Proposal of StarOffice Toolbar & Menu redesign.

Christian Jansen







Table of Content




Toolbars Elements

Dock / Undock functionality

Undocked Toolbars

Customizing Toolbars

Toolbar Icons


Cultural Impact

Icon Size

Icon Feedback

Common Toolbar Buttons

General Toolbar Icons

16 Color Toolbar Icons

256 Color Toolbar Icons

32 bit Toolbar Icons


Menu Titles

Menu Parts

Item Groups in Menues

Possible StarOffice / OpenOffice redesign


This proposal describes a possible user interface redesign for / StarOffice 6.X and above. The following enumeration lists the proposed items:

All of the proposed topics have to be get more in detail, but this document is more like a first step how we could move on. This proposal has to be completed by an accessibility and controls chapter to each topic.The screen shot will replace by English ones, but I think it is not so important for understanding the context.










The intended purpose of toolbars is that they provide a strong visual access to items like things on a desk.The toolbars should provide a easy to use and self explaining user interface and item.Toolbar items are accessible via mouse, in addition they should provide access via keyboard shortcuts.Toolbar items must always provide a ToolTip. Toolbars should provide a flexible and configurable or customizable interface. If this is given the user could create his own world to solve his tasks.

Figure 1 StarOffice 6.0 Toolbars


Toolbars Elements

Each toolbar includes a grip handle to arrange the toolbar. A toolbar could contain the following items
listed below (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Toolsbars with toolbar grip handle


Dock / Undock Functionality

To enable an easy to use undock functionality for toolbars, a toolbar grip handle on the left end of the toolbar. If the use wants to move the toolbar he could drag it easily by pressing the left mouse button and drag over the grip handle of the toolbar.

If the new location is within the hot zone of an other toolbar edge, the toolbar should be docked at the edge when the user releases the mouse button. Otherwise if the new location is not within the hot zone of a edge the toolbar should be displayed as palette window.
While moving the toolbar a visual feedback should be given (Figure 3). If the user moves the toolbar into a hot zone of a docking location only the outline of the bar should be visualized. While moving over non docking are like the document area for example change the outline into a bolder dotted line to visualize a modification.

Providing support for toolbar location change makes it necessary to preserve the current position and size.

Figure 3 Toolbar move by a pointer


Undocked Toolbars

Undocked toolbars are needed to provide context sensitive tools.E.G: The user inserts a picture into a text document. After inserting the picture an undocked toolbar appears with an optimal set of items (Figure 4 & 5).

Figure 4 & 5 Same toolbar vertical and horizontal

Customizing Toolbars

A toolbar band (Figure 5)could be collapsed or expanded by clicking with the mouse pointer on the triangle located on the right end of the toolbar group. Clicking on the triangle provides a collapse of the toolbar group by one group of items (a group is defined by items between two separators).

Figure 5 A toolbar band with three toolbar groups.


After a part of the toolbar is hidden the separators between two groups changes to a control which enables the user to collapse the left group or expand the currently hidden group (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Toolbar with a hidden group.

To expand or collapse groups it is even possible to go via context menu provided by the toolbar bands. This menu is stays visible the hole time of editing the state of the items. The menu will be closed after clicking out side the menu location.

Figure 7 Toolbar with context menu

Toolbar Icons


Icons should provide people easily access to items. Like tools on a desk, for example pens, rules a rubber gum and so on. One of the most important things is consistency in design of these images. They should be in scale, orientation and color consistent. The icons must fit homogeny into its environment.

Each icon should be easily and quickly distinguishable from the other item in the toolbar.

In addition they have to provide a sufficient contrast in the image to ensure that different parts could easily identify the elements. In this context icons should not match in similarity with common controls.

Cultural Impact

Cultural impacts should always considered in icon design. Critical icons should reviewed as early as possible in the development cycle of StarOffice. The problem is that metaphors, symbols or simple image may not have the same meaning around the world. Also the use of letters and words should be avoid whenever possible.

Icon Size

Currently StarOffice uses the size 16 pixels by 15 pixels (width by height) and 26 px by 25 px, for the large ones. These formats should changed to a new format. I would recommend 16 by 16 for the small ones and 32 by 32 for the large. The the large ones should provide a transparent border, with a minimum of 3 pixels to each side.

Figure 8 StarOffice icon size

Icon Feedback

Currently the enabled items in the toolbars are sometimes hard to identify (Figure 9). A flat rectangular in prominent color and a filled area (same color like the border only with 90% transparency) helps a lot to identify the enabled items (Figure 11). To support a better tracking feedback when the mouse pointer is over the toolbar item a highlight area with a border and a drop shadow for the image. Provides a great feedback. Compare Figure 10 & 12 for this. In addition the hot (mouse over) state should have a slightly increased saturation.


Figure 9 StarOffice 6.0 Toolbar with a enabled item. Figure 10 StarOffice 6.0 Toolbar with hot (mouse over) item.
Figure 11 Proposal of an enabled toolbar item. Figure 12 Proposal of a new mouse over feedback.



Common Toolbar Buttons

Consistent use of common tool images allows the user a better transfer of learning and skills from product to product. These images may only be used like in the table below.

General Toolbar Icons

16 Color Toolbar Icons

256 Color Toolbar Icons

32 Bit Toolbar Icons


Menus are lists of items, commands, attributes or states from which the user could choose from. Menus are based on the interface principle of “see and point”. The most important advantage of menus is that: People do not have to remember command or visual items, because they could choose from a list of available option at any time they want.

Menu Titles

Menu titles should be one word that describes easily the expected items.

Figure 13 The menu bar

Menu Parts

The parts of a menu are a title, items, separators, submenu indicators, keyboard accelerators and if needed a icon in front of the item.

Item Groups in Menues

On of the most important aspect of adding items into menus is to group the items logically.In general the most important or frequently used item should be the first item of a group or the menu.How many separators are used in a menu is a aesthetic and only partly a usability decision.But in general too many separators are confusing and make reading more difficult.

Possible StarOffice / OpenOffice redesign