave.Builder config = container.select(Meecrowave.Builder.class).get(); int port = config.getHttpPort(); // default wait implementation relying on tomcat one container.select(Meecrowave.class).get().await(); // wait for the program to be killed (tomcat.await() equivalent) } ---- All the configuration of meecrowave is still available using properties: [source,java] ---- try (final SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance() .addProperty("nameOfTheProperty", instanceInTheRightType) .initialize()) { container.select(Meecrowave.class).get().await(); } ---- The type should match the type expected by the `Builder` instance. Note you can also just pass directly a `Builder` instance as value (the property name is not important) if you want something preconfigured: [source,java] ---- try (final SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance() .addProperty("meecrowaveConfiguration", new Meecrowave.Builder().randomPort()) .initialize()) { container.select(Meecrowave.class).get().await(); } ---- == Automatic configuration The `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$Builder` class also provides `loadFromProperties(Properties)` and `loadFrom(String)`. The last one uses the parameter to locate a propertiers file (file path or at classpath) and delegate the processing to the first one. `loadFromProperties(Propertiers)` loads the configuraton from the properties. The matching is alsmot 1-1 with previous table excepted for these entries: - if `httpPort` is `-1` then `randomHttpPort` is called - `properties.x=y` will set the property (`properties` entry) `x` with the value `y` - `users.x=y` will create the user `x` with the password `y` - `roles.x=y` will create the role `x` with the users `y` (comma separated if multiple users) - `cxf.servlet.params.x=y` will force the CXF servlet init parameter `x` to be `y` - `connector.x=y` will pass the property `x` to be `y` on the connector. See the https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/http.html[Apache Tomcat 9 Connector Documentation] - `connector.attributes.x=y` will use the property `x` with value `y` to create the connector (set a property on the instance of ̀`org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector`) See the Connector attributes referenced in the https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/http.html[Apache Tomcat 9 Connector Documentation] - `valves.*` will be used to create valves. This prefix must be followed by a valve identifier then you can use the built-in virtual attributes. These ones are `_order` to sort the valves (natural order) and `_className` to specify the class to instantiate. Finally you can use any dotted attribute to configure the valve (see example after this list). - `realm=y` will create an instance of `y` (qualified name of the class) as `realm` - `realm.x=y` will set `x` property to `y` - needs previous property to be set - `login=` will create a custom `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$LoginConfigBuilder` - `login.x=y` will customize previous instance with `x` property - `securityConstraint=` will create a custom `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$SecurityConstaintBuilder` - `securityConstraint.x=y` will customize previous instance with `x` property - `configurationCustomizer=y` will create an instance of `y` to customize the configuration - `configurationCustomizer.x=y` will set `x` to `y` for the customizer TIP: Out of the box, any `Builder` instance will read `meecrowave.properties`. `meecrowave.properties` uses CLI names (without the leading `--`). See link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-core/cli.html[CLI] page for the list. === Valve configuration Here is an example to configure the `RemoteIpValve` and `LoadBalancerDrainingValve` using the `meecrowave.properties` syntax (which means it uses the `properties.` prefix to specify properties, drop it if you use the CLI options): [source,properties] ---- properties.valves.remote-ip._order = 1 properties.valves.remote-ip._className = org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve properties.valves.remote-ip.internalProxies = 192\\.168\\.0\\.10\|192\\.168\\.0\\.11 properties.valves.remote-ip.remoteIpHeader = x-forwarded-for properties.valves.remote-ip.proxiesHeader = x-forwarded-by properties.valves.remote-ip.trustedProxies = proxy1|proxy2 properties.valves.draining._order = 2 properties.valves.draining._className = org.apache.catalina.valves.LoadBalancerDrainingValve properties.valves.draining.redirectStatusCode = 307 properties.valves.draining.ignoreCookieName = draining-action properties.valves.draining.ignoreCookieValue = skip ---- This will define the `remote-ip` and `draining` valves in this order with the configuration defined thanks to the properties not having an underscore at the beginning of their name. == Logging Meecrowave relies by default on Log4j2 (see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/). By default it uses an internal configuration which is overridden by standard log4j mechanism. == Passwords/Secrets For the configuration requiring to be ciphered you can implement `org.apache.meecrowave.service.ValueTransformer`: [source] ---- public class MyTransformer implements ValueTransformer { @Override public String name() { return "mine"; } @Override public String apply(final String encodedPassword) { return ....; } } ---- NOTE: this code being executed before the container starts you can't use CDI there. To register your implementation just put the fully qualified name of your transformer in `META-INF/services/org.apache.meecrowave.service.ValueTransformer`. Then to use it set the value to `decode:mine:encodedvalue`. General pattern is: `decode::`. Note that by default the same ciphering algorithm than in TomEE is available (Static3DES). This syntax is usable on the command line and in `meecrowave.properties`. == Programmatic customization `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$ConfigurationCustomizer` can be used to customize the configuration programmatically before startup. It will take the `Builder` as parameter and you can change it at that moment. `org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$InstanceCustomizer` can be used to customize the configuration programmatically before startup. It will take the `Tomcat` as parameter and you can change it at that moment. This is very useful to automatically add valves and things like that.