Readme for Milestone 11 ( Integration Candidate 2 of the new Chart Implementation  )

The chart re-implementation is still ongoing. Be aware that this build is not an official productive version but only provided for testing and evaluation purposes. It still may contain bugs and incompatibilites. So please don't use it for regular work. If you create documents with this version do not distribute or keep them as they might not be correctly loaded in official builds. As this is a developer snapshot build it should not conflict with your normal version on your computer. Please don't use the 'online update' feature as this will not work with the developer snapshot.

How to install:

Just extract and start:


Just exrtact the zip file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY\ooo_chart2_milestone11_windows\program\soffice.exe


Just exrtact the tar.gz file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY/ooo_chart2_milestone11_linux_intel/program/soffice


Just exrtact the tgz file to YOURDIRECTORY and start YOURDIRECTORY/ooo_chart2_milestone11_solaris_sparc/program/soffice

How to deinstall:

Just remove the directory to which you extracted.


In addition remove the subdirectory "OOo-dev2-chart2-mst11" in the "Application Data" directory in your users home directory.


In addition remove the subdirectory ".ooo-dev2-chart2-mst11" in your users home directory.