connect acceptor other different macro program Josef Frysak How to connect to Open Office from another Program?

First describe the UNO-URL, which describes where the acceptor is located.

Then create a bootsrap object and with this bootstrap object create a

component context object. Next get the Servicemanager of the component

context, which is an interface, and use it to create a connection service

(UnoUrlResolver). Finally tell the connection service to connect to the

previously prepared UNO-URL.

For further details see

-- identify target program unourl = "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -- create bootstrap object bootstrap = uno.wrap(.bsf~new("{%see}")) -- create the Component Context x_ComponentContext = bootstrap~createInitialComponentContext(.nil) -- get the UNO Service Manager s_UnoServiceManager = x_ComponentContext~getServiceManager() -- create an UNO connection interface urlresolver = "{%see}" s_UnoUrlResolver = s_UnoServiceManager~createInstanceWithContext(urlresolver, x_ComponentContext) x_UnoUrlResolver = s_UnoUrlResolver~{%see} -- connect to Open Office and retrieve "StarOffice.ServiceManager" service s_ServiceManager = x_UnoUrlResolver~resolve(unourl) ::requires UNO.CLS
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