'************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* ' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned: option explicit Sub RunTest() '************************************************************************* ' INTERFACE: ' com.sun.star.i18n.XCalendar '************************************************************************* On Error Goto ErrHndl Dim bOK As Boolean Dim oLocaleData As Object Dim oLocale As Object Dim allLocales As Variant Dim allCalendars As Variant Dim uniqueID As String Dim oCalendar As Object Dim dDateTime As Double Dim aValue As Variant Dim oldValue As Variant Dim newValue As Variant Dim i As Integer oLocaleData = createUnoService("com.sun.star.i18n.LocaleData") allLocales = oLocaleData.getAllInstalledLocaleNames() Out.Log("Found " + ubound(allLocales) + " Loacales registered in the system") Randomize oLocale = allLocales(rnd * ubound(allLocales)) Out.Log("Choose for testing : " + oLocale.Country) Test.StartMethod("getAllCalendars()") bOK = true allCalendars = oObj.getAllCalendars(oLocale) Out.Log("There are " + ubound(allCalendars) + 1 + " calendars for this locale.") bOK = bOK AND NOT isNULL(allCalendars) Test.MethodTested("getAllCalendars()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("loadDefaultCalendar()") bOK = true oObj.loadDefaultCalendar(oLocale) bOK = bOK AND oObj.getLoadedCalendar().Default Test.MethodTested("loadDefaultCalendar()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getUniqueID()") bOK = true uniqueID = oObj.getUniqueID() Out.Log("UniqueID for loaded calendar is " + uniqueID) bOK = bOK AND (uniqueID = allCalendars(0)) Test.MethodTested("getUniqueID()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("loadCalendar()") bOK = true oObj.loadCalendar(allCalendars(0), oLocale) bOK = bOK AND NOT isNULL(oObj.getLoadedCalendar()) Test.MethodTested("loadCalendar()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getLoadedCalendar()") bOK = true oCalendar = oObj.getLoadedCalendar() Out.Log("Loaded calendar's name is '" + oCalendar.Name + "'") bOK = bOK AND NOT isNULL(oCalendar) Test.MethodTested("getLoadedCalendar()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("setDateTime()") Test.StartMethod("getDateTime()") bOK = true oObj.setDateTime(12345.25) dDateTime = oObj.getDateTime() bOK = bOK AND dDateTime = 12345.25 Out.Log("Expected: 12345,25; Actual: " + dDateTime) Test.MethodTested("setDateTime()", bOK) Test.MethodTested("getDateTime()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getFirstDayOfWeek()") Test.StartMethod("setFirstDayOfWeek()") bOK = true oObj.setFirstDayOfWeek(com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SATURDAY) Out.Log("Expected: " + com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SATURDAY + ", Actual: " + oObj.getFirstDayOfWeek()) bOK = bOK AND oObj.getFirstDayOfWeek() = com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SATURDAY oObj.setFirstDayOfWeek(com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SUNDAY) Out.Log("Expected: " + com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SUNDAY + ", Actual: " + oObj.getFirstDayOfWeek()) bOK = bOK AND oObj.getFirstDayOfWeek() = com.sun.star.i18n.Weekdays.SUNDAY Test.MethodTested("getFirstDayOfWeek()", bOK) Test.MethodTested("setFirstDayOfWeek()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("setValue()") Test.StartMethod("getValue()") bOK = true bOK = bOK AND TestValue(1, com.sun.star.i18n.Months.JANUARY, 2001, com.sun.star.i18n.WeekDays.MONDAY, 1, 1) '1.01.2001 - Monday, 1-st week of month, 1-st week of year bOK = bOK AND TestValue(12, com.sun.star.i18n.Months.JULY, 2001, com.sun.star.i18n.WeekDays.THURSDAY, 2, 28) '12.07.2001 - Thursday, 2-nd week of month, 28-st week of year Test.MethodTested("setValue()", bOK) Test.MethodTested("getValue()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("addValue()") bOK = true bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("DST_OFFSET", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DST_OFFSET, 1, 0) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("DAY_OF_MONTH", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, 0) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("MONTH", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MONTH, 3, 12) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("YEAR", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.YEAR, -1, 0) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("HOUR", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.HOUR, 7, 24) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("MINUTE", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MINUTE, 31, 60) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("SECOND", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.SECOND, 13, 60) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("MILLISECOND", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MILLISECOND, 67, 1000) bOK = bOK AND TestAddValue("ERA", com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.ERA, -1, 0) Test.MethodTested("addValue()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getNumberOfMonthsInYear()") bOK = true aValue = oObj.getNumberOfMonthsInYear() Out.Log("There are " + aValue + " months in year") bOK = bOK AND aValue = 12 Test.MethodTested("getNumberOfMonthsInYear()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getNumberOfDaysInWeek()") bOK = true aValue = oObj.getNumberOfDaysInWeek() Out.Log("There are " + aValue + " days in week") bOK = bOK AND aValue = 7 Test.MethodTested("getNumberOfDaysInWeek()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek()") bOK = true aValue = oObj.getMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek() Out.Log("MinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek = " + aValue) bOK = bOK AND aValue > 0 AND aValue < 8 Test.MethodTested("getMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("setMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek()") bOK = true oObj.setMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek(211) aValue = oObj.getMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek() Out.Log("MinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek = " + aValue) bOK = bOK AND aValue > 0 AND aValue < 8 Test.MethodTested("setMinimumNumberOfDaysForFirstWeek()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getMonths()") bOK = true Dim allMonths As Variant Dim cAllMonths As String allMonths = oObj.getMonths() Out.Log("Returned " + ubound(allMonths) + 1 + " months.") bOK = bOK AND ubound(allMonths) + 1= oObj.getNumberOfMonthsInYear() if (bOK) then cAllMonths = "" for i = 0 to ubound(allMonths) cAllMonths = cAllMonths + allMonths(i).FullName + ", " next i Out.Log("Months: " + cAllMonths) end if Test.MethodTested("getMonths()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getDays()") bOK = true Dim allDays As Variant Dim cAllDays As String allDays = oObj.getDays() Out.Log("Returned " + ubound(allMonths) + 1 + " days.") bOK = bOK AND ubound(allDays) + 1= oObj.getNumberOfDaysInWeek() if (bOK) then cAllDays = "" for i = 0 to ubound(allDays) cAllDays = cAllDays + allDays(i).FullName + ", " next i Out.Log("Days: " + cAllDays) end if Test.MethodTested("getDays()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("getDisplayName()") bOK = true Dim cDisplayName As String cDisplayName = oObj.getDisplayName(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarDisplayIndex.MONTH, com.sun.star.i18n.Months.JANUARY, 1) Out.Log("Full name for JANUARY is: " + cDisplayName) bOK = bOK AND cDisplayName <> "" Test.MethodTested("getDisplayName()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("isValid()") bOK = true oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_MONTH, 30) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MONTH, com.sun.star.i18n.Months.FEBURARY) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.YEAR, 2001) Out.Log("isValid() = " + oObj.isValid()) bOK = bOK AND NOT oObj.isValid() oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_MONTH, 27) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MONTH, com.sun.star.i18n.Months.FEBURARY) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.YEAR, 2001) Out.Log("isValid() = " + oObj.isValid()) bOK = bOK AND oObj.isValid() Test.MethodTested("isValid()", bOK) Exit Sub ErrHndl: Test.Exception() bOK = false resume next End Sub Function TestValue(_Day As Integer, _Month As Integer, _Year As Integer, _ _Day_of_week As Integer, _Week_of_month As Integer, _Week_of_year As Integer) As Boolean Dim bOK As Boolean Dim aDay As Integer, aMonth As Integer, aYear As Integer Dim aDay_of_week As Integer, aWeek_of_Month As Integer, aWeek_of_year As Integer bOK = true Out.Log("Set date to " + _Day + "." + _Month + "." + _Year + ";") oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_MONTH, _Day) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MONTH, _Month) oObj.setValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.YEAR, _Year) aDay = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_MONTH) aMonth = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.MONTH) aYear = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.YEAR) Out.Log("Now date is " + aDay + "." + aMonth + "." + aYear + ";") bOK = (aDay = _Day) AND (aMonth = _Month) AND (aYear = _Year) if (bOK) then aDay_of_week = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.DAY_OF_WEEK) aWeek_of_month = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.WEEK_OF_MONTH) aWeek_of_year = oObj.getValue(com.sun.star.i18n.CalendarFieldIndex.WEEK_OF_YEAR) Out.Log("aDay_of_week: Expected: " + _Day_of_week + ", Actual: " + aDay_of_week) Out.Log("aWeek_of_month: Expected: " + _Week_of_month + ", Actual: " + aWeek_of_month) Out.Log("aWeek_of_year: Expected: " + _Week_of_year + ", Actual: " + aWeek_of_year) bOK = (aDay_of_week = _Day_of_week) AND (aWeek_of_month = _Week_of_month) AND (aWeek_of_year = _Week_of_year) end if TestValue() = bOK Exit Function ErrHndl: Test.Exception() TestValue() = false End Function Function TestAddValue(valname As String, Idx As Integer, incValue As Integer, valModule As Integer) As Boolean Dim aValue As Integer Dim newValue As Integer Dim bOK As Boolean aValue = oObj.getValue(idx) oObj.addValue(idx, incValue) newValue = oObj.getValue(idx) if (valModule = 0) then bOK = (newValue = (aValue + incValue)) Out.Log(valname + ": Expected: " + (aValue + incValue) + ", Actual: " + newValue) else bOK = (newValue = (aValue + incValue) mod valModule) Out.Log(valname + ": Expected: " + (aValue + incValue) mod valModule + ", Actual: " + newValue) end if TestAddValue() = bOK Exit Function ErrHndl: Test.Exception() TestAddValue() = false End Function