keybinding keyboard shortcut XAcceleratorConfiguration UIConfigurationManager Paolo Mantovani How do I manage keyboard shortcuts for a given document type ?

The example code is a subroutine that shows several techniques in order to manage keybindings.

The purpose of the macro is to set a key binding (CTRL+T) in order to launch a macro (Standard.Module1.Main)

The code checks initially if the keybinding is already used.

In this case the code asks to the user if he wants to change the key and, if yes, the old keybinding is removed and replaced with the new one.

Notice the syntax used for the macro URL:

that follows the specificatios of the new OOo scripting framework (from OOo 2.0.x)

Sub SetUpKeyBinding Dim oModuleCfgMgrSupplier As Object Dim oModuleCfgMgr As Object Dim oWriterShortCutMgr As Object Dim sCommand As String Dim sLocCommand As String Dim sMsg As String Dim iMsgResult As Integer ' Initialize strings sCommand = "" ' Retrieve the module configuration manager from central module configuration manager supplier oModuleCfgMgrSupplier = createUnoService("{@see}") ' Retrieve the module configuration manager with module identifier oModuleCfgMgr = oModuleCfgMgrSupplier.getUIConfigurationManager("{@see}") oWriterShortCutMgr = oModuleCfgMgr.getShortCutManager Dim aKeyEvent As New {@see} With aKeyEvent .Modifiers = {@see} 'API const for the CTRL key = 2 .KeyCode = {@see} 'API const for the T key = 531 End With On Error Resume Next sLocCommand = oWriterShortCutMgr.getCommandByKeyEvent(aKeyEvent) On Error GoTo 0 'restore the error handler Select Case sLocCommand Case = "" 'no previous bindings oWriterShortCutMgr.setKeyEvent( aKeyEvent, sCommand ) Case = sCommand 'ok the key event is already used by our command 'nothing to do Case Else 'the key event is already used by another command sMsg = "La combinazione di tasti ""CTRL+T"" è già usata per il comando:" & Chr(10) sMsg = sMsg & sLocCommand & """." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) sMsg = sMsg & "Si desidera ugualmente usare questa combinazione per lanciare Standard.Module1.Main?" iMsgResult = MsgBox( sMsg, 1) If iMsgResult = 1 Then oWriterShortCutMgr.removeKeyEvent( aKeyEvent) oWriterShortCutMgr.setKeyEvent( aKeyEvent, sCommand ) End If End Select End Sub
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