REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Main End Sub Sub InsertVariable If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) ID = inputbox("Enter an identifier for the variable element:","Enter Variable ID") If ID="" Then Exit Sub End If InsertTag("VAR_","<VAR ID="""+ID+""">") InsertTag("_VAR","</VAR>") End Sub Sub InsertInlineGraphic If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If sFName = OpenGraphics If sFName <> "" Then sAlt = InputBox("Enter an alternative Text for the graphical element."+chr(13)+"This can be changed later in the image properties.","ALT description","<ALT DESCRIPTION>") sID = "img_id"+CreateID InsertTag("IMG_","<IMG ID="""+sID+""">") InsertGraphicFile(sFName,sID,sAlt) InsertTag("_IMG","</IMG>") End If End Sub Sub InsertGraphic If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") sFName = OpenGraphics If sFName <> "" Then DocRoot = ReadConfig("HelpPrefix") ' msgbox("DocRoot "+DocRoot+chr(13)+"FName "+sFName) If not(IsSubDir(sFName,DocRoot)) Then msgbox("Image is located outside of your Document Root"+chr(13)+DocRoot,48,"Warning") End If sAlt = InputBox("Enter an alternative Text for the graphical element."+chr(13)+"This can be changed later in the image properties.","ALT description","<ALT DESCRIPTION>") ' sCap = InputBox("Enter a caption for the image (optional)","Caption","") sID = CreateID CR InsertTag("IMG_","<IMG ID="""+"img_id"+sID+""">") InsertGraphicFile(sFName,"img_id"+sID,sAlt) ' If sCap <> "" Then ' InsertCaption(sCap,"cap_id"+sID) ' End If InsertTag("_IMG","</IMG>") End If End Sub Sub InsertGraphicFile(sURL As String, sName As String, sAlt As String) oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oDoc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent oGrp = oDoc.createInstance("") oGrp.GraphicURL = sURL oGrp.AnchorType = 1 oGrp.Name = sName oGrp.Title = sAlt oCur.Text.InsertTextContent(oCur,oGrp,true) End Sub Sub SpecifyCaption 'check if the image allows captions If thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection.ImplementationName = "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please press ESCAPE to deselect the image and recall the menu item" Exit Sub End If If IsBlockImage Then If not(HasCaption) Then sCap = InputBox("Enter a caption for the image (optional)","Caption","") If sCap <> "" Then sID = GetImageID sID = "cap"+right(sID, Len(sID)-3) GoLeft(1) InsertCaption(sCap, sID) End If Else msgbox "Image has a caption already.",0,"D'oh!" End If Else msgbox "Only block images may have captions.",0,"D'oh!" End If End Sub Sub InsertCaption(sCap As String, sID as String) InsertTag("IMGCAPTION_","<IMGCAPTION id="""+sID+""">") InsertText(sCap) InsertTag("_IMGCAPTION","</IMGCAPTION>") End Sub Sub InsertExtendedTip If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) Ret = msgbox ("Create a hidden tip?",3+32,"Extended Tip") If Ret=2 or Ret=3 Then Exit Sub End If If Ret=6 Then InsertTag("AHID_","<AHID hid="""+ID+""">") ElseIf Ret=7 Then InsertTag("AVIS_","<AVIS hid="""+ID+""">") End If If Ret=6 Then InsertTag("_AHID","</AHID>") ElseIf Ret=7 Then InsertTag("_AVIS","</AVIS>") End If End Sub Sub InsertSort CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_sort") InsertTag("SORT_","<SORT order=""asc"">","hlp_aux_sort") GoLeft(1) GoDown(1) msgbox "Remember to also specify the closing SORT tag!",48,"Don't forget to close the tag" End Sub Sub CloseSort CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_sort") InsertTag("_SORT","</SORT>","hlp_aux_sort") GoLeft(1) GoDown(1) End Sub sub InsertSection If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If dim document as object dim dispatcher as object oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) sSectionName = AlphaNum(inputbox("Please specify a section name/identifier:")) If sSectionName = "" Then Exit Sub End If If sSectionName = "" Then msgbox "No (valid) identifier -- no section."+chr(13)+"Hint: Use only A-Z,a-z,0-9 and _",48,"D'oh!" Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = sSectionName args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) If oCur.GetString <> "" Then CR_before GoUp(1) InsertTag("SECTION_","<SECTION id="""+sSectionName+""">") SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") Else GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id="""+sSectionName+""">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") End If end sub Sub ToggleParaL10NStatus If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oCur.gotoStartOfParagraph(0) CharStyle = oCur.charStyleName arParaData = GetParaData sID = arParaData(0) slocalize = arParaData(1) sMsg = arParaData(2) If sMsg <> "" Then msgbox "Error in paragraph status:"+chr(13)+sMsg,48,"Error" Exit Sub End If If (sID = "") Then msgbox "Paragraph has no ID. Assigning ID.",48,"Info" InsertNewParaData arParaData = GetParaData sID = arParaData(0) slocalize = arParaData(1) sMsg = arParaData(2) End If If slocalize = "no" Then SetParaData(sID,"yes") Else SetParaData(sID,"no") End If End Sub Sub LocalizeImage oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection If oSel(0).ImplementationName <> "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please select an image" Else If Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")>0 Then oSel(0).Name = Left(oSel(0).Name,Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")-1) End If oSel(0).Name = oSel(0).Name + " localize=""true""" End If SetBorder End Sub Sub UnLocalizeImage oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection If oSel(0).ImplementationName <> "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please select an image" Else If Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")>0 Then oSel(0).Name = Left(oSel(0).Name,Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")-1) End If UnsetBorder End If End Sub Sub ResetAllParaStatusValues REM ... to be done End Sub Sub InsertHowToGet If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = "howtoget" args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id=""howtoget"">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") ' Embed.Main(false) End Sub Sub InsertRelatedTopics If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = "relatedtopics" args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id=""relatedtopics"">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") End Sub sub UnsetBorder rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem define variables dim document as object dim dispatcher as object rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem get access to the document document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args1(7) as new args1(0).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftBorder" args1(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(1).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftDistance" args1(1).Value = 10 args1(2).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder" args1(2).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(3).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance" args1(3).Value = 0 args1(4).Name = "BorderOuter.TopBorder" args1(4).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(5).Name = "BorderOuter.TopDistance" args1(5).Value = 0 args1(6).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomBorder" args1(6).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(7).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomDistance" args1(7).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderOuter", "", 0, args1()) rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args2(4) as new args2(0).Name = "BorderInner.Horizontal" args2(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(1).Name = "BorderInner.Vertical" args2(1).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(2).Name = "BorderInner.Flags" args2(2).Value = 2 args2(3).Name = "BorderInner.ValidFlags" args2(3).Value = 63 args2(4).Name = "BorderInner.DefaultDistance" args2(4).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderInner", "", 0, args2()) end sub sub SetBorder rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem define variables dim document as object dim dispatcher as object rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem get access to the document document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args1(7) as new args1(0).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftBorder" args1(0).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(1).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftDistance" args1(1).Value = 101 args1(2).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder" args1(2).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(3).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance" args1(3).Value = 101 args1(4).Name = "BorderOuter.TopBorder" args1(4).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(5).Name = "BorderOuter.TopDistance" args1(5).Value = 101 args1(6).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomBorder" args1(6).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(7).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomDistance" args1(7).Value = 101 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderOuter", "", 0, args1()) rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args2(4) as new args2(0).Name = "BorderInner.Horizontal" args2(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(1).Name = "BorderInner.Vertical" args2(1).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(2).Name = "BorderInner.Flags" args2(2).Value = 2 args2(3).Name = "BorderInner.ValidFlags" args2(3).Value = 127 args2(4).Name = "BorderInner.DefaultDistance" args2(4).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderInner", "", 0, args2()) end sub REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Main End Sub Sub InsertVariable If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) ID = inputbox("Enter an identifier for the variable element:","Enter Variable ID") If ID="" Then Exit Sub End If InsertTag("VAR_","<VAR ID="""+ID+""">") InsertTag("_VAR","</VAR>") End Sub Sub InsertInlineGraphic If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If sFName = OpenGraphics If sFName <> "" Then sAlt = InputBox("Enter an alternative Text for the graphical element."+chr(13)+"This can be changed later in the image properties.","ALT description","<ALT DESCRIPTION>") sID = "img_id"+CreateID InsertTag("IMG_","<IMG ID="""+sID+""">") InsertGraphicFile(sFName,sID,sAlt) InsertTag("_IMG","</IMG>") End If End Sub Sub InsertGraphic If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") sFName = OpenGraphics If sFName <> "" Then DocRoot = ReadConfig("HelpPrefix") ' msgbox("DocRoot "+DocRoot+chr(13)+"FName "+sFName) If not(IsSubDir(sFName,DocRoot)) Then msgbox("Image is located outside of your Document Root"+chr(13)+DocRoot,48,"Warning") End If sAlt = InputBox("Enter an alternative Text for the graphical element."+chr(13)+"This can be changed later in the image properties.","ALT description","<ALT DESCRIPTION>") ' sCap = InputBox("Enter a caption for the image (optional)","Caption","") sID = CreateID CR InsertTag("IMG_","<IMG ID="""+"img_id"+sID+""">") InsertGraphicFile(sFName,"img_id"+sID,sAlt) ' If sCap <> "" Then ' InsertCaption(sCap,"cap_id"+sID) ' End If InsertTag("_IMG","</IMG>") End If End Sub Sub InsertGraphicFile(sURL As String, sName As String, sAlt As String) oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oDoc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent oGrp = oDoc.createInstance("") oGrp.GraphicURL = sURL oGrp.AnchorType = 1 oGrp.Name = sName oGrp.Title = sAlt oCur.Text.InsertTextContent(oCur,oGrp,true) End Sub Sub SpecifyCaption 'check if the image allows captions If thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection.ImplementationName = "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please press ESCAPE to deselect the image and recall the menu item" Exit Sub End If If IsBlockImage Then If not(HasCaption) Then sCap = InputBox("Enter a caption for the image (optional)","Caption","") If sCap <> "" Then sID = GetImageID sID = "cap"+right(sID, Len(sID)-3) GoLeft(1) InsertCaption(sCap, sID) End If Else msgbox "Image has a caption already.",0,"D'oh!" End If Else msgbox "Only block images may have captions.",0,"D'oh!" End If End Sub Sub InsertCaption(sCap As String, sID as String) InsertTag("IMGCAPTION_","<IMGCAPTION id="""+sID+""">") InsertText(sCap) InsertTag("_IMGCAPTION","</IMGCAPTION>") End Sub Sub InsertExtendedTip If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) Ret = msgbox ("Create a hidden tip?",3+32,"Extended Tip") If Ret=2 or Ret=3 Then Exit Sub End If If Ret=6 Then InsertTag("AHID_","<AHID hid="""+ID+""">") ElseIf Ret=7 Then InsertTag("AVIS_","<AVIS hid="""+ID+""">") End If If Ret=6 Then InsertTag("_AHID","</AHID>") ElseIf Ret=7 Then InsertTag("_AVIS","</AVIS>") End If End Sub Sub InsertSort CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_sort") InsertTag("SORT_","<SORT order=""asc"">","hlp_aux_sort") GoLeft(1) GoDown(1) msgbox "Remember to also specify the closing SORT tag!",48,"Don't forget to close the tag" End Sub Sub CloseSort CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_sort") InsertTag("_SORT","</SORT>","hlp_aux_sort") GoLeft(1) GoDown(1) End Sub sub InsertSection If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If dim document as object dim dispatcher as object oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oStart = oCur.getStart oCurStart = oStart.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oStart) oEnd = oCur.getEnd oCurEnd = oEnd.getText.createTextCursorByRange(oEnd) sSectionName = AlphaNum(inputbox("Please specify a section name/identifier:")) If sSectionName = "" Then Exit Sub End If If sSectionName = "" Then msgbox "No (valid) identifier -- no section."+chr(13)+"Hint: Use only A-Z,a-z,0-9 and _",48,"D'oh!" Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = sSectionName args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) If oCur.GetString <> "" Then CR_before GoUp(1) InsertTag("SECTION_","<SECTION id="""+sSectionName+""">") SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") Else GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id="""+sSectionName+""">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") End If end sub Sub ToggleParaL10NStatus If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection oCur = oSel(0).getText.createTextCursorByRange(oSel(0)) oCur.gotoStartOfParagraph(0) CharStyle = oCur.charStyleName arParaData = GetParaData sID = arParaData(0) slocalize = arParaData(1) sMsg = arParaData(2) If sMsg <> "" Then msgbox "Error in paragraph status:"+chr(13)+sMsg,48,"Error" Exit Sub End If If (sID = "") Then msgbox "Paragraph has no ID. Assigning ID.",48,"Info" InsertNewParaData arParaData = GetParaData sID = arParaData(0) slocalize = arParaData(1) sMsg = arParaData(2) End If If slocalize = "no" Then SetParaData(sID,"yes") Else SetParaData(sID,"no") End If End Sub Sub LocalizeImage oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection If oSel(0).ImplementationName <> "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please select an image" Else If Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")>0 Then oSel(0).Name = Left(oSel(0).Name,Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")-1) End If oSel(0).Name = oSel(0).Name + " localize=""true""" End If SetBorder End Sub Sub UnLocalizeImage oSel = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.getselection If oSel(0).ImplementationName <> "SwXTextGraphicObject" Then msgbox "Please select an image" Else If Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")>0 Then oSel(0).Name = Left(oSel(0).Name,Instr(oSel(0).Name," ")-1) End If UnsetBorder End If End Sub Sub ResetAllParaStatusValues REM ... to be done End Sub Sub InsertHowToGet If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = "howtoget" args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id=""howtoget"">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") ' Embed.Main(false) End Sub Sub InsertRelatedTopics If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args(6) as new args(0).Name = "RegionName" args(0).Value = "relatedtopics" args(1).Name = "RegionCondition" args(1).Value = "" args(2).Name = "RegionHidden" args(2).Value = false args(3).Name = "RegionProtect" args(3).Value = false args(4).Name = "LinkName" args(4).Value = "" args(5).Name = "FilterName" args(5).Value = "" args(6).Name = "SubRegion" args(6).Value = "" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertSection", "", 0, args()) GoUp(1) InsertTagCR("SECTION_","<SECTION id=""relatedtopics"">","hlp_aux_section") CR SetParaStyle("hlp_aux_section") InsertTag("_SECTION","</SECTION>") GoUp(1) SetParaStyle("hlp_default") End Sub sub UnsetBorder rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem define variables dim document as object dim dispatcher as object rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem get access to the document document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args1(7) as new args1(0).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftBorder" args1(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(1).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftDistance" args1(1).Value = 10 args1(2).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder" args1(2).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(3).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance" args1(3).Value = 0 args1(4).Name = "BorderOuter.TopBorder" args1(4).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(5).Name = "BorderOuter.TopDistance" args1(5).Value = 0 args1(6).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomBorder" args1(6).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args1(7).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomDistance" args1(7).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderOuter", "", 0, args1()) rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args2(4) as new args2(0).Name = "BorderInner.Horizontal" args2(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(1).Name = "BorderInner.Vertical" args2(1).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(2).Name = "BorderInner.Flags" args2(2).Value = 2 args2(3).Name = "BorderInner.ValidFlags" args2(3).Value = 63 args2(4).Name = "BorderInner.DefaultDistance" args2(4).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderInner", "", 0, args2()) end sub sub SetBorder rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem define variables dim document as object dim dispatcher as object rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem get access to the document document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args1(7) as new args1(0).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftBorder" args1(0).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(1).Name = "BorderOuter.LeftDistance" args1(1).Value = 101 args1(2).Name = "BorderOuter.RightBorder" args1(2).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(3).Name = "BorderOuter.RightDistance" args1(3).Value = 101 args1(4).Name = "BorderOuter.TopBorder" args1(4).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(5).Name = "BorderOuter.TopDistance" args1(5).Value = 101 args1(6).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomBorder" args1(6).Value = Array(15167232,0,88,0) args1(7).Name = "BorderOuter.BottomDistance" args1(7).Value = 101 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderOuter", "", 0, args1()) rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args2(4) as new args2(0).Name = "BorderInner.Horizontal" args2(0).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(1).Name = "BorderInner.Vertical" args2(1).Value = Array(0,0,0,0) args2(2).Name = "BorderInner.Flags" args2(2).Value = 2 args2(3).Name = "BorderInner.ValidFlags" args2(3).Value = 127 args2(4).Name = "BorderInner.DefaultDistance" args2(4).Value = 0 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BorderInner", "", 0, args2()) end sub