registerContextMenuInterceptor releaseContextMenuInterceptor ContextMenuInterceptor ActionTrigger PropertySet PersistentPropertySet PropertySetRegistry CreateUnoListener Paolo Mantovani Is possible to manage context menues in OOBasic ?

I've just implemented a contextMenuInterceptor in OOBasic.

It works quite well and it's able to add and remove arbitrary menu items.

The interceptor is made with an "illegal" call to CreateUnoListener

The following step was to add the ability to add menu items.

As you know, a context menu item should be a service that supports the

The property set should contain attributes like CommandURL, HelpURL as defined in the service

The main problem is that OOBasic does not support the implementation of customized Uno services.

To workaround, I used a PersistentPropertySet instead of a customized css.beans.XPropertySet.

See the example code:

REM ***** BASIC ***** Option Explicit Global oDocView As Object Global oContextMenuInterceptor As Object Global oStore As Object Global oPropSetRegistry As Object Const MNU_PREFIX = "pmxMenu_" '_______________________________________________________________________________ Sub registerContextMenuInterceptor InitMenuFactory oDocView = ThisComponent.CurrentController oContextMenuInterceptor = _ CreateUnoListener("ThisDocument_", "") oDocView.registerContextMenuInterceptor(oContextMenuInterceptor) End Sub '_______________________________________________________________________________ Sub releaseContextMenuInterceptor On Error Resume Next oDocView.releaseContextMenuInterceptor(oContextMenuInterceptor) TerminateMenuFactory End Sub '_______________________________________________________________________________ Function ThisDocument_notifyContextMenuExecute(ContextMenuExecuteEvent As Object) As Variant Dim oSrcWin As Object Dim oExePoint As Object Dim oATContainer As Object Dim oSelection As Object Dim oMenuItem As Object Dim I As Integer With ContextMenuExecuteEvent 'contains the window where the context 'menu has been requested oSrcWin = .SourceWindow 'contains the position the context menu 'will be executed at (css.awt.Point) oExePoint = .ExecutePosition 'enables the access to the menu content. 'The implementing object has to support the 'service ActionTriggerContainer oATContainer = .ActionTriggerContainer 'provides the current selection 'inside the source window oSelection = .Selection End With 'remove all menu entries: For I = oATContainer.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 oATContainer.removeByIndex(I) Next I 'add some context menu entry oMenuItem = GetSimpleMenuItem("Entry1", "Paolo Mantovani Was Here", "") oATContainer.insertByIndex(0, oMenuItem) oMenuItem = GetMenuSeparator("Entry2") oATContainer.insertByIndex(1, oMenuItem) oMenuItem = GetSimpleMenuItem("Entry3", "Run the Snippet Creator", "macro:///SnippetCreator.Main.Main") oATContainer.insertByIndex(2, oMenuItem) ' POSSIBLE RESULTS FOR THIS FUNCTION ' This function must result one of the following values: ' ' the XContextMenuInterceptor has ignored the call. ' The next registered XContextMenuInterceptor should be notified. ' ' the context menu must not be executed. ' The next registered XContextMenuInterceptor should not be notified. ' ' the menu has been modified and should be executed ' without notifying the next registered XContextMenuInterceptor. ' ' the menu has been modified and the next registered ' XContextMenuInterceptor should be notified. ThisDocument_notifyContextMenuExecute = _ End Function '_______________________________________________________________________________ ' MENU FACTORY ROUTINES '_______________________________________________________________________________ Sub InitMenuFactory() oStore = CreateUnoService("") oPropSetRegistry = oStore.createPropertySetRegistry("") End Sub '_______________________________________________________________________________ Sub TerminateMenuFactory() Dim mNames() Dim sName As String Dim I As Integer mNames() = oPropSetRegistry.getElementNames For I = LBound(mNames()) To UBound(mNames()) sName = mNames(I) If Left(sName, Len(MNU_PREFIX)) = MNU_PREFIX Then oPropSetRegistry.removePropertySet ( sName ) End If Next I oPropSetRegistry.dispose oStore.dispose End Sub '_______________________________________________________________________________ ' Sorry: menu icon and sub-menues not supported Function GetSimpleMenuItem( sName As String, sText As String, _ sCommandUrl As String, Optional sHelpUrl As String ) As Object Dim oPropSet As Object Dim sInternalName As String sInternalName = MNU_PREFIX & sName If oPropSetRegistry.hasByName(sInternalName) Then oPropSetRegistry.removePropertySet(sInternalName) End If oPropSet = oPropSetRegistry.openPropertySet(sInternalName, True) oPropSet.addProperty("Text", 0, sText) oPropSet.addProperty("CommandURL", 0, sCommandUrl) If Not IsMissing(sHelpUrl) Then oPropSet.addProperty("HelpURL", 0, sHelpUrl) End If GetSimpleMenuItem = oPropSet End Function '_______________________________________________________________________________ Function GetMenuSeparator( sName As String ) As Object Dim oPropSet As Object Dim sInternalName As String Dim iSeparatorType As Integer sInternalName = MNU_PREFIX & sName If oPropSetRegistry.hasByName(sInternalName) Then oPropSetRegistry.removePropertySet(sInternalName) End If oPropSet = oPropSetRegistry.openPropertySet(sInternalName, True) 'constant group not supported? 'unfortunately, the only separator-type working is the "SPACE" 'regardless for the iSeparatorType passed... iSeparatorType = 1 oPropSet.addProperty("SeparatorType", 0, iSeparatorType) GetMenuSeparator = oPropSet End Function
Initial version