/singletons/com.sun.star.utils.theMacroExpander macrofield micro deployment addons registry Paolo Mantovani Jürgen Schmidt Daniel Boelzle Tom Schindl I'm searching a way to deploy arbitrary files (for example a text file or whatever) with my Basic Add-ons

This is what I found in the dev guide:


4.9 Deployment Options for Components

- 4.9.1 UNO Package Installation

-- Package Structure


Arbitrary Files

Arbitrary files are copied into the UNO packages cache. You can, for instance, deploy an image for add-on menus with the package, or any other file needed by your component. The OpenOffice.org configuration is used to find out in which path this file is located in a particular installation


I'm able to navigate the configuration tree by API, but this sound not very clear to me.

Should I add an xml entry in the addon.xcu file ? how?

How can I retrieve the path of my arbitrary file by using the configuration API from Basic?

Or perhaps should I parse the uno.ini file to know the path of the packages cache ?

Add e.g. a string entry to your addons.xcu, using %origin%. The token %origin% will be replaced with the actual cache directory of the .xcufile, so you can point to a file next to your addon.xcu, e.g. %origin%/my_file.txt

You have to keep in mind that you get a macrofied url when retrieving

the string out of configuration, e.g.


If you need a file url, you have to

1. cut out the scheme-specific-part (everything behind vnd.sun.star.expand:)

2. decode that part (%xx etc)

3. expand the result using the macro expander object you get fromcomponent content: key is "/singletons/com.sun.star.util.theMacroExpander"

hope this helps, regards,


if you need your own configuration you should define and deploy your own configuration schemata (*.xcs) and an appropriate configuration file (*.xcu) with your component. It make no sense to reuse exsisting values in the Addons.xcu with maybe a different meaning but the same type you need.

Think about a special configuration schemata for your component.


REM ***** BASIC ***** ' To run this example you should have installed ' the SnippeCreator package 'http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/10649/SnippetCreator.zip Sub MacroExpander_Example() 'Load the "Tools" Library BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools") 'retrieve the URL from the registry oKey = getRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Office.Addons/AddonUI/Images/") oImage = oKey.getByName("org.openoffice.Office.addon.codeSnippetCreatorImage") sURL = oImage.UserDefinedImages.ImageSmallURL Print sURL 'cut the vnd.sun.star.expand: part sURL = Join(Split(sURL, "vnd.sun.star.expand:")) Print sUrl 'Expand the macrofield expression oSM = getProcessServiceManager oMS = oSM.DefaultContext.getValueByName("/singletons/com.sun.star.util.theMacroExpander") sURL = oMS.ExpandMacros(sURL) Print sURL End Sub
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