2.0 m150 Snapshot - Release Notes

these notes contains changes between 680_m146 and  680_m150.
this release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m150.

What's new ?

Feature title TaskId Spec. abstract Spec. link Component
Tsonga (ts_ZA) locale data i53257 feature-info:
Tsonga in South Africa (ts_ZA) locale data available.

Moore in language listbox i53628 feature-info:
"Moore", spoken in Burkina Faso, is available in the language listbox.

Bambara in language listbox i53741 feature-info:
Bambara, spoken in Mali, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes (ba_ML).

Breton (br_FR) locale data i54501 feature-info:
Breton (br_FR) locale data is implemented.

Luxembourgish (lb_LU) language listbox entry i54818 feature-info:
Luxembourgish is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes.

English_India (en_IN) language listbox entry and locale data i54853 feature-info:
English (India) is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes. Locale data based on en_GB merged with INR Rupee currency is also implemented. This to support English language documents widely used in India.

Akan (ak_GH) language listbox entry i55146 feature-info:
Akan, spoken in Ghana, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes.

Ndebele (nr_ZA) locale data i57290 feature-info:
Ndebele (nr_ZA) locale data is implemented.

Venda (ve_ZA) locale data i57311 feature-info:
Venda in South Africa (ve_ZA) locale data is implemented.

Friulian (fur_IT) language listbox entry i58386 feature-info:
Friulian, spoken in Italy, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes.

Suppress printing/PDF export of blank pages internal
speclink word processing
Numbering related entries in the context menu i42356 speclink word processing
MailMerge wizard: e-Mail related controls now hidden if unsupported i51949 feature-info:
In OOo 2.01 those controls of the mail merge wizard that are necessary to configure mail merge to e-Mail are hidden if the e-Mail service is not available. That means that the second page "Select document type" is dropped and that on the last page the "Send merged document as E-Mail" button is hidden.
word processing

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

memory02 Memory Leaks and Errors m150
impresspresobjs refactoring of the presentation object handling in impress to prevent possible crashes m150
mtg1 Child workspace to analyse the problems with C++ destructors blocking the JVM's finalizer thread, causing the JVM to throw a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. m150
sb41 One specific change to the OOo code (getCppuType) to be able to compile with GCC 4.1; other changes in CWS gcc41. m150
epspreview when an eps is inserted into writer without a preview image attempt to use possibly installed system tools to generate one m150
configure13 configure fixes m150
hr27 Fix small CWS tooling issues, better error reporting, more cwsquery modes. m150
dicfont202 Update FontOOo and DicOOo wizards. m150
native37 OOo-Dev installation tasks m150
iconswitching1 Implementation of icon switching in OOo m149
os67 Added features for OOo 2.02 m149
hunspell Replace Myspell with Hunspell. Hunspell is an improved MySpell with Unicode and agglutinative language support and fixed ngram suggestion. License: GNU LGPL. (http://hunspell.sourceforge.net) m149
ivo13 l10n related fixes m149
locales202 New locale data and language lisbox entries for OOo2.0.2 m149
dba202c ongoing DBA bug fixing towards 2.0.2 m149
os72 Bugfixing OOo 2.0.2 m149
sb44 URE-related fixes m149
native34 PP2 installation changes m149
hr26 CWS for the first shot in optimizing the building of helpcontent2 m149
vq25 Build issues m149
tbe26 fix for Basic IDE crash m149
pj46 Update Bulgarian extras m149
native35 Problematic PP2 installation issues m149
dbwizardpp1 PP2 bugfixes for FormWizard, ReportWizard, TableWizard and QueryWizard. m148
sb37 allow basline compatible (solaris 8 + patches) builds on solaris 10 machines. m148
gslperform01 performance optimizations in gsl m148
pj43 Child workspace for small 64bit fixes and support for BlackDown Java on AMD64. m148
jsc2 used for several OOo2.0.2 fixes m148
kaddrbook implementing KAddressBook access m147
nativefixer21 Optimizing packaging process m147
unxlngs04 patches specifically for building GNU/linux sparc including build bridges with gcc4 and making rpm installation m147
dba202a misc DBA bugfixing towards 2.0.2 m147
cmcfixes21 minor tweaks to external modules to enable building with system equivalents or add ORIGIN if not m147
vq24 Build fixes m147
fwk27 Stack trace fixes with UI changes for PP2. m147
mtg2 This CWS contains fixes for issues #i55624#, #i58436# and #i58438#. It also fixes memory leaks in both the 'aBkmArr' and 'aRedArr', whereby if bug #i55624# or #i58436# occured, none of the objects in aBkmArr or aRedArr would be deleted. This has been fixed by using boost's shared_ptr implementation so that when their container objects go out of scope, the pointers will automatically be deleted. This install set is uploaded here: http://ooomisc.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/cws/upload/SRC680_mtg2.exe A new install set is ready, which was compiled with '--enable-binfilter' here: http://ooomisc.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/cws/upload/mtg2-with-sdw-filter.exe m147
pj44 Update extras for Danish, Hungarian and Turkish. Re-integrate Dutch spell checking dictionaries. m147
hr24 Changes for building with Sun Studio 11. Contains only two changes for stlport, has no influence on PP2 at all. m147
pj45 Trivial cleaning changes for 2.0.2 m147
emptypage cws for b6354161: Omit empty pages during pdf export/printing m147
rt14 One minor fix for deliver.pl to get 'stat' operations work as expected in cygwin environment (issue 59477). m147