2.0 m165 Snapshot - Release Notes

These notes contains changes between 680_m164 and  680_m165.
This release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m165.

What's new ?

Feature title TaskId Spec. title Spec. abstract Dev. owner Spec. link Component
new shortcut ALT+F11 opens dialog for editing macros i29138 andreas.schluens@sun.com speclink ui
Cleanup in menubar.xml's i64286   feature-info:
I have removed all menu:helpid's and menu:label's attributes from all recent menubar.xml's in 'menucleanup' child workspace - they are obsolete and unnecessary. This task should affect no functionality, these attributes are not used.

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

taskpane Task pane performance improvements. m165
swqbf58 bugs bugs bugs m165
fwk37 Framework 2.0.3 fixes. m165
macosx20xfixes02 Mac OS X X11 fixes m165
impress91 Bug fixes m165
os80 Bugfixes OOo 2.0.3 m165
extras4pl m165
menucleanup Remove un-needed menu:helpid and menu:label from menubar.xml's. m165
macosx203fixes Fixes for some build issues and crashes on Mac OS X Intel m165
freebsd06 FreeBSD specific issues m165
jsc9 hotfix cws for P1 issue 134738 m165