Libraries and Public Administrations Project


The example set by libraries throughout the world is that sharing knowledge and experience is beneficial to everyone. Parent to child, teacher to student, neighbours.

The focus of this project is to produce a CD which contains open source programs, training, and freely available information. The CD is presented so that Libraries and other Public Administrations can easily give it out. This could be as a Lending CD from Libraries or a “Pass it On” or donation CD by any organisation.

The value of the CD to people lies in its ability to introduce and teach those who are unfamiliar with the software. It also assures them that this CD is legal to share and copy. The true value to people will lie with the information they create.

The value of the CD to libraries and public administrations is that they can be safe in the knowledge that they have no liability concerning the software , technical support or any consequences of its use or distribution.


Contents of the CD

Liability Statement and Tutorials
How to download software and check it
Mozilla Firefox: a secure and fast web browser
Mozilla Thunderbird: a Safe and easy email client
Mozilla: complete email and browser suite
GIMP: GNU Image Maniputlation Program
PDF Creator: Create PDF documents from any programs
7-Zip: A file compression Program



The Mailing list can now be subscribed to and the first demonstrations available.


Libraries mailing list

Please contribute your work and experience to the libraries mailing list and let us help you, to help others, to help you.

Subscribe by sending mail to and replying to the confirmation message.

Please review the archives and familiarise yourself with the discussions that have taken place. Once you have done so, don't hesitate to join us.


