' *** MODULE FIND *** Dim oDialog AS Object Dim document AS Object Dim Found(0) As Object Dim nPos As Integer '======================================================= ' Main '------------------------------------------------------- ' Calls the Find routine to search in fields '======================================================= Sub Main If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("HelpAuthoring") oDialog = LoadDialog("HelpAuthoring", "dlgFind") oDoc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent Enum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration LastSearchTerm = ReadConfig("SearchTerm") If LastSearchTerm <> "" Then oTxtFind = oDialog.GetControl("txtFind") oTxtFind.Text = LastSearchTerm End If If oDialog.execute() = 1 Then oTxtFind = oDialog.GetControl("txtFind") sFind = oTxtFind.Text WriteConfig("SearchTerm",sFind) Do While Enum.hasMoreElements TE = Enum.nextElement If TE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then TP = TE.createEnumeration While TP.hasmoreElements TPE = TP.nextElement If TPE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField") Then If Instr(TPE.String, sFind) Then sDim = ubound(Found())+1 Redim Preserve Found(sDim) As Object Found(sDim) = TPE.TextField.getAnchor.getText.createTextCursorbyRange(TPE.TextField.getAnchor) End If End If Wend ElseIf TE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextTable") Then CellName = "A1" Cell = TE.getCellByName(CellName) tmpCellEnum = Cell.createEnumeration tmpCellElement = tmpCellEnum.nextElement Rows = TE.getRows Cols = TE.getColumns For RowIndex = 1 to Rows.getCount() For ColIndex = 1 to Cols.getCount() CellName = Chr(64 + ColIndex) & RowIndex Cell = TE.getCellByName(CellName) CellEnum = Cell.createEnumeration Do While CellEnum.hasMoreElements CellElement = CellEnum.nextElement If CellElement.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then TP = CellElement.createEnumeration While TP.hasmoreElements TPE = TP.nextElement If TPE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField") Then If Instr(TPE.String, sFind) Then sDim = ubound(Found())+1 Redim Preserve Found(sDim) As Object Found(sDim) = TPE.TextField.getAnchor.getText.createTextCursorbyRange(TPE.TextField.getAnchor) End If End If Wend EndIf Loop Next Next EndIf Loop If ubound(Found()) < 1 Then msgbox "Nothing found" ElseIf ubound(Found()) > 1 Then nPos = 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(1)) oDialog = LoadDialog("HelpAuthoring", "dlgRepeatFind") oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = FALSE oDialog.Execute() Else thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(1)) End If End If End Sub '======================================================= ' FindNext '------------------------------------------------------- ' Goes to the next search result position. '======================================================= Sub FindNext If nPos < ubound(Found()) Then nPos = nPos + 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(nPos)) If nPos = ubound(Found()) Then oNext = oDialog.GetControl("butNext") oNext.Enable = FALSE End If If nPos > 1 Then oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = TRUE End If End If End Sub '======================================================= ' FindPrev '------------------------------------------------------- ' Goes to the previous search result position. '======================================================= Sub FindPrev If nPos > 1 Then nPos = nPos - 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(nPos)) If nPos = 1 Then oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = FALSE End If If nPos < ubound(Found()) Then oNext = oDialog.GetControl("butNext") oNext.Enable = TRUE End If End If End Sub ' *** MODULE FIND *** Dim oDialog AS Object Dim document AS Object Dim Found(0) As Object Dim nPos As Integer '======================================================= ' Main '------------------------------------------------------- ' Calls the Find routine to search in fields '======================================================= Sub Main If not IsHelpFile Then msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile) Exit Sub End If BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("HelpAuthoring") oDialog = LoadDialog("HelpAuthoring", "dlgFind") oDoc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent Enum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration LastSearchTerm = ReadConfig("SearchTerm") If LastSearchTerm <> "" Then oTxtFind = oDialog.GetControl("txtFind") oTxtFind.Text = LastSearchTerm End If If oDialog.execute() = 1 Then oTxtFind = oDialog.GetControl("txtFind") sFind = oTxtFind.Text WriteConfig("SearchTerm",sFind) Do While Enum.hasMoreElements TE = Enum.nextElement If TE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then TP = TE.createEnumeration While TP.hasmoreElements TPE = TP.nextElement If TPE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField") Then If Instr(TPE.String, sFind) Then sDim = ubound(Found())+1 Redim Preserve Found(sDim) As Object Found(sDim) = TPE.TextField.getAnchor.getText.createTextCursorbyRange(TPE.TextField.getAnchor) End If End If Wend ElseIf TE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextTable") Then CellName = "A1" Cell = TE.getCellByName(CellName) tmpCellEnum = Cell.createEnumeration tmpCellElement = tmpCellEnum.nextElement Rows = TE.getRows Cols = TE.getColumns For RowIndex = 1 to Rows.getCount() For ColIndex = 1 to Cols.getCount() CellName = Chr(64 + ColIndex) & RowIndex Cell = TE.getCellByName(CellName) CellEnum = Cell.createEnumeration Do While CellEnum.hasMoreElements CellElement = CellEnum.nextElement If CellElement.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then TP = CellElement.createEnumeration While TP.hasmoreElements TPE = TP.nextElement If TPE.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField") Then If Instr(TPE.String, sFind) Then sDim = ubound(Found())+1 Redim Preserve Found(sDim) As Object Found(sDim) = TPE.TextField.getAnchor.getText.createTextCursorbyRange(TPE.TextField.getAnchor) End If End If Wend EndIf Loop Next Next EndIf Loop If ubound(Found()) < 1 Then msgbox "Nothing found" ElseIf ubound(Found()) > 1 Then nPos = 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(1)) oDialog = LoadDialog("HelpAuthoring", "dlgRepeatFind") oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = FALSE oDialog.Execute() Else thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(1)) End If End If End Sub '======================================================= ' FindNext '------------------------------------------------------- ' Goes to the next search result position. '======================================================= Sub FindNext If nPos < ubound(Found()) Then nPos = nPos + 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(nPos)) If nPos = ubound(Found()) Then oNext = oDialog.GetControl("butNext") oNext.Enable = FALSE End If If nPos > 1 Then oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = TRUE End If End If End Sub '======================================================= ' FindPrev '------------------------------------------------------- ' Goes to the previous search result position. '======================================================= Sub FindPrev If nPos > 1 Then nPos = nPos - 1 thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.select(Found(nPos)) If nPos = 1 Then oPrev = oDialog.GetControl("butPrev") oPrev.Enable = FALSE End If If nPos < ubound(Found()) Then oNext = oDialog.GetControl("butNext") oNext.Enable = TRUE End If End If End Sub