ExampleDataPilotSource ====================== This example shows how you can implement an external DataPilot component. Simple usage scenario: ====================== 1. build and deploay the component 2. open a new spreadsheet document 3. select for example cell B:2 4. start the DataPilot dialog Data->DataPilot->Start... 5. select "External source/interface -> Ok 6. select the example DataPilot Use the the drop down list and select the service "ExampleDataPilotSource" -> Ok 7. Place some number fields in the field areas For example: - select the "ones" field and drop it in the "Row Fields" area - repeat this step with the "tens" and "hundreds" field - select the "thousands" field and drop it in the "Column Fields" area. -> press Ok 8. you see a matrix with rows and colums for the selected fields and a value area with a sum up of all fields valid for this coordinate. For example cell F:21=1221 (ones=B:21=1, tens=c:21=2 hundreds=D:21=2 and thousands=F:3=1)