Developer notes for new chart2:

If you would like to test the new chart, you will need to use the calc, enter some values there and insert a chart as usual - via menu or toolbox. The selected data is currently always interpreted as follows: The first row is used for labels, the first column is used as categories (for the x-axis) and the series take their data from columns.

The new chart will not open at the usual position on the calc page, but in an own fullscreen window for the moment.
In front of the window you will see the new chart wizard. It is not finished yet, but can give you a first impression. On the first page you are able to select some of the offered charttypes. On the second page you are able to enter titles and check visibility of legend and grids. The second page is considered to work completly. A page to change the data range is still missing.
Pay attention that loading or saving will not work at all, so you can use the new chart only for temporary experiments at the moment.

In the following there are list of what you can try to do, what is not implemented at all and what can be used but will be reworked again anyway.

1. Largely finished / have a look if you like

known issues:

known issues:

known issues:

known issues:

known issues:
known issues:

Not implemented yet / please do not test this

3. You will be able to access and use this somehow, but the area is targeted for rework already, so please don't write bugs for this

4. Some development hacks