FreeFile Function[Runtime] /text/sbasic/shared/03020102.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. converted from old format - fpe
FreeFile function FreeFile Function[Runtime] Returns the next available file number for opening a file. Use this function to open a file using a file number that is not already in use by a currently open file.
Syntax: FreeFile Return value: Integer Parameters: This function can only be used immediately in front of an Open statement. FreeFile returns the next available file number, but does not reserve it. Example: Sub ExampleWorkWithAFile Dim iNumber As Integer Dim sLine As String Dim aFile As String Dim sMsg as String aFile = "c:\data.txt" sMsg = "" iNumber = Freefile Open aFile For Output As #iNumber Print #iNumber, "First line of text" Print #iNumber, "Another line of text" Close #iNumber iNumber = Freefile Open aFile For Input As #iNumber While not eof(#iNumber) Line Input #iNumber, sLine If sLine <>"" then sMsg = sMsg & sLine & chr(13) end if wend Close #iNumber Msgbox sMsg End Sub