#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** PRJ=.. PRJNAME=mysqlc .INCLUDE : $(PRJ)$/version.mk TARGET=mysqlc ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS=TRUE LIBTARGET=NO EXTENSIONNAME:=mysql-connector-ooo .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" == "YES" EXTERNAL_WARNINGS_NOT_ERRORS = TRUE .ENDIF # --- Settings ----------------------------------------------------- .INCLUDE : settings.mk #------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- extension version EXTENSION_VERSION_BASE=$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MAJOR).$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MINOR).$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MICRO) .IF ( "$(CWS_WORK_STAMP)" == "" ) || ( "$(UPDATER)" == "YES" ) EXTENSION_VERSION=$(EXTENSION_VERSION_BASE) .ELSE EXTENSION_VERSION=$(EXTENSION_VERSION_BASE).cws.$(CWS_WORK_STAMP) .ENDIF #---- extension title package name .IF "$(MYSQLC_STATUS)" == "final" EXTENSION_TITLE:=$(MYSQLC_TITLE) EXTENSION_ZIPNAME:=$(EXTENSIONNAME) .ELSE EXTENSION_TITLE:=$(MYSQLC_TITLE) ($(MYSQLC_STATUS)) EXTENSION_ZIPNAME:=$(EXTENSIONNAME) .ENDIF #------------------------------------------------------------------- # set default symbol visibility / scope to hidden .IF "$(COMNAME)" == "gcc3" .IF "$(HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE)" == "TRUE" CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden .ENDIF # HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE .ENDIF # gcc3 .IF "$(COMNAME)" == "sunpro5" .IF "$(CCNUMVER)" >= "00050005" CFLAGS += -xldscope=hidden .ENDIF # 5.5 .ENDIF # sunpro5 #------------------------------------------------------------------- # The headers delivered from C/C++ have a habit of putting a ";" after the closing bracked of a namespace, which # yields a warning with Solaris' compiler. Until this is fixed in C/C++, silence this warning .IF "$(OS)" == "SOLARIS" CFLAGSWARNCXX+=,wemptydecl CFLAGSWARNCXX:=$(CFLAGSWARNCXX:s/ ,/,/) .ENDIF #------------------------------------------------------------------- .IF "$(ENABLE_MYSQLC)" != "YES" @all: @echo "Mysql native driver extension build disabled." .ENDIF # use the static version .IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT" MYSQL_LIBDIR=$(LIBMYSQL_PATH)$/lib MYSQL_INCDIR=$(LIBMYSQL_PATH)$/include .ELSE .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" != "YES" MYSQL_LIBDIR=$(LIBMYSQL_PATH)$/lib MYSQL_INCDIR=$(LIBMYSQL_PATH)$/include .ENDIF .ENDIF .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" == "YES" CFLAGS+=-DSYSTEM_MYSQL .ENDIF .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL_CPPCONN)" == "YES" CFLAGS+=-DSYSTEM_MYSQL_CPPCONN .ENDIF CDEFS+=-DCPPDBC_EXPORTS -DCPPCONN_LIB_BUILD .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL_CPPCONN)" == "YES" CDEFS += -DCPPCONN_LIB=\"$(shell readlink /usr/lib/libmysqlcppconn.so)\" .IF "$(USE_SYSTEM_STL)"!="YES" CDEFS += -DADAPT_EXT_STL .ENDIF .ENDIF # --------------- MySQL settings ------------------ .IF "$(GUI)"!="WNT" .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" != "YES" MYSQL_INC+=-I$(MYSQL_INCDIR) .IF "$(OS)"=="MACOSX" MYSQL_LIBFILE=$(MYSQL_LIBDIR)$/$(DLLPRE)mysql.16$(DLLPOST) .ELSE MYSQL_LIBFILE=$(MYSQL_LIBDIR)$/$(DLLPRE)mysql$(DLLPOST).16 .ENDIF # checkdll will complain if we do not point it to the libmysql lib EXTRALIBPATHS=-L$(MYSQL_LIBDIR) .ENDIF MYSQL_CPPCONN_LIB+=-lmysqlcppconn .ENDIF CFLAGS+=-I..$/..$/inc $(MYSQL_INC) \ -DMYSQLC_VERSION_MAJOR=$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MAJOR) \ -DMYSQLC_VERSION_MINOR=$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MINOR) \ -DMYSQLC_VERSION_MICRO=$(MYSQLC_VERSION_MICRO) \ $(MYSQL_DEFINES) # provide the name of the MySQL client lib to the C++ code .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" != "YES" CDEFS += -DMYSQL_LIB=\"$(MYSQL_LIBFILE:f)\" .ENDIF #-------------------------------------------------- SHL1DLLPRE= SHL1TARGET=$(TARGET).uno LIB1TARGET=$(SLB)$/$(SHL1TARGET).lib LIB1OBJFILES= \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_driver.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_services.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_connection.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_resultset.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_resultsetmetadata.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_statement.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_preparedstatement.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_databasemetadata.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_types.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_general.obj \ $(SLO)$/mysqlc_propertyids.obj SHL1STDLIBS= \ $(MYSQL_LIB) \ $(MYSQL_CPPCONN_LIB) \ $(CPPULIB) \ $(SALLIB) \ $(SALHELPERLIB) \ $(CPPUHELPERLIB) SHL1VERSIONMAP=$(TARGET).map SHL1LIBS= $(LIB1TARGET) SHL1DEF= $(MISC)$/$(SHL1TARGET).def SHL1RPATH=OXT DEF1NAME= $(SHL1TARGET) # create Extension ----------------------------- # DESCRIPTION_SRC is the source file which is copied into the extension # It is defaulted to "description.xml", but we want to pre-process it, so we use an intermediate # file DESCRIPTION_SRC = $(MISC)$/description.xml COMPONENT_XCU=\ registry$/data$/org$/openoffice$/Office$/DataAccess$/Drivers.xcu COMPONENT_MERGED_XCU= \ $(foreach,i,$(COMPONENT_XCU) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$i) COMPONENT_LIBRARY = \ $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$(SHL1TARGET)$(DLLPOST) COMPONENT_MYSQL_LIBFILE = \ $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$(MYSQL_LIBFILE:f) COMPONENT_MYSQL_CPPCONN_FILE=\ $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$(MYSQL_CPPCONNFILE:f) COMPONENT_LIBRARIES=\ $(COMPONENT_LIBRARY) COMPONENT_IMAGES= \ $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/images$/extension_32.png \ $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/images$/extension_32_h.png # ........ component description ........ # one file for each WITH_LANG token DESC_LANGS=$(WITH_LANG) .IF "$(DESC_LANGS)" == "" DESC_LANGS=en-US .ENDIF COMPONENT_DESCRIPTIONS=$/$(foreach,lang,$(DESC_LANGS) description$/description_$(lang).txt) COMPONENT_DESCRIPTIONS_PACKDEP= \ $(foreach,i,$(COMPONENT_DESCRIPTIONS) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$i) # WITH_LANG might contain languages which we actually do not have a description for (yet) # Find those, and treat the specially # first, find those locales which we actually have a description file for EXISTING_DESCRIPTIONS=$(foreach,i,$(shell $(FIND) .$/description -name "description_*.txt") $(i:f)) EXISTING_LANGS=$(foreach,i,$(EXISTING_DESCRIPTIONS) $(i:s,description_,,:s,.txt,,)) # then, create a version of WITH_LANG where we stripped all those locales EXISTING_LANGS_NORMALIZED=$(strip $(EXISTING_LANGS)) EXISTING_LANGS_NORMALIZED:=+$(EXISTING_LANGS_NORMALIZED:s/ /+/)+ MISSING_LANGS=$(foreach,lang,$(WITH_LANG) $(eq,$(EXISTING_LANGS_NORMALIZED:s/+$(lang)+//),$(EXISTING_LANGS_NORMALIZED) $(lang) )) # ........ dependencies for packaging the extension ........ EXTENSION_PACKDEPS=makefile.mk $(COMPONENT_IMAGES) $(COMPONENT_DESCRIPTIONS_PACKDEP) $(COMPONENT_MERGED_XCU) .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" != "YES" EXTENSION_PACKDEPS+=$(COMPONENT_MYSQL_LIBFILE) .ENDIF # --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------ .INCLUDE : extension_pre.mk .INCLUDE : target.mk .INCLUDE : extension_post.mk $(COMPONENT_IMAGES) : $(SOLARSRC)$/$(RSCDEFIMG)$/desktop$/res$/$$(@:f) @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COPY) $< $@ # existing descriptions: just copy $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/description$/%.txt: .$/description$/%.txt @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) @$(COPY) $< $@ > $(NULLDEV) # xcu files: copy # the following is a hack for now - need to find out the generic mechanism later $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/registry$/data$/org$/openoffice$/Office$/DataAccess$/Drivers.xcu : .$/registry$/data$/org$/openoffice$/Office$/DataAccess$/Drivers.xcu @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/registry$/data$/org$/openoffice$/Office$/DataAccess @$(COPY) $< $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/registry$/data$/org$/openoffice$/Office$/DataAccess$/Drivers.xcu > $(NULLDEV) # The below doesn't work - it's completely beyond me .... $@ is some strange path when echoed, so the whole construct # doesn't work .... :( #$(foreach,i,$(COMPONENT_XCU) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$i : $i) # @echo ----------------- # @echo $@ # @echo $< # @echo ----------------- # -$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) # (COPY) $< $@ # @echo ----------------- # non-existing descriptions: copy from the English version .IF "$(strip $(MISSING_LANGS))" != "" $(foreach,i,$(MISSING_LANGS) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/description$/description_$i.txt): .$/description$/description_en-US.txt @echo ------ WARNING: .$/description$/$(@:f) not found, falling back to English description @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) @$(COPY) $< $@ > $(NULLDEV) .ENDIF $(DESCRIPTION_SRC): description.xml +-$(RM) $@ $(TYPE) description.xml | $(SED) "s/#VERSION#/$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/" | $(SED) "s,#TITLE#,$(EXTENSION_TITLE)," > $@ .IF "$(SYSTEM_MYSQL)" != "YES" # --- the MySQL client lib needs to be copied $(COMPONENT_MYSQL_LIBFILE): $(MYSQL_LIBFILE) @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) @$(COPY) $< $@ > $(NULLDEV) .IF "$(OS)" == "MACOSX" install_name_tool -id @_______OOO/$(MYSQL_LIBFILE:f) $@ .ENDIF .ENDIF .IF "$(OS)" == "MACOSX" $(EXTENSION_TARGET): adjust_libmysql_path adjust_libmysql_path: $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$(SHL1TARGET)$(DLLPOST) install_name_tool -change $(MYSQL_LIBFILE:f) @loader_path/$(MYSQL_LIBFILE:f) $(EXTENSIONDIR)$/$(SHL1TARGET)$(DLLPOST) .ENDIF