Development digest
week 07 (2004)

by C.P. Hennessy

Spanish translation available thanks to Alexandro Colorado.

OOo 1.1.1b package for FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE.

nakata maho from the Japanese OOo community wrote to tell us about the availablity of FreeBSD package for 1.1.1b

Listing all Calc functions

chang-peng chen asked:
Does anyone know or have the document in hand? I need to get a complete list of all functions and their corresponding parameters.
and was duely answered by Niklas Nebel with a macro which lists all Calc builtin functions and Addons. For each funtion you have it's description and arguments.

Other development news

Developers Snapshot m24 released

Improvements to m24 snapshot include :

The Apache Forrect project and

I asked Reinhard Poetz about the Apache Forrest proect and it's interactions with, he responded to tell me :
Forrest is an XML standards-oriented project documentation framework based on Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the XML source content into a website via command-line, robot, or a dynamic web application. One possible XML source is Writer documents.

Currently it *only* works in the direction OO --> Apache Forrest. I integrated OO support because it offers an easy-to-use environement to edit files. Although I'm Apache Cocoon committer I don't like editing XML files in order to write documentation.

This weeks Issuezilla summary

Many bugs have been worked on and resolved (as of Monday Feb 16 2004):

 No this week Change from last week
Total issues submitted in the week 2419
Issues submitted in the week resolved or closed 303
Issues which have the status UNCONFIRMED 279
Issues which have the status NEW 1046
Issues which have the status STARTED 1082
Issues which have the status FIXED 7906
(a more detailed set of statistics is available here)

Some of the more interesting CVS developments over the last week include:

week 07 (2004):