Apache OpenOffice Logo Items

The Apache OpenOffice Logo

This is the official Apache OpenOffice logo to be used as a reference to both the product and the open source community behind the product.

In order to protect the brand OpenOffice, the logo is not licensed under an open source license. As it is trademarked you are allowed to use it, if the OpenOffice logo is used to refer to our product and our community. If you wish to use the OpenOffice logo please follow the easy steps for requesting permission. Furthermore the OpenOffice.org Logo Usage Guidelines will enable you to use the OpenOffice.org logo properly.
OpenOffice.org, older OpenOffice.org logos, and the Apache OpenOffice logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
You can download the old OpenOffice.org logo as SVG or EPS .

refreshed logo

Apache OpenOffice "Orb" Logo

This trademarked item contains just the "orb" portion of the Apache OpenOffice logo.

new orb logo

Apache OpenOffice Orb Logo Pins

Apache OpenOffice 1" pins displayed in the picture below can be reordered from the link provided here if needed.
(NOTE) This is only one of many merchants that can provide this kind of service and is not specifically endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation.

logo pins in gull formation

Older OpenOffice.org Trademarked Logos

Older OpenOffice.org trademarked logos, now held by the Apache Software Foundation, can be found in this location.