University Project

Lead: Louis Suárez-Potts

$Date: 2006/04/18 02:32:24 $


Last summer, Google sponsored a Summer of Code, program "designed to introduce students to the world of open-source software development." is one of the participants. Several students worked on during their summer and their reactions and insights can be read in a series of interviews.

Mission of the University Project

To encourage the use of by post-secondary school staff, faculty, and students, and to provide a central node for the development of by students, either working alone or in a class.


Increasingly, faculty and staff at post-secondary institutions, both public and private, are using Equally, more and more professors and students are considering as reasonable for learning programming and development.  This project therefore has two main aims:

In the first category, we work with the larger Marketing Project; in the second, with other extant development projects.  However, there are unique elements characterizing student work on Students may work independently; or they may work jointly, as a team; or they may be working to satisfy course requirements.

Mail List

We use for discussions on growing the use of in post-secondary institutions the list.


There are several ways one can contribute to this subproject.  If you know of a post-secondary institution using (or planning on using), let us know by sending a note to, the list for this project.  We would like to add to the list below.  We can further help by:

Second, if you are interested in developing, either individually or as part of coursework, there are several ways this project can help:

Post-Secondary Institutions Using, Developing, or Migrating to

The list below is quite incomplete. If you know of any university or college making the switch, send a note to the

College Location
Bacone College USA
Cortland University USA
University of Southern Mississippi USA
Open Source Development and Documentation Project USA
Foothill College USA
City University London United Kingdom
Southampton Solent University United Kingdom
Universidad de Murcia España
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Colombia
Melbourne University Australia