The Documentation Project

Getting Help 101

Welcome, Help Seeker!

You have probably got here because there is a problem that you cannot resolve or a task that you don't know how to achieve. This page won't give you the answer but it will give you an overview of the places that might have the answer to your question.

Application Help

The application help or "online help" is installed with and accessible for every user without going online. It provides a multitude of information, mostly instructions for tasks and functional reference.

You can access the application help from within by

The features of the application help are described in the help itself:

  1. In, select Help - Help from the main menu
  2. Select any link under Getting Help from the main page.

The Documentation Project

The Documentation project provides a variety of information resources that you can use to learn more about

Go back to the main project page and select one of the information sources displayed in the left column. Rest your mouse pointer over the rows to get a brief description.

Mailing Lists mailing lists are a valuable source for getting user-to-user help. Many mailing lists are mainly for working on a particular project, but there are some lists that you can use to post general questions:

Here is a list of all mailing lists with description and instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Another option is to use the forums.

Other Resources

The Support page maintains a collection of support resources, free and commercial, inside and outside of

Nothing Found?

If you still haven't found your questions answered please let us know so we can do something about it. Or even better: Join the project and help filling that gap. No cost, no obligations!

last change Apr 3, 2006 - send feedback to fpe