Distribution Project: Files To Distribute

What To Distribute

Our policy on distributing OpenOffice.org software derives from discussions that took place in the Mirrors Project. The issues were:

In the case of OpenOffice.org, this was a particularly annoying problem as new files, new localizations, new platforms are constantly being added.

New mirror structure

To be prepared with new releases in the future we have created a new structure. If you want to have more information about this then please read on in the Wiki for the
Definition of the new mirror structure


Today we distribute the following datasets:

What the directories refer to

contrib/Un-QA'd binaries, dictionaries, and other related files.
extended/Un-QA'd localized binaries and sources, Beta Releases, Release Candidates, Developer Snapshots and other related files.
localized/Binaries for localized files: /de, /fr, /ja, ... These have been tested by the community.
packages/The same like for localized/ + stable/ but sorted into packages that are devided for language regions. Please see the ".../packages/packages.txt" file for more details.
stable/At least the most recent build, e.g., /3.3.0. Each directory includes the binaries and source.

Structures and sizes of the datasets


1) You can choose if you want to distribute the localized/ or packages/ subdirs or both. It's also possible to distribute some of the subdirs in packages/ if you are not interested in all languages.

2) If you distribute localized/ and packages/ together, then the packages/ subdirs should normally contain only hard links and therefor only a few KB. If you take hard links into account when sync'ing then you don't distribute real files but their hard links only. This saves disk space and bandwith.


1) It's only a fe GB and not ~100 GB as for the main dataset because it's mostly hard links from the extended/ subdir that represent the latest release. The remaining GB comes from files that are older than the latest release.

2) If you distribute localized/ and packages/ together, then the Packages/ subdirs should normally contain only hard links and therefor only a few KB. They refer from the latest Release Candidate in extended/ to the files in localized/ + stable/. And from localized/ + stable/ into packages/. If you take hard links into account when sync'ing then you don't distribute real files but their hard links only. This saves disk space and bandwith.

Archive Servers

We also have archive servers for mirroring legacy and rarely-used content. See more details here.