Accessibility Checklist

Christian Jansen

Last Change:
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Goal of this document:
This check list assists specification authors to take care about the most important accessibility issues.

Intended readership:
Specification authors, specification reviewers (Development , Quality Assurance , User Experience, Documentation)

All topics listed below should be answered with YES.

  1. Is the feature I've specified fully keyboard accessible?
  2. Have I specified a logical tabbing order?
  3. Have I specified visual alternatives for the case that the specified feature includes audio or video as output?
  4. Are for all icons and graphics text alternatives available?
  5. Does the specified feature support system system settings for font, size, and color for all user interface controls?
  6. Does the specified feature support system settings for high contrast for all user interface objects,
    including client area content
  7. Have I ensured that flash rates does not exceed 2 hertz for blinking text, objects, or other elements?

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