2.3 m213 Snapshot - Release Notes

These notes contains changes between SRC680_m212 and  SRC680_m213.
This release will install as OOo-Dev2.3.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m213.

What's new ?

Feature title TaskId Spec. title Spec. abstract Dev. owner Spec. link Component
Insert/Title Dialog Layout Changed i13443 With the “Insert Title” dialog for charts, a user can decide which title objects in a chart are shown, and what content they have. There is a main title, a sub title and axis-titles for some axes. bjoern.milcke@sun.com speclink chart
offer to switch to a Simple 3d look in charts i14202 All 3D settings for a chart are merged into one dialog called “3D View”. It offers settings for perspective, appearance, and illumination. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
exploded 3D pies and donuts i20321 Chart Wizard Charts can be created with a new Chart Wizard. Matthias Müller-Prove /MMP speclink chart
more easy creation of charts / new wizard i20344 Chart Wizard Charts can be created with a new Chart Wizard. Matthias Müller-Prove /MMP speclink chart
enhanced logarithmic scales i26869 This specification describes the scaling behavior of charts as well as the settings for the visible interval marks and the grid lines inside the chart. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Strings for Undo in Charts i27351 Chart Undo Undo actions are represented to the user with strings. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
enhanced logarithmic scales i27694 This specification describes the scaling behavior of charts as well as the settings for the visible interval marks and the grid lines inside the chart. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Automatic axis scaling i30426 Automatic Axis Scaling This document describes how axes are scaled automatically in the new chart module. The goal of automatic axis scaling is to visualize all data points best possible in the available plot area. daniel.rentz@sun.com speclink chart
Flexible Source-Range Selection i3997 Allow users to associate source-ranges of spreadsheet data to single chart-objects in different roles, like the x-values of a data-series in a scatter chart. Especially different data series with different x-values are commonly used in competitor's applications. bjoern.milcke@sun.com speclink chart
enhanced selection handling i58161 Chart Selection Handling This document describes how the selection via mouse works in the new chart module. The goal of the mouse handling is to be predictable and easy. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Export donut charts according to spec i58457   feature-info:
Donut charts now are written to xml according to the ODF specification. Wrong files from former versions are converted during loading. As former versions are buggy they will not be able to import the new correct files correctly. So switch to the corrected version completely when you use this chart type.
Export manual scales for percent charts correctly i59288   feature-info:
Percent charts with user defined scales now are written to xml correctly. Wrong files from former versions are converted during loading. As former versions are buggy they will not be able to import the new correct files correctly. So switch to the corrected version completely when you use this kind of charts.
Menu for Charts i60358 Chart Menu Structure By activating a chart (select and double click it) the main menu structure offers commands to edit the type, style and appearance of the chart. Terminology is simplified and the menus are easier to access because the items are grouped in meaningful sections. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Chart Data Editor improved i64824 bjoern.milcke@sun.com speclink chart
New Default Colors for Charts i7019 bjoern.milcke@sun.com speclink chart
Chart-Specific Toolbars i70287 When editing a chart the user interface provides some chart-specific functions in toolbars. bjoern.milcke@sun.com speclink chart
Terms for Chart Elements i74907 Chart Object Names This document specifies the names of the different chart objects. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Terms for Chart Elements i74909 Chart Object Names This document specifies the names of the different chart objects. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
simplified 3D dialog for charts i75176 All 3D settings for a chart are merged into one dialog called “3D View”. It offers settings for perspective, appearance, and illumination. ingrid.halama@sun.com speclink chart
Automatic update for charts in Writer i55007   feature-info:
Hi, As with CWS chart2mst3: The checkbox in the dialog "Tools/Options/Star Office Writer/General" named "Charts" is now indented the same level as the "Fields" box. Also enabling/disabling the "Field" box does not have an effect on the "Chart" box anymore. Thus toggling of automatic updates for charts is now fully a flag on it's own. If that flag is set and changes to a table cell (with a chart attached) are made the chart will be updated a moment after the cursor leaves the current cell. And this is right after the formula fields in a table got updated. Thus chart will get the correct value for every field. Previously the chart was only updated if cells/rows/columns got deleted/inserted or if a cell changed that was used in a formula field of another cell. Now all changes to a cells content will trigger the automatic update for the chart object if the cursor leaves the cell. Regards, Thomas
word processing

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:


New Chart
