2.0 m153 Snapshot - Release Notes

these notes contains changes between 680_m152 and  680_m153.
this release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m153.

What's new ?

no new features

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

sb42 misc 2.0.2 fixes m153
editengss01 crashreporter stacktrace fixes m153
vcl50 2.0.2 issues m153
tbe27 OOo 2.0.2 accessibility bug fixes m153
ka006 OOo 2.0.2 related bugfixes for Gallery m153
impress82 Impress/Draw bugfixes for OOo 2.0.2 m153
stlusagefix01 Fix STL abuses detected by enabling the STLport debug mode m153
rowsetdel fixing issue 55731, which involves some changes to the RowSet component, which could potentially affect all database functionality in OOo m153