How is it possibilities to manipulate data in a database and to set up queries to get a result set?

One possibility is the usage of the RowSet service. This possibility is not as advanced as using the statement object.

/* get the service manager */ xContext = UNO.connect() xMcf = xContext~getServiceManager /* create RowSet object */ xRowSet = xMcf~createInstanceWithContext(- "{%see}",xContext)~{%see} say "RowSet created!" /* set the properties which are needed to connect to a database */ xPropertySet = xRowSet~{%see} xPropertySet~setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", "mysql-test") xPropertySet~setPropertyValue("User", "stefan") xPropertySet~setPropertyValue("Password", "apple") /* choose the CommandType TABLE and set the command */ xPropertySet~setPropertyValue("Command", "test.sales") xPropertySet~setPropertyValue("CommandType", box(- "int",bsf.getStaticValue("{%see}", "TABLE"))) /* now execute the previous specified command */ xRowSet~execute say "RowSet executed!" /* process the ResultSet */ say "Results:" xRow = xRowSet~{%see} DO WHILE xRowSet~next <> .false name = xRow~getString(1) price = xRow~getString(2) price2 = xRow~getString(3) say name"-"price"-"price2 END say say "---Infos---" /* show amount of returned rows*/ say "There are:" xPropertySet~getPropertyValue("RowCount") "rows" /* show the currently used command */ say "Used Command:" xPropertySet~getPropertyValue("ActiveCommand") say "-----------" say /* destroy the created RowSet */ xComp = xRowSet~{%see}~dispose say "RowSet destroyed!" ::requires UNO.cls -- get UNO support