Readme for the Respin of the Beta developer snapshot of the chart reimplementation  (Milestone 9b)

The chart reimplementation is still ongoing. Be aware that this version is a Beta and still contains a lot of bugs, missing features and maybe incompatibilites. So don't use it for regular work. If you create documents with this version do not distribute or keep them as they might not be correctly loaded in official builds. As this is a developer snapshot build it should not conflict with your normal version on your computer. Please don't use the 'online update' feature as this will not work with the developer snapshot.

How to install:

Just extract and start:


Just exrtact the zip file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY\openoffice_chart2_milestone9\program\soffice.exe


Just exrtact the tar.gz file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY/openoffice_chart2_milestone9/program/soffice


Just exrtact the tgz file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY/openoffice_chart2_milestone9/opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice

Multi-User Installation:

Note, that the installation is intended for single-user usage. The user configuration is stored inside the installation path, so users can usually not access the configuration, because they do not have the correct file permissions. Besides, no more than one user should access the configuration at a time.

The advantage of having this is that de-installation works like described below, by just removing the entire installation-directory.

To allow multi-user installation you have to patch the <ooo-installation-path>/program/bootstraprc (on Windows the file is called bootstrap.ini). Do the following change in this file:

			 - UserInstallation=$ORIGIN/../.ooo-dev2
			 + UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG/.ooo-dev2-chart2mst9

This will install the user configuration in the user's home directory in a hidden subdirectory .ooo-dev2-chart2mst9. If you have more than one OOo developer snapshot you should also use different names, like suggested here by adding something to the name .ooo-dev2, to avoid conflicting configuration between those snapshots.

How to deinstall:

Just remove the directory to which you extracted.