
Abstracts for Keynote Presentations and Software Freedom - Pioneering a Uniting Philosophy
Simon Phipps Sun Microsystems
"Open source development, collaborative standards creation, the Java community, web services - each of these have been motivated by the desire for software freedom, and all have been consequences of the world becoming 'massively connected'. But each phenomenon has stood alone as its respective community has striven to achieve its goal of freedom through community. This session considers the origins of the 'massively connected' phenomenon, compares the approaches to promoting software freedom described above and proposes a new model exemplified by"
Biography: Simon Phipps speaks frequently at industry events on technology trends and futures. At various times he has programmed mainframes, Windows and on the Web. Currently the Chief Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems, Inc., he was previously involved in OSI standards in the 80s, in the earliest commercial collaborative conferencing software in the early 90s, in introducing Java and XML to IBM and most recently with Sun's open source strategy. He lives in the UK, is based at Sun's Menlo Park campus in California and can be contacted via


Assessment, prospects and lesson of the adoption of OOo by the French administrations
Christian Hardy Chief of Information System Departement, Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie- Direction de la Prévision
Christophe Cazin Ingénieur Chargé Stratégie Technique, Ministère de l'Intérieur, de la Sécurité Intérieure et des Libertés Locales

Using examples from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior, the presenters will describe how was introduced into the French Administration.

The presentation will include:

  • a description of the problems encountered,
  • the reasons for these difficulties,
  • proposals for next steps, and
  • lessons learned on successful strategies for the introduction of OOo.

Lastly, the presentation will look at current position in the French Administration as a whole and the outlook for the coming year, taking into account the recent announcements from the office of the Prime Minister.


Christian Hardy: Volunteer in Fr_project from Summer 2002. He is the author of the first report that recommended the use of OOo in a French Administration. He also led the trial of using OOo in one of the most important Administrations of the Ministry of Finance.

Christophe Cazin :


The Apache Software Foundation - not just about code !
Dirk-Willem van Gulik President Apache Software Foundation

Apache code dominates most of the worlds web infrastructure; grown from the tiny Apache Web server we now have over a thousand developers working on nearly a hunderd projects covering a wide range; from Cocoon to Spam Assassin, from Xerces to Geronimo to name but a few. In this talk we'll aruge that it is not the code which matters but the community, its custom, its mores and to some extent its legal framework.


Dirk-Willem van Gulik is currently the President of the Apache Software Foundation and has served on the board since its creation. He has 15 years of Internet engineering, consulting and projects management experience. He has worked for the JRC, the United Nations, telecommunications firms and several satellite and space agencies. He participated to different international standards bodies, such as the IETF, on metadata, GIS and Internet standards. Dirk-Willem is one of the founders of; a leader in the Enterprise Information Integration field which is focusing on making the Semantic Web a reality. As such he is involved with the standards processes in for example the W3C around RDF, FOAF, URNs, RfID and RDQL whith Federated Enterprise Information integration as his specaility.

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