40000 set stage for increase N 40002 advanced 1 to 75 V 40002 climbed 2 to 32 V 40002 firmed 7 to 37 V 40003 rose 3 to 86 V 40003 gained 1 to 102 V 40003 added 3 to 59 V 40003 advanced 7 to 62 V 40004 rose 3 to 123 V 40006 was performer among groups N 40006 rose 3 to 33 V 40006 gained 1 to 44 V 40006 added 3 to 18 V 40006 climbed 3 to 39 V 40007 rose 5 to 34 V 40007 gained 1 to 25 V 40007 rose 1 to 22 V 40007 added 1 to 15 V 40008 climbed 1 to 58 V 40008 added 1 to 40 V 40009 advanced 3 to 28 V 40009 gained 3 to 1 V 40010 fell 3 to 19 V 40010 slipped 5 to 44 V 40010 restore service to areas V 40011 added 1 to 65 V 40012 shut pipeline in area N 40013 rose 1 to 49 V 40013 eased 1 to 19 V 40014 reported damage to facilities N 40015 eased 1 to 31 V 40015 lost 1 to 81 V 40016 eased 3 to 22 V 40016 slid 3 to 24 V 40016 dropped 1 to 21 V 40016 fell 5 to 29 V 40018 offered 300 for UAL V 40020 rising 3 to 74 V 40021 withdrew offer of 120 N 40023 added 1 to 65 V 40024 repeated recommendation on stock N 40024 raised estimate by cents V 40025 advanced 5 to 63 V 40026 dropped 3 to 36 V 40027 lowered estimates on company N 40031 rose 1 to 22 V 40033 posted jump in profit V 40033 reflecting strength in businesses N 40038 disclosed information about performance N 40039 reflecting effect of change N 40040 suspend operations for period V 40042 produces gold at cost V 40043 write value of mine N 40043 write value by dollars V 40046 selling software for use V 40050 require assistance from software V 40051 reported loss in quarter V 40055 had earnings of million N 40055 had earnings in quarter V 40055 including loss from operations N 40056 included charge for payments N 40059 give price in range N 40060 buys shares at price V 40061 representing % of shares N 40061 established range for buy-back V 40065 rose 1 to 61.125 V 40066 slipped % despite gain V 40074 buy steam from station V 40079 had loss of million N 40081 paid dividends of million N 40081 exchanged stock for debt V 40083 attributed improvement to earnings V 40084 restructured debt under agreement V 40086 launching restructuring of business N 40086 took charge for quarter V 40087 close 40 of facilities N 40087 cut jobs from payroll V 40090 sell businesses to Inc. V 40092 took charge of million N 40092 took charge in quarter V 40096 buy % of Finanziaria N 40097 pay lira for station V 40098 's sort of situation N 40098 protects companies from creditors V 40099 draws % of viewers N 40099 has debt of lire N 40100 take % of Odeon N 40108 provided number for people V 40110 issued edition around noon V 40112 supply services to Center V 40113 estimated value of contract N 40113 estimated value at million V 40113 selected bidder for negotiations V 40115 reopen negotiations on contract N 40116 requested briefing by NASA N 40117 climbed % to million V 40126 hurt margins for products N 40127 see relief in costs V 40127 offset drop in prices N 40129 had shares on average V 40133 establishing reserve of million N 40135 check soundness of buildings N 40136 has beds at disposal V 40137 forked 150,000 of money N 40137 forked 150,000 for purposes V 40139 sending them to Francisco V 40140 recommended month by officer V 40148 resisting pressure for rise N 40155 approved formation of company N 40155 pursue activities under law V 40157 generated million in profit N 40158 meeting requirements under law N 40160 consolidate Bank into institution V 40161 save million in costs N 40162 completed acquisition of publisher N 40165 told staff of Ms. N 40171 been target of lobbyists N 40174 keep watch on content N 40179 gets mail in month N 40181 took Ms. with acquisition V 40182 owns % of Matilda N 40183 pumped 800,000 into Matilda V 40191 sold summer to Group V 40191 sell interest in Woman N 40191 sell interest to Lang V 40193 be entry into magazines N 40196 saw losses in circulation N 40204 named Taber as publisher V 40205 retain post as publisher N 40206 finance buy-back of interest N 40209 have enough on plate V 40210 is plenty of work N 40211 cleared purchase of unit N 40211 have impact on consumers N 40213 hold share of market N 40214 removing matter from jurisdiction V 40215 posted income of million N 40215 continuing rebound from losses N 40216 posted loss of million N 40218 gained 2.25 to 44.125 V 40220 totaling million over years V 40225 issued letter of reproval N 40225 forbidding discrimination against employees N 40226 write letters of apology N 40228 accept resolution of matter N 40230 file complaint with Committee V 40233 are carriers in Southwest V 40236 have value of million N 40237 owns % of Mesa N 40240 reported jump in profit N 40246 contributed million to net V 40248 reported net of million N 40249 post loss of million N 40249 adding million in reserves N 40250 has billion of assets N 40250 had income in quarter N 40251 report earnings for quarter N 40255 take total of million N 40256 announced offering of % N 40258 had income of million N 40259 report milllion in charges N 40259 report milllion for quarter V 40259 reflecting settlement of contracts N 40260 take charge against operations N 40262 owns reserves in Southwest N 40263 negotiated agreement with creditors N 40267 make repayments in installments V 40274 included gain of million N 40280 taking redoubt in delegation N 40281 gives victory in elections N 40282 won % of vote N 40283 was embarrassment for Republicans V 40285 carried all but one N 40287 called companies with facilities N 40287 called companies in bid V 40288 reached all of companies N 40295 had damage to headquarters V 40296 had damage to track V 40297 work ship with delays V 40305 had power at headquarters V 40307 had damage at buildings V 40312 conducting business from lot V 40318 had damage to headquarters N 40318 closed two of buildings N 40328 had damage in stockroom V 40334 including operation in Alto N 40337 had damage at headquarters V 40340 was production of models N 40341 assessing damage to suppliers N 40341 handle shipments to plant N 40343 be suspension of manufacturing N 40343 be suspension for period V 40345 has employees in area V 40347 were injuries among workers V 40349 had damage beyond trouble N 40351 expects impact on business N 40355 doing business in protectors N 40358 resume operations over days V 40360 opened center for service N 40360 opened center as part V 40361 had damage to building N 40366 had damage at plant V 40369 halted manufacturing at plants V 40371 was damage to stores N 40379 caused delay in release N 40379 sustained damage to buildings N 40381 manufactures drives for computers N 40384 transporting products to stores V 40385 had damage to building V 40388 be damage to some N 40389 had damage to tracks N 40390 restored lines between Francisco V 40398 assessing damage at plant N 40398 is furnaces for production N 40403 began task of trying N 40404 blaming disaster on construction V 40406 raise questions about ability N 40407 connect Oakland with Francisco V 40407 build stretch of highway N 40409 bring double-decking to freeways V 40410 add deck for pools N 40410 add deck above median V 40411 fight introduction of double-decking N 40413 measured 6.1 on scale N 40416 withstand temblor of 7.5 N 40418 attributed destruction to reinforcement V 40420 lacked number of ties N 40421 uses variation of design N 40422 caused core of columns N 40424 tie decks of freeway N 40424 tie decks to columns V 40429 Given history of Area N 40430 defended work on Freeway N 40432 had earthquake of duration N 40433 wrapping columns in blankets V 40437 rejected offer of 8 N 40438 urged holders of debt N 40440 began lawsuit in Court V 40443 reignite talks between Co. N 40450 acquire control of company N 40451 buy shares for 4 V 40452 given control of % N 40453 receive share of stock N 40454 recommend plan to board V 40455 exploring development of plan N 40455 boost value of company N 40455 boost value for holders V 40456 holds % of Merchants N 40456 retained bank for advice V 40457 provide him with information V 40460 project image of House N 40461 want repeat of charges N 40462 got briefing of day N 40462 got briefing at a.m. V 40463 taken calls from President V 40463 made statement of concern N 40463 received report from Agency N 40465 be carping about performance N 40465 took hit for reaction V 40468 reported jump in profit N 40468 reported jump for year V 40471 rated 6.9 on scale N 40472 was 10 to times N 40479 was miles from epicenter N 40481 drive piles on it V 40482 cited example of district N 40485 got lots of buildings N 40486 leaving wedge of floor N 40486 leaving wedge of floor N 40490 do something about it V 40491 release tension along faultlines N 40497 market version of brand N 40497 beginning week in Charlotte V 40500 surrounding change of formula N 40500 clutter name with extension V 40503 increase volume of brand N 40504 limited growth throughout industry V 40505 leads Pepsi in share V 40505 trails Pepsi in sales V 40508 studying possibility for year V 40511 picked way through streets V 40512 finding survivors within steel V 40513 caused billions of dollars N 40513 caused billions along miles V 40515 played Tuesday in Park V 40517 oversaw building of Wall N 40518 following surgery in August N 40519 ruled sharing of power N 40522 ending domination in country N 40522 regulating elections by summer N 40522 establishing office of president N 40523 renamed Republic of Hungary N 40526 launched probe on flight V 40528 return Monday to California V 40529 urged patience over demands N 40530 follow hint of weakening N 40532 marked decline in rate N 40533 rose % to 13,120 V 40535 risk conflict with U.S. N 40535 risk conflict over plan V 40538 oppose seating as delegate N 40539 told summit in Lumpur N 40542 giving role in government N 40543 following murder of justice N 40544 claimed responsibility for slaying N 40546 named president of Properties N 40548 appointed president of Systems N 40550 slipped % from quarter V 40551 broke streak of quarters N 40557 earn 14.85 for year V 40558 acquire % of Inc N 40559 dilute earnings per share N 40561 blamed drop on factors V 40561 made exports from U.S. N 40561 made exports from U.S. N 40562 was increase in costs N 40572 Given frustration with victories N 40575 whipping conglomerate of groups N 40575 whipping conglomerate into force V 40578 mind credentials for ground N 40580 engaged nominee in contest V 40580 stretch Constitution in area V 40582 painted picture of reading N 40582 reading prejudices into Constitution V 40585 punish them in elections V 40591 travel journey with trail V 40593 swallowed case for culture N 40595 discover it in Bickel V 40597 leaves decisions in democracy N 40597 leaves decisions to executives V 40601 apply right to abortion V 40603 allow happening like circus N 40605 taking risk on outcome N 40606 receive minimum of million N 40606 receive minimum for collection V 40608 resembles underwriting by bank N 40610 sell securities at price V 40613 earned % of total N 40614 taking chunk of proceeds N 40615 guarantee seller of work N 40617 has interest in property V 40619 have level of interest N 40622 keep collection from house V 40622 handled sales for family N 40622 handled sales over years V 40623 was question of considerations N 40624 made money on Street V 40624 become part of business N 40625 offered loan of million N 40625 offered loan to businessman V 40625 purchase Irises for million V 40626 was bid in history N 40627 has painting under key V 40629 be lot of art N 40629 be lot for sale V 40631 receive portion of proceeds N 40632 take commission on amount V 40634 announcing plans for auction N 40634 estimated value in excess V 40636 's estimate for collection N 40637 put collection on block V 40638 owns % of Christie N 40641 has problem with houses N 40642 put light on things V 40645 lay half for this V 40646 snatched collection from bidders V 40647 gets commission from buyer V 40648 reforming country in crisis N 40652 be version of Honecker N 40653 followed path as Honecker N 40654 is member of Politburo N 40655 get reunification on ground V 40656 make efforts at reform N 40657 abandoning reason with it N 40659 need bit of time N 40661 find refugees at gates V 40663 close border to Czechoslovakia N 40663 install lights in spots V 40664 turn itself into Albania V 40665 kept police off backs N 40665 kept police at celebrations V 40669 recall ideals of period N 40669 recall ideals in country V 40671 is land of socialism N 40673 been ideology of socialism N 40675 runs risk of disintegrating N 40676 increases trade with Germany N 40676 convert itself into annex V 40677 's logic at work V 40677 prove failure in experiment V 40677 uses people as controls V 40680 greeted Gorbachev at airport V 40685 were result of actions N 40690 is editor of Street N 40691 FACING billions of dollars N 40693 expecting disruption in shipments N 40694 singled stocks of companies N 40696 raise tags of deals N 40699 sank % in September V 40700 following decline in August N 40701 buy billion of shares N 40705 seeking terms in bid V 40707 fell 6.25 to 191.75 V 40709 gained 4.92 to 2643.65 V 40711 including sale of units N 40712 cited turmoil in markets N 40713 removes it from business V 40715 post loss because sales N 40716 reach accord with Motors N 40716 reach accord within month V 40717 refinance Tower for million V 40718 find buyer for building N 40719 put division for sale V 40719 setting scramble among distillers V 40729 triggered round of sales N 40729 triggered round in trade V 40729 expect impact of quake N 40731 show resilience in face V 40732 predict climb for unit N 40736 injected reserves into system V 40736 avert repeat of debacle N 40738 keep liquidity at level V 40743 dropped points in trading V 40746 detract attention from transactions V 40747 show uptick in inflation N 40748 show rise in inflation N 40749 rose 1.30 to 368.70 V 40755 reach Francisco by telephone V 40757 shot cents to 20.85 V 40761 shut operations as precaution V 40764 ending day at 20.56 V 40771 have impact on markets V 40774 declined cents to 1.2645 V 40776 take two to months N 40776 produce copper in quantities V 40781 are suppliers of copper N 40781 buying copper on market V 40782 bought copper in London V 40784 switch concentration to side V 40785 dropped % from August V 40794 bought tons of sugar N 40796 slipped % to million V 40797 signal supplies of beef N 40799 fatten cattle for slaughter V 40804 prevent rejection of organs N 40807 been obstacle in transplants N 40808 using drug in February V 40813 consider it like one V 40814 is times than drug N 40816 made penalty for success N 40817 takes years to years N 40818 expand program beyond University V 40818 performs transplants in world N 40819 cut stays by % V 40819 reduce number of tests N 40819 monitor dosage of drugs N 40821 had stake in drug N 40822 known effect of drug N 40827 Allowing prices for necessities N 40827 shorten lines at stores N 40828 place value on them V 40830 receive relief for family N 40830 receive relief at prices V 40832 coordinate allocation of resources N 40835 take advantage of situation N 40835 face people of Carolina N 40837 deserves A for efforts V 40838 gets A for recital V 40839 Give him for failure V 40839 understand ethics of equity N 40843 alter distribution of income N 40843 alter distribution in favor V 40850 discourage preparedness in form N 40853 donating food to people V 40853 be any of us N 40865 ship goods to Houston V 40868 are accomplishment for him N 40872 considering value of time N 40873 have question for Laband V 40876 be season for revivals N 40879 remains center of movement N 40880 offering version of Moliere N 40880 offering version through 4 V 40881 is comedy about Alceste N 40881 sees vanity in everyone V 40885 remained house in 1666 N 40888 have look at Falls V 40889 see corruption of Paris N 40890 took adaptation by Bartlett N 40891 slimmed cast of characters N 40891 slimmed cast to six V 40891 set them in world V 40892 transfers setting to Hollywood V 40895 Americanized it with help V 40899 opened season with Pinter V 40900 use silences to exclusion V 40907 is dissection of isolation N 40912 held sway until death V 40913 concerns homecoming with wife N 40915 overpower each of men N 40916 leaving Ruth in chair V 40918 buy piece of estate N 40921 stage Death of Salesman N 40923 turn subscribers beyond 13,000 N 40925 support construction of theater N 40928 compares importance of Steppenwolf N 40928 compares importance with Theater V 40932 be legacy to theater N 40934 enduring days of selling N 40935 jumped % to 463.28 V 40937 rose % to 453.05 V 40944 beat 1,271 to 811 N 40948 assess impact of deaths N 40950 follows stocks for Kelton V 40953 expected damage from hurricane N 40953 be catalyst for rates N 40958 fell 1 to 32 V 40959 rose 1 to 51 V 40960 jumped 2 to 59 V 40962 jumped 4.15 to 529.32 V 40962 climbed 1.72 to 455.29 V 40963 provides services for businesses V 40964 rose 3 to 21 V 40965 jumping 1 to 9 V 40966 added 7 to 16 V 40970 gained 1 to 48 V 40970 rose 3 to 10 V 40971 added 3 to 33 V 40972 slipped 1 to 17 V 40974 gained 1 to 16 V 40976 advanced 7 to 1 V 40979 expects trading at company N 40980 gained 7 to 15 V 40980 reporting loss for quarter N 40981 earned million in quarter V 40982 added 3 to 10 V 40984 rose 1 to 50 V 40986 regarding usability of batches N 40987 extended offer to 27 V 40988 match bid by S.A. N 40995 called Bradley of Jersey N 40996 dealt setback to proposal V 40997 has it in mind V 41000 persuade 10 of senators N 41000 support him on grounds V 41001 append gains to bill V 41002 Denied vote on substance N 41005 be way to victory N 41008 telephoning office of Darman N 41012 represents expectations about value N 41013 have impact on value V 41022 knocked value of stock N 41022 caused convulsions around world V 41028 followed assurances from Darman N 41033 be consideration of increases N 41034 permit vote on gains N 41036 is game in town N 41038 is president of Inc. N 41039 obtained plea from person V 41042 faces maximum of years N 41044 indicted year as part V 41047 had change in earnings N 41049 compares profit with estimate V 41049 have forecasts in days V 41051 awarded contract for acquisition N 41052 won contract for equipment N 41053 received contract for programming N 41054 awarded contract for improvements N 41055 issued contract for changes N 41056 issued billion in bonds N 41056 issued billion in offering V 41057 replace bonds with rate N 41058 save million in payments N 41059 is part of strategy N 41060 issue total of billion N 41064 following agreement with Bank N 41064 borrowing term from bank V 41068 pouring million into one V 41071 add Fund to list V 41073 trail market as whole N 41075 bought shares in purchases V 41078 received dividend of cents N 41079 sold majority of shares N 41079 sold majority in August V 41080 got 30.88 for stock V 41082 leaving himself with shares V 41083 Including sale of stock N 41083 sold % of stake N 41088 tops portion of table N 41089 doubled holdings in company N 41090 bought shares for 125,075 V 41091 is president of Co. N 41091 keeps account at firm V 41091 recommended stock as buy V 41092 had recommendation on stock N 41092 had recommendation for years V 41094 paid average of 28.43 N 41094 paid average for share V 41096 bought shares at prices V 41103 is adviser to individuals N 41105 reached week in Cincinnati V 41105 end battle for maker N 41106 sued pany in 1981 V 41106 installing carpets in office V 41108 lost million in earnings N 41110 anticipate litigation over syndrome N 41116 was fumes from adhesive N 41117 adding maker as defendant V 41124 condemn buildings in area N 41128 putting letter of credit N 41130 transform area from thoroughfare V 41132 EXPANDS role of courts N 41137 review process in country N 41142 joined firm of Scheetz N 41142 joined firm as consultant V 41143 advising office on matters V 41144 marked turn toward conservatism N 41144 proclaimed shift in direction N 41146 apply labels to term V 41155 cut supplies to Europe N 41163 supply Dutch with oil V 41166 were result of confusion N 41166 was comfort for drivers V 41167 became fact of life N 41172 include dividends on holdings N 41173 paid million before million V 41176 includes months of 12 N 41177 saw paychecks over year V 41178 reported earnings for quarter N 41179 defended salaries at Stearns N 41182 paid million before dividends N 41182 paid million for months V 41186 taking chairmanship of group N 41186 taking chairmanship from Carey V 41187 remain member of board N 41190 take role in management N 41191 joined Grenfell as executive V 41192 advised Guinness on bid V 41198 's coincidence about departures N 41199 rose % to million V 41205 yield % in 2004 N 41205 yield % in 2008 V 41205 yield % in 2018 V 41205 yield % in 2019 V 41207 priced Monday by group V 41213 received rating from Moody V 41225 brings issuance to billion V 41226 indicating coupon at par N 41227 buy shares at premium V 41228 indicating coupon at par N 41229 buy shares at premium V 41231 buy shares at premium V 41244 named officer to posts V 41244 elected him to board V 41245 is one of number N 41246 was subject of inquiry N 41247 filed information with FDA V 41248 recalling one of drugs N 41256 running company on basis V 41257 selected him for posts V 41258 restore sense of integrity N 41263 manipulating accounts for years V 41271 reduce spending in fashion V 41273 chop talk about presidency N 41277 was decision in presidency N 41277 fight war on side V 41280 was one of bills N 41283 want guarantee from leadership N 41283 get vote on bills N 41285 taking responsibility for votes N 41285 concealing them in truck V 41286 have nostalgia as anyone N 41292 was the in years N 41293 hit peak of 1,150,000 N 41293 hit peak in 1987 V 41294 auctioned dollars of bonds N 41295 was % for equivalent V 41296 redeem million of bonds N 41298 buy shares in company N 41298 buy shares at price V 41300 are % of shares N 41301 Noting approval of treatment N 41303 remove mood from market V 41307 came day after drop N 41307 fell 647.33 in response V 41308 rose points to 35015.38 V 41309 rose 41.76 to 2642.64 V 41311 outnumbered decliners with 103 V 41318 are concerns on horizon V 41319 keeping eye on Street V 41325 keep dollar in check V 41326 rose 19 to yen V 41326 gained 17 to 735 V 41327 rose 130 to 2,080 V 41328 gained 80 to 2,360 V 41329 fell points to 2135.5 V 41330 was half-hour before close N 41331 fell 29.6 to 1730.7 V 41335 hit market in midafternoon V 41336 manages trading for concern V 41341 avoided losses despite report V 41344 rose 20 to pence V 41345 finished 22 at 400 V 41346 rose 5 to 204 V 41346 rose 25 to 12.75 V 41347 raised stake in maker N 41349 eased 4 to 47 V 41350 announced plunge in profit N 41352 dropped 11 to 359 V 41352 rose 17 to 363 V 41353 was talk of sale N 41355 attributed action in them N 41355 attributed action to positioning V 41356 fell 8 to 291 V 41356 was 4 at 261 V 41357 fell 20 to 478 V 41358 fell 1 to 124 V 41359 declined 12 to 218 V 41360 posted rises in Stockholm V 41364 recovered one-third to one-half N 41364 posting gains of % N 41365 are trends on markets N 41369 include construction of plant N 41370 completed sale of division N 41371 paid million in cash N 41371 paid million to Unitrode V 41373 spend million on facilities V 41378 made lot of investors N 41378 buy sort of insurance N 41382 buying option on stock N 41384 sell number of shares N 41384 sell number at price V 41387 is type of insurance N 41395 match loss on stock N 41395 match loss on stock N 41396 establishes price for stock N 41397 sells stock at loss V 41397 sells put at profit V 41399 handle transactions through Corp. V 41402 reduce cost by amount V 41403 exceed % of investment N 41415 realize profit on puts N 41415 realize profit after suspension V 41422 buy shares at price V 41423 gives buffer against decline N 41424 reduces cost of stock N 41424 reduces cost by amount V 41427 exclude effect of commissions N 41429 streamline version in advance V 41437 keep provision in version V 41438 send version of measure N 41438 send version to Bush V 41439 took effect under law V 41442 reported volume as record V 41443 raised billion in capital N 41443 raised billion during quarter V 41446 giving factor of 0.6287 N 41448 amalgamate four of companies N 41450 increase stake in Corp. N 41452 require approval by shareholders N 41453 named director of National N 41458 caused turmoil in markets N 41463 had effect on Street N 41464 close points at 2638.73 V 41465 raises issues about decline N 41466 raises questions about problems N 41467 drew parallel to 1987 N 41470 was the in string N 41472 called figures after months V 41474 reinforced view of analysts N 41476 's improvement over year N 41477 slipping % to billion V 41478 leaped % to billion V 41479 revised figure from deficit V 41481 feeds appetite in country N 41483 increased price of products N 41486 curb demand for imports N 41487 foresee progress in exports N 41496 took step in effort V 41496 spur sales of machine N 41497 remedy couple of drawbacks N 41497 lowering price for machine N 41497 lowering price by 1,500 V 41497 chooses drive as alternative V 41498 is device of choice N 41499 founded Next in hopes V 41499 fomenting revolution in way N 41504 buying numbers for purposes V 41505 buy computer without device N 41505 buy computer for 4,995 V 41506 outfit computer with drive V 41506 supply one at cost V 41507 purchase system through Inc. V 41511 handle amounts of data N 41511 edit clips with computer V 41513 is dealer to corporations N 41513 purchase drives with machines V 41514 signal retreat from storage N 41514 play role in decade N 41518 increase sales on campuses N 41523 distributing software for it N 41526 introduce version of program N 41526 introduce version in 1990 V 41527 offer version of computer N 41528 offers computers with displays N 41529 have model under development V 41530 named president of operator N 41534 slid % to million V 41535 had income of million N 41536 had loss of million N 41537 had profit of million N 41539 attributed decline to revenue V 41539 upgrade inventories to 1.1 V 41541 saw hints of delay N 41546 ship products during quarters V 41550 start shipments of product N 41551 stem all of ink N 41554 are guide to levels N 41584 fell % from quarter V 41588 included million from businesses N 41590 rose % in quarter V 41595 included million from operations N 41598 jumped % in quarter V 41600 reflect million in dividends N 41603 had counterpart in quarter V 41604 rose % to billion V 41607 raise ownership of partnership N 41609 offered share for unit V 41612 projecting surplus for year V 41613 include receipts from sale N 41616 brought output for months N 41616 brought output to tons V 41617 gained measure of control N 41622 was president of division N 41622 was president of Inc N 41623 named chairman of board N 41625 invest million in Recognition V 41626 increase ownership of shares N 41627 increase stake in Recognition N 41627 increase stake to % V 41629 obtained commitment from Bank N 41629 convert million in debt N 41629 convert million to loan V 41631 attributed loss to revenue V 41632 indicted October on charges V 41632 win million in contracts N 41633 put agreement with Prospect N 41633 put agreement to vote V 41634 rose cents to 6.625 V 41635 slipped cents to 10.50 V 41636 offer rebates on Beretta N 41637 idle plants for total V 41638 make line at Chevrolet N 41638 fell % during October V 41639 offering rebate on Corsica N 41641 get financing at rates V 41642 submitted offer to directors V 41643 discuss details of proposal N 41645 confirmed receipt of offer N 41646 rejected proposal by StatesWest N 41647 has stake in Mesa N 41647 operates turboprops among cities V 41648 connecting cities in California N 41651 was officer of FirstSouth N 41651 receive sentence of years N 41655 report interest as income V 41656 was part of effort N 41656 hide condition from regulators V 41658 conceal agreements with Taylor N 41660 approached Mastergate with trepidation V 41663 takes sweep of scandals N 41670 confiscated one of properties N 41670 owes millions in taxes N 41674 sell assets of MPI N 41676 distinguish it from Tet V 41678 handling this for Slaughter V 41679 carry impersonations of figures N 41680 mixing brand of patriotism N 41680 is fire as senator V 41680 playing succession of lawyers N 41680 has demeanor of Bush N 41680 has demeanor in portrayal V 41683 has fun with language V 41684 subtitled play on words N 41685 describes flunky as one V 41685 handling appeals at Bureau V 41694 set office of chairman N 41694 elected Johnson as chairman V 41695 been director at Hutton N 41695 was president of Strategies N 41697 take responsibility for areas N 41698 been consultant on strategy N 41698 been consultant for years V 41699 faces number of challenges N 41699 faces number with restructuring V 41700 's shortage of things N 41701 moved date of retirement N 41701 accommodate election as director N 41703 operates market for loans N 41703 buying loans from lenders V 41703 packaging some into securities V 41703 keeping rest in portfolio V 41704 describes displacing of grandees N 41708 broke toe in dark V 41709 weighing quarter of ton N 41713 left environment for duplex V 41713 prevent hoisting of trees N 41713 hit both with lawsuit V 41714 console them for traumas V 41719 been head of company N 41719 been head for years V 41719 sold it to Phibro V 41725 surrounding changing of guard N 41730 prefers nests of birds N 41734 entitled Loathing in Boardrooms N 41742 share wealth with decorators V 41743 demand place on boards N 41747 t'aint enough of it N 41753 endowed weddings to noblemen N 41758 is president of Counsel N 41759 raised stake in Corp. N 41760 hold shares of Lockheed N 41764 credited story in News N 41767 speed cuts with U.S. N 41767 recorded narrowing in surplus N 41768 jumped % in August V 41771 do trade than pair N 41771 arrange acceleration of cuts N 41772 requested speedup of cuts N 41775 reach agreement by December V 41776 kindled interest among companies V 41777 organizing missions to states N 41779 try trips on businessmen V 41781 opened offices in Diego V 41781 bringing number of offices N 41781 bringing number to 27 V 41782 has offices in Canada V 41785 received order from Ministry V 41786 provide system for fleet N 41789 supply country with systems V 41791 receive shares for each V 41795 extended period of warrants N 41797 purchase share of stock N 41797 purchase share for 2.25 V 41799 lay % of force N 41801 sell 53 of offices N 41803 record gains of million N 41803 record gains from sale V 41804 realize gains before end V 41807 expects rate of increase N 41812 close offices in Chicago N 41814 described restructuring as effort V 41815 rose % in August V 41819 fell % from year V 41825 represented % of consumption N 41826 totaling yen in August N 41829 reading stories in press V 41829 reporting Comeback at Wang N 41830 are matters of debate N 41831 selling products of company N 41836 's lot of work N 41838 lost ground to computers N 41839 funded employment by borrowing V 41840 reported ink for quarter V 41840 provided answers to questions N 41841 avoid discussions of finances N 41844 poses problem for salesman N 41845 become experts on report N 41847 consider products on merits V 41847 assuage fears about finances N 41852 report loss for quarter N 41854 jeopardizes credibility in time V 41854 be problem for run V 41855 held positions at Polaroid N 41860 supervises network of computers N 41863 convincing president in charge N 41869 is one of assets N 41870 is analyst with Group N 41871 left company in July V 41871 sell products to Kodak V 41871 muster support from allies V 41874 sell VS to customer V 41875 left Wang for Inc. V 41879 sold system to maker V 41881 take risk with Wang V 41886 is president of Inc. N 41888 have pride in job V 41899 warned salespeople about negativism V 41900 watch us for message V 41901 Look customer in eye V 41902 rose % on strength V 41905 had profit of million N 41910 had results against million V 41914 reported gains to levels N 41914 reported gains for quarter V 41922 rose % to million V 41925 rose 1.25 to 64.125 V 41927 sell service to customers V 41927 reported jump in earnings N 41930 sees improvements in margins N 41931 take it to range V 41932 fell 2.625 to 42.375 V 41934 attributed that to plan V 41936 improve share of market N 41937 match that of AT&T N 41946 reported increase in number N 41946 added customers with total V 41947 fell cents to 55.875 V 41952 fell cents to 29 V 41956 extending contract with Co. N 41956 provide parts for jetliners N 41957 supply shipsets for planes V 41958 include edges for wings N 41959 delivered 793 of shipsets N 41959 delivered 793 to Boeing V 41963 accepted position of chairman N 41966 has interests in estate N 41967 been president of Balcor N 41968 takes responsibility for management N 41971 posted loss of million N 41972 had earnings of million N 41973 had loss of million N 41973 had loss after earnings V 41974 increased reserves by million V 41974 raising reserves to million V 41975 had profit of million N 41976 followed round of increases N 41976 reflecting decline in market N 41977 took charge of million N 41978 were losers in collapse N 41983 resurrect package at 250 V 41984 buy 250,000 at 83.3125 V 41988 left jobs at Airlines N 41988 left jobs with combined V 41989 was 575,000 with bonus N 41990 changed jobs at ones V 41990 stash kind of money N 41991 lure him from Airlines V 41991 paid salary of 342,122 N 41991 paid salary with bonus V 41992 buy 150,000 at 69 V 41998 succeeds Sherman in positions V 42001 was difference of opinion N 42006 bought 112,000 of shares N 42006 bought 112,000 in transaction V 42008 represents % of shares N 42011 reported increase in earnings N 42014 lead industry with performance V 42024 be year in history N 42029 had growth in quarter N 42033 attributed results to gains V 42038 offset decline in sales N 42038 fuel increase in sales N 42039 led growth in division N 42045 attributed growth to sales V 42048 was result of savings N 42049 took analysts by surprise V 42050 includes brands as detergent N 42051 estimated margins at % V 42056 Improving profitability of operations N 42056 is priority in company N 42057 sold business in 1988 V 42058 elected director of company N 42058 has interests in stations N 42058 increasing number of seats N 42058 increasing number to five V 42060 is projects at Inc. N 42061 have look with fixtures V 42063 poured ridicule on drawings V 42063 replaced photos in pages V 42069 been roommate for years V 42074 buying masks for kids V 42075 is result of activity N 42077 enjoy climate over term N 42081 blame it on hunter-gatherers V 42082 announce end of episode N 42084 lock us into scenario V 42087 restructure itself like corporation V 42089 create position of officer N 42090 bring accountability to agency V 42099 appoint servants from agency V 42099 scour world for officer V 42100 attract candidates from sector N 42101 spend years of life N 42104 were signature of adversary N 42106 monitoring parlors in City N 42109 collecting names of those N 42109 congratulate them during time V 42112 is chapter in relationship N 42113 following indictment on charges N 42113 is legacy of relationship N 42115 was one of convenience N 42124 remove him from power V 42126 mastered art of survival N 42129 made it through 1988 V 42130 maintain grip of throne N 42131 abandon command for exile V 42132 left him without way V 42135 is weapon against gringos N 42136 discovered the in 1959 V 42138 advance career of officer N 42138 relayed reports on tendencies N 42140 was experience for the N 42141 Born son of maid N 42142 gained admission to academy N 42145 had uniform with buttons N 42145 had uniform in country V 42145 was cult of militarism N 42145 were elite with privileges N 42148 monitoring opponents in region N 42148 tracking influence in unions N 42149 was one of contributors N 42150 was priority for leader N 42152 been 300 to 400 N 42156 gained cache of information N 42160 splashed information on handbills V 42165 was expert at bribing N 42166 revealed himself as officer V 42167 visiting prisoners in cells N 42167 visiting prisoners at headquarters V 42173 interpreted studiousness as sign V 42174 defeat attempt against him N 42178 calling him in tribute V 42178 milk services of Cuba N 42178 ran reports about Noriega N 42178 ran reports in 1977 V 42179 put stock in information V 42182 drew list of options N 42184 scold dictator on ties V 42186 became threat in 1976 V 42186 buying recordings of conversations N 42187 included wiretaps of phone N 42188 caught him with hands V 42189 cutting Noriega from payroll V 42190 get it from characters V 42192 sold information on recordings N 42192 sold information to Cubans V 42193 cancel contract with rent-a-colonel N 42193 cancel contract at beginning V 42195 indicted Panamanians on charges V 42195 running arms to rebels V 42195 overthrow government of Somoza N 42200 arrest him on charges V 42201 was Friday in June N 42204 received message from commander V 42205 postpone visit to Washington N 42208 charge Noriega on allegations V 42210 granted shah of Iran N 42210 granted shah of Iran N 42210 granted shah as favor V 42214 enforce laws of States N 42218 maneuvered way to top N 42220 put G-2 on payroll V 42223 expanded contacts with Cubans N 42224 indict Panamanian on charges V 42228 arrange attack on arsenal N 42229 win protectors in administration N 42230 played agencies like violin V 42231 maintained influence with Washington N 42233 notified Briggs of invitation V 42235 involve him in orgy V 42235 record event with video V 42236 resigning position at Council N 42237 curry favor in Washington V 42238 steal elections for party V 42239 contributed 100,000 to leader V 42241 ordering beheading of Spadafora N 42241 finger Noriega on charges V 42248 had assets in place V 42257 have him in 1988 V 42258 drop indictments in exchange V 42260 bring him to justice V 42262 is battle to death N 42269 provided estimates for company N 42272 been force in expansion N 42273 ease grip on credit N 42274 do something about this V 42279 reflected weakness in goods N 42283 expect declines in spending N 42285 seen effect of that N 42286 offset rise in assemblies N 42287 expect surge in production N 42288 is summary of report N 42293 is parent of Omnibank N 42297 is indication to date N 42299 compares rates of groups N 42300 aged 35 to 44 N 42300 was 13.4 per 100,000 N 42306 be harbinger of mortality N 42310 spends billion for promotion V 42313 restrict advertising in U.S. V 42313 violate protection of speech N 42315 attributes differences in rates N 42315 attributes differences to patterns V 42317 given smoking than blacks V 42318 comparing changes in rates N 42326 represent interests at level V 42327 recognizes influence of government N 42329 prompting swings in prices N 42330 gaining strength during run-up V 42331 bought stock on cheap V 42335 began day at 449.89 V 42335 lost % at point V 42343 take advantage of swings N 42349 benefiting a to detriment V 42349 do something about it V 42356 was day for investors N 42357 tumbled 3 on news V 42357 take charge against earnings N 42357 resolve dispute with licensee N 42360 reported losses in quarter N 42364 bring total for year N 42364 bring total to 10 V 42368 added 3 to 30 V 42370 reported increase in profit N 42373 lost 1 to 27 V 42375 dropped 1 to 5 V 42376 reported income for quarter N 42377 named president of publisher N 42379 been president for operations N 42380 take responsibilities as editor N 42382 remains editor in chief N 42385 been assistant to chairman N 42391 saw evolution of drugs N 42395 produce planet by turn V 42398 predicted famine by 1980 N 42400 produced tumors in rats V 42402 opposed methods of Environmentalists N 42403 require energy for solution V 42405 opposing search for methods N 42406 improving quality of life N 42407 rationalize priorities by solving V 42407 solving problems at level V 42409 missed points of conference N 42410 represent consensus among specialists N 42411 including one from Academy N 42412 answer question in title N 42412 create stories for itself N 42413 dictate set of solutions N 42414 deliver point of view N 42417 educating public about issues V 42419 altered physics of atmosphere N 42425 fulfilling earnings for 1989 N 42427 met estimates of analysts N 42430 included operations of business N 42434 blamed volume on prices V 42434 were % in quarter N 42435 buying soft-drinks at discounted V 42438 attributed bulk of increase N 42438 attributed bulk to costs V 42439 get prices by promotion V 42442 repurchased million of shares N 42442 repurchased million during quarter V 42443 is part of plan N 42443 acquired total of shares N 42446 include charge of million N 42449 reach agreement in principle N 42449 sell Inc. to management V 42454 has relationship with Hooker N 42455 providing million in financing N 42455 providing million to company V 42457 owns % of company N 42457 acquired interest in firm N 42457 acquired interest in 1986 V 42458 had stores in operation V 42460 approached number of suppliers N 42460 shipping merchandise to chain V 42461 causing jitters among suppliers N 42465 advising Hooker on sale V 42466 was the in series N 42468 split company in half V 42470 received bid for malls N 42470 received bid from consortium V 42472 named president of unit N 42473 been president of Inc N 42474 assume title of chairman N 42478 is talk of some N 42479 put things into schedule V 42482 replace it with newscast V 42484 is opportunity for audience N 42488 alter line-up on mornings N 42489 is no on networks N 42491 be market for programming N 42491 has ratings on mornings V 42492 replacing cartoons with version V 42494 supply network with shows V 42495 cost 300,000 per episode N 42497 had net of million N 42499 attributed slide to expense V 42500 cuts value of profit N 42506 named officer of manufacturer N 42508 was executive of Inc. N 42508 was director of Robots N 42510 been president in group N 42512 correct misquotation in article N 42515 offer therapy with drugs N 42515 offer therapy to any V 42516 reduced deaths in cancer N 42516 reduced deaths by one-third V 42518 offer hope of something N 42522 have prospects for advances N 42523 use levamisole as point V 42527 include gas in tests V 42529 criticized program as attempt V 42530 marketing gasoline for cars N 42531 conduct testing to date N 42532 compare blends of gasolines N 42532 compare blends with mixtures V 42533 test gasolines on technologies V 42534 was estimate for phase N 42538 supported move on Hill N 42538 selling cars by 1995 V 42539 mentions gasoline as alternative V 42542 inherited problems of Lincoln N 42543 made comments before hearings V 42543 be disaster in industry N 42544 cover actions of Jr. N 42546 made findings in one V 42547 buying estate from one V 42548 put Lincoln into conservatorship V 42549 was part of pattern N 42549 shift deposits to company V 42549 used deposits as cache V 42556 received 48,100 in contributions N 42556 received 48,100 from Keating V 42560 received contributions from Keating V 42562 pursue role of senators N 42563 pumped million into Lincoln V 42564 held hope of restitution N 42565 buying certificates of deposit N 42566 have plans at time N 42567 devise approaches to reorganization N 42568 told committee in meeting N 42574 made mention of response N 42575 discussing plan with creditors V 42577 sell billion in assets N 42582 leave it with cash V 42583 leave carrier than one N 42585 having problems with revisions N 42588 miss projections of earnings N 42588 miss projections by million V 42589 miss mark by million V 42596 hold dollars from sales N 42597 have million in cash N 42602 has rights for period N 42610 SIMPLIFYING tax before 1990 V 42613 backed plan in bill N 42615 getting it into bill V 42616 has priority on side V 42618 resolve issue with legislation V 42621 deduct losses on 1989 V 42625 DELAYS deadlines for victims V 42627 is % of liability N 42628 describes relief for victims N 42629 pay tax by 15 V 42632 grants relief for returns V 42633 were perks for staffers N 42636 are targets of drive N 42637 announced filing of actions N 42638 file 5498 with copies V 42640 was reputation for honesty N 42641 justify caches to IRS V 42642 told story to Court V 42643 escape tax on income N 42643 deposited 124,732 in account V 42643 reporting income of 52,012 N 42644 saved 47,000 in 1974-81 V 42644 abandoned family in 1955 V 42646 offered evidence of sources N 42647 made gifts of 26,350 N 42658 sent helicopters in pursuit V 42660 limit bikes to roads V 42663 is one of storms N 42664 asserting right as taxpayers N 42665 prompted pleas from Sierras N 42665 ban them from country V 42666 become vehicles of terror N 42670 following lead of parks N 42670 closed paths in parks N 42670 closed paths to bicycles V 42671 consigns them to roads V 42674 permits vehicles on thousands V 42674 close lands to bikes V 42674 including portions of the N 42677 allow cycles in areas V 42678 created something of rift N 42678 created something in organization V 42679 lumps bikes into category V 42681 careening trail on them V 42681 echoing concerns of members N 42683 got taste of wilderness N 42683 got taste as hikers V 42685 lobby managers over issues V 42695 entered production in 1981 V 42698 make it into country V 42700 is bastion of sport N 42702 is home to Bike N 42703 attracted visitors than week N 42704 be combination of technology N 42712 buy bonds for safety V 42714 cut rally in bonds N 42715 finished points at 2638.73 V 42718 breathing sigh of relief N 42722 sent signal of determination N 42723 keep lid on rates V 42723 pumped money into system V 42730 make trouble for market N 42730 make trouble for two V 42734 ending day at % V 42737 produce versions of issues N 42739 is venture of Co. N 42750 offset weakness in pulp N 42750 fuel jump in income N 42751 reported profit of million N 42753 posted rise in profit N 42761 increase reserves for loans N 42761 making addition to provision N 42763 bring provision for loans N 42763 bring provision to billion V 42765 Get problem behind you V 42766 had capacity for time V 42768 posted loss for quarter V 42768 adding million to reserve V 42773 setting world on fire V 42777 said payments from Argentina N 42778 narrowed loss to million V 42779 take provision for loans N 42781 called gains of million N 42783 maintaining expenses in proportion V 42785 generate one of margins N 42785 minimizing drop in margin N 42785 minimizing drop with growth V 42790 reverse rise in loans N 42797 brought reserves for loans N 42797 brought reserves to billion V 42797 covering % of loans N 42800 take part in lot N 42800 take part in quarter V 42803 cited income from sources N 42807 set date for elections N 42807 cost control of government N 42808 retain control with majority V 42811 be vote for Gandhi N 42812 called elections for house N 42812 called elections on 24 V 42815 be test for minister N 42821 's feeling of indignation N 42822 judging regime by policeman V 42823 be protest against failure N 42824 retains control of government N 42825 call liberalization of economy N 42832 made mess of years N 42833 field candidates in precincts V 42835 fields candidates in % V 42836 announces list of candidates N 42837 be one of points N 42838 signed contract with Bofors N 42843 blocked passage of bills N 42844 was time in years N 42845 become cry against government N 42848 had hope in leader V 42853 is reputation of opposition N 42856 fear repeat of experience N 42860 confirming payment of 40 N 42862 disclose names of middlemen N 42864 received consideration in transactions V 42866 admits payments of million N 42869 reports lapses in evaluation N 42871 disclose names of middlemen N 42871 received kickbacks from company V 42873 publishes portion of report N 42876 hold % of shares N 42877 seen filing by Parsow N 42878 seek support of board N 42883 keep watch on market N 42889 paid attention to operations V 42890 injected cash into system V 42890 arranging billion of agreements N 42890 arranging billion during period V 42891 keep lid on rates V 42896 considered signal of changes N 42904 boost size of issue N 42904 boost size from billion V 42908 announce size of sale N 42908 announce details of offering N 42909 offer billion to billion N 42912 priced bond for banks N 42913 had impact on market V 42924 dominated attention in market V 42926 operates one of systems N 42927 was part of plan N 42931 reflected the in market N 42934 supported prices of Mac N 42937 yielding % to assumption N 42941 accept today for lists N 42945 set pricing for million V 42958 provides increase for development N 42960 gives authority to administration V 42960 facilitate refinancing of loans N 42961 met opposition from bankers N 42964 subsidizing loans above % N 42964 subsidizing loans under program V 42964 yield million in savings N 42965 cast fight as stand V 42966 are stewards of companies N 42967 won approval of million N 42969 steer it from aid V 42973 covers collection of accounts N 42974 raise ceiling on loans N 42974 faces opposition in House N 42975 put bill over budget V 42976 complicate picture in 1991 V 42976 commits Congress to set V 42976 including funds for station N 42977 promised billion within billion N 42978 continue work on satellite N 42979 setting limit of billion N 42979 appropriated million for start-up V 42980 receive increases beyond those N 42982 become vehicle for lawmakers N 42982 earmark funds for projects N 42984 preserve balance between House N 42987 passing House on call V 42989 are areas from standpoint V 42990 is opposition to riders N 42991 renewing support for Fund N 42993 taking views into account V 42995 be level of impassiveness N 42998 posted advances of cents N 43001 fix price for gold N 43007 is rush on part N 43008 bear memory of 1987 N 43010 having impact on gold N 43011 is incentive on part N 43011 retain some of quality N 43017 having impact on market N 43020 assess action in market N 43028 accept delay of shipments N 43031 deferring shipments in years V 43034 hurt sales of beef N 43041 placed billion in securities N 43041 placed billion under review V 43044 enhance position in business N 43048 guarantee extinction of elephant N 43056 described conservationists as puppies V 43056 know thing about Africa N 43058 generates pleas for aid N 43061 make billion in loans N 43066 seek help for owners N 43070 deleting repeal from bill N 43075 push lawmakers toward solutions V 43078 recommend repeal of 89 N 43082 selling furniture to agencies V 43086 join compromise on legislation N 43087 increase warranty on systems N 43087 increase warranty to years V 43091 oppose increase in length N 43095 take jobs with concerns N 43096 produce assembly for Army N 43098 assume position of president N 43098 assume position upon retirement V 43099 was executive of Corp. N 43100 affiliating Fletcher into One V 43103 raise billion in cash N 43103 raise billion with sale V 43103 redeem billion in maturing N 43106 lowered ratings on million N 43107 downgraded notes to single-B-1 V 43108 paying dividends from series V 43111 left Afghanistan in February V 43119 support clients by means V 43122 provide clients in Kabul N 43122 provide clients with assistance V 43122 including return of forces N 43123 was addition of caveat N 43134 protect regime against resistance V 43138 including troops of Ministry N 43140 are hostage for behavior N 43142 signed agreements for experts N 43142 replace some of personnel N 43150 are anathema to public N 43152 surrender city to moderates V 43153 sent Hekhmatyar with demand N 43158 faced minefields without detectors N 43160 resumed aid to months N 43169 directs program on Asia V 43170 stirred soul of Reagan N 43177 been champion of cause N 43181 say something about it N 43182 kicking father in pants V 43186 struck deal with leaders N 43186 provide aid to Contras V 43187 win aid for rebels V 43189 be force without arms V 43190 urging members of Congress N 43190 approve financing for campaign N 43191 restore some of funds N 43192 veto bill with funding N 43193 prevent damage to SDI N 43197 spells trouble for Wars N 43201 heads Center for Policy N 43202 boosting spending on SDI N 43203 have fire at moment N 43204 is president of Institute N 43205 raise profile of causes N 43210 be wind in sails N 43212 accepted resignation of Allen N 43216 was episode in saga N 43218 called prospect of speech N 43220 began it with warning V 43220 opposes rights for homosexuals N 43221 persuade you to view V 43223 assimilate status of blacks N 43223 assimilate status to that V 43226 criticized idiocy of notions N 43227 ensure treatment under law N 43227 risk retrenchment with complicity N 43231 teaches government at College V 43231 remain member of commission N 43233 elevated concept of rights N 43233 elevated concept above rights V 43234 is divide between view N 43236 is substitute for argument N 43237 is embarrassment to purpose N 43240 become chairman upon retirement V 43242 was executive of distributor N 43242 was executive from 1982 V 43244 been president since 1983 V 43245 joined Bearings in 1988 V 43246 been director since 1985 V 43247 are part of succession N 43248 opened exhibition in Moscow V 43248 touring some of stalls N 43248 representing companies as Corp. V 43251 underscores interest in market N 43252 spent time at stand V 43258 lowered trust in Japan N 43261 parcel powers to republics V 43261 reflect changes in federation N 43262 gave government until 15 V 43263 reflected confidence of the N 43264 abandoning project in Indonesia N 43265 covered acres in region N 43267 moving company to Kong V 43268 acquire 10 of restaurants N 43269 set market with government V 43269 open store by 1990 V 43272 have sale of Dada N 43272 luring collectors with sales V 43273 auctioned pistols with paintings N 43274 auction works with estimates N 43274 auction works on 25 V 43275 providing service to clients N 43277 be the between countries N 43279 Ending shopping in Community N 43279 Ending shopping after 1992 V 43283 reported gain after requirements N 43287 reported profit before taxes N 43288 produced loss of million N 43292 get product on shelves V 43294 reported earnings of million N 43295 had loss of million N 43298 plunged points before lunch V 43306 turn shares at rates V 43307 heads arm of Inc N 43312 buy blocks of stock N 43312 buy blocks at eye-blink V 43314 buy blue-chips at quoted V 43318 promote shifts in assets N 43320 shifts weightings between stocks V 43321 boosted positions in accounts N 43321 boosted positions to % V 43321 take advantage of prices N 43323 reduced holdings to % V 43326 insure value of portfolio N 43328 practicing forms of insurance N 43329 taking advantage of discrepancies N 43335 risk money for guy V 43339 caused shutdown in trading N 43340 cut exposure to market N 43341 put you in room V 43352 causing any of volatility N 43355 been two of years N 43356 is comfort in period N 43362 infected one of networks N 43363 discovered virus on Monday V 43364 carry analyses of data N 43366 expunge virus from system V 43378 confer privileges on user V 43380 finds one of passwords N 43384 protested launch of probe N 43385 carrying Galileo into orbit V 43389 change value of pi N 43390 bringing indictments in cases V 43392 usurp authority under doctrine N 43397 supply definition in decision V 43397 breached duty to corporation V 43398 pushed definition to point V 43399 underlying conviction of Chestman N 43400 assemble certificates for delivery V 43401 take her to bank V 43402 discussed it with broker V 43412 was confirmation of rumors N 43417 was victim of overzealousness N 43419 resist process of extension N 43420 make decisions in ways V 43422 has strengths of specificity N 43424 extends definition of trading N 43424 see number of cases N 43425 make judgments about utility N 43426 gain information about collapse N 43428 check rumors with company V 43430 hear views of representatives N 43430 create uncertainty than decisions N 43431 resisted definition of trading N 43433 provide illustrations of evolution N 43434 halt expansion of statutes N 43434 adopting rule of construction N 43435 deprive another of right N 43441 is professor at School N 43442 posted decline in income N 43443 included gain of million N 43445 included carry-forward of 600,000 N 43455 regained points in minutes V 43457 limit buying to stocks V 43464 cast pall over stocks V 43470 get lot of action N 43473 have debt on books V 43475 sold shares at 40 V 43479 changed hands on Board V 43480 sell baskets of stocks N 43480 sell baskets against positions V 43494 gained 1 to 1 V 43495 gained 1 to 64 V 43496 show gain from average N 43496 show gain on 9 V 43502 gained 1 to 103 V 43502 reflecting optimism about prospects N 43505 added 1 to 17 V 43506 change name to Manpower V 43506 write part of billion N 43506 write part as prelude V 43508 began coverage of company N 43508 began coverage with ratings V 43511 reach agreement with lenders N 43520 gained % to 10 V 43522 predicted loss for quarter N 43523 raises doubt about ability N 43526 declared 2 to stock N 43529 retain cash for acquisitions V 43530 paid amount of income N 43530 maintain status as trust N 43533 get yields on deposits N 43536 reporting inquiries about CDs N 43536 reporting inquiries since Friday V 43538 receive proceeds from sales N 43540 has downs than elevator N 43542 have promotions under way V 43543 offering quarter of point N 43543 offering depositors on CDs V 43544 boosted yields on CDs N 43544 boosted yields in week V 43545 increased yield on CDs N 43545 increased yield to % V 43546 yielding a of point N 43548 yielded % in week V 43552 posted drops in yields N 43553 yielding % in week N 43553 yielding % in week N 43558 puts pressure on rates N 43560 decide size of increase N 43565 promises disbursements to countries V 43569 meet request for increased N 43570 supported role for IMF N 43570 is resource for programs N 43571 is case against it N 43573 has role in countries N 43573 assist countries in emergencies V 43574 are funds than efforts N 43575 substituting debt for debt V 43576 addresses problems of markets N 43576 is key to growth N 43577 inflated themselves into despair V 43581 support role of IMF N 43581 support role on conditions V 43583 limit it to % V 43583 bring change in policy N 43585 get piece of increase N 43586 give argument against calls N 43587 reinforce role of institutions N 43589 delay steps in anticipation V 43592 support increase in capital N 43593 directs staff of Committee N 43594 making trades with each V 43595 following investigation of trading N 43597 suspended membership for years V 43598 make restitution of 35,000 N 43598 make restitution to customer V 43603 pose challenge to Inc. V 43603 buy half of Inc. N 43603 buy half from Inc. V 43604 discussed sale of interest N 43604 discussed sale with operators V 43605 is 2 to Office N 43605 filed suit against Warner V 43607 puts it in position V 43608 keep Showtime as competitor V 43610 bears relationship to that N 43611 play role in management V 43612 Linking Showtime with operator V 43613 bring operators as investors V 43617 is operator of systems N 43618 is victory for officer N 43619 takes question of viability N 43620 is the of HBO N 43621 took control of Viacom N 43621 took control in buy-out V 43622 denied all of allegations N 43623 called talks with engineers N 43633 increased stake in Inc. N 43633 cleared way for purchases N 43636 soliciting consents from shareholders N 43636 soliciting consents in order V 43636 wrest control of Datapoint N 43636 wrest control from Edelman V 43636 purchased % of shares N 43637 acquired shares of shares N 43637 acquired shares for 2.25 V 43638 increased stake to % V 43639 acquiring % of stock N 43639 is chairman of company N 43641 make testing for virus N 43641 make testing for virus N 43641 stop spread of syndrome N 43642 segregate itself into groups V 43643 takes view of AIDS N 43643 recommends response than analyses N 43644 reduce rate of growth N 43646 is sex between partners N 43647 test population between ages N 43648 provide treatment to all V 43650 kept tabs on gyrations N 43650 shrugged downturn in equities N 43650 bid dollar above lows V 43652 reach intraday of marks N 43652 reach intraday until hours V 43656 reported deficit in August V 43658 reflected drop in exports N 43659 's news in data N 43670 set ranges of marks N 43671 anticipate easing by Reserve N 43673 injects capital into system V 43674 relaxed grip on credit N 43677 post gains against dollar N 43681 settled case against Corp. N 43682 settle issues over years N 43682 settle issues through arbitration V 43683 have applications in markets N 43685 paid million of settlement N 43685 paid million to Semiconductor V 43685 pay million in installments V 43686 have impact on results V 43688 had reign as leader N 43688 had reign by ABC-TV V 43689 topped competition with share V 43691 indicate percentage of sets N 43694 had five of shows N 43695 held record during season V 43696 expanding presence in market N 43696 acquired Foods from group V 43698 had sales of million N 43698 sells coffee under brands V 43700 sells coffee to concerns V 43701 sold coffee to airlines V 43701 does business with hotels V 43705 borrowed guilders from group V 43708 funding Departments of Labor N 43708 allow funding of abortions N 43710 tighten requirements for abortions N 43710 tighten requirements in way V 43713 holds bill for year N 43715 opposed funding of abortions N 43715 are victims of rape N 43715 open way for abortions N 43717 had inquiries from buyers N 43717 complete sale in 1989 V 43720 help managers of Ltd. N 43722 revised provisions to level V 43727 alter response of people N 43731 experiencing increases in antibodies N 43732 modify response of individual N 43736 produce quantities of antibodies N 43737 sell division to Inc. V 43738 includes purchase of Cross N 43739 selling interest in venture N 43739 selling interest to Machinery V 43741 was one of businesses N 43747 auction million of paper N 43747 auction million in maturity V 43751 reflected decline of francs N 43752 was decline in costs N 43755 make member of panel N 43758 hailed it as attempt V 43758 bring measure of openness N 43758 bring measure to setting V 43759 improve communications between branch N 43765 experiencing margins as result V 43768 reported profit for quarter N 43772 conducting talks with Germany N 43772 conducting talks on series V 43773 disclose nature of the N 43774 taking place between units V 43776 come bit in cars N 43780 been president of subsidiary N 43782 become president of a N 43784 's view of analysts N 43785 raised holding in Jaguar N 43785 raised holding to % V 43787 increases pressure on GM N 43787 complete talks with Jaguar N 43788 reach pact in weeks V 43794 make one of stocks N 43795 topped list for market N 43799 put shares into reverse V 43799 confirmed negotiations with Jaguar N 43805 win promise of stake N 43806 doubling output of cars N 43813 get war between companies N 43819 announce sale of % N 43820 sold ADRs at 10 V 43820 making profit on holding N 43840 expects increase in profit N 43841 posted plunge in profit N 43844 fell % to million V 43846 reported jump in earnings N 43847 reported income for quarter N 43849 forecasting gain on 4 V 43849 causing jump in stock N 43850 disclosed margins on sales N 43852 hit a of 81 N 43856 drove margin to % V 43857 reflected demand for applications N 43861 signed agreement with Inc. N 43861 incorporate architecture in machines V 43864 have arrangements with MIPs V 43866 share expertise in storage N 43876 called one of reports N 43879 added billion to reserves V 43881 posted drop in profit N 43883 lay % of force N 43884 exploring approaches to reorganization N 43885 buy half of Networks N 43885 buy half from Viacom V 43886 pose challenge to Warner N 43887 curb trading on markets N 43891 sell chain to management V 43892 streamline version of legislation N 43892 streamline version in advance V 43897 named director of company N 43898 increases board to members V 43899 seek re-election at meeting V 43902 tender shares under bid V 43903 sold shares for million V 43904 identify buyer of shares N 43905 sold stock in market V 43908 is addition to board N 43908 increasing membership to nine V 43921 acquired laboratories of Inc. N 43921 acquired laboratories in transaction V 43922 paid million in cash N 43922 acquire labs in U.S N 43929 calling number for advice V 43930 records opinions for airing V 43931 taken leap in sophistication N 43934 spending lot of time N 43934 spending lot in Angeles V 43934 supplied technology for both V 43937 weds service with computers V 43939 sells ads for them V 43939 apply technology to television V 43944 passing rest of money N 43944 passing rest to originator V 43946 calling one of numbers N 43948 process calls in seconds V 43952 demonstrate variety of applications N 43953 raise awareness about hunger N 43957 lift ratings for Football N 43959 uses calls as tool V 43959 thanking callers for voting V 43959 offers videotape for 19.95 V 43961 providing array of scores N 43963 increased spending during day V 43964 sponsors tips on diet N 43965 call number for advice V 43966 leaves address for sponsor V 43966 gather list of customers N 43967 charge rates for time V 43968 be % above rates N 43969 use budget for this V 43971 considering use of numbers N 43972 predicting influx of shows N 43972 predicting influx in 1990 V 43974 use number for purposes V 43975 leave number of anyone N 43978 are steps toward video N 43981 choose depths of coverage N 43982 want 2 in depth V 43986 ended talks with Integrated N 43991 meet afternoon in Chicago V 43992 is group of planners N 43994 cited concerns as reason V 43996 make payments on billion N 43997 owed total of billion N 43999 registered 6.9 on scale V 43999 caused collapse of section N 44003 caused damage in Jose V 44003 disrupted service in Area N 44005 allowing financing for abortions N 44005 compound act with taking V 44010 left group in 1983 V 44010 avoid explusion over allegations N 44011 postponed liftoff of Atlantis N 44013 dispatch probe on mission V 44015 threw conviction of flag-burner N 44015 threw conviction on grounds V 44019 is threat from Korea N 44020 seeking understanding with Congress N 44020 ease restrictions on involvement N 44021 alter ban on involvement N 44021 's clarification on interpretation V 44023 considered test for minister N 44024 ruled India for years V 44026 was time in years N 44026 expel Israel from body V 44028 reject violence as way V 44029 freed Sunday from prison V 44031 covered evidence of activities N 44032 approved ban on trade N 44032 approved ban despite objections V 44033 places elephant on list V 44034 killed judge on street V 44035 slain magistrate in retaliation V 44038 followed meeting in resort V 44039 revised offer for amount N 44044 received amount of debt N 44044 received amount under offer V 44046 plummeted 24.875 to 198 V 44047 followed drop amid indications V 44048 fallen 87.25 in days V 44048 jolted market into plunge V 44049 is bloodbath for traders V 44050 put United in play V 44052 line financing for version V 44054 Adding insult to injury V 44054 scuttle financing for bid N 44055 represents some of employees N 44057 pocket million for stock V 44057 reinvest million in company V 44058 load company with debt V 44059 round financing for bid N 44060 triggered downdraft in Average N 44060 triggered downdraft around yesterday V 44061 reject version at 250 N 44063 had expressions of interest N 44065 gave details on progress N 44066 hear update on situation N 44067 take shareholders into deal V 44072 line pockets with millions V 44072 instituting cuts on employees V 44076 eschewed advice from firm V 44079 left board in quandary V 44084 plans offering of shares N 44086 own % of stock N 44088 pay dividends on stock V 44089 pay dividend of cents N 44089 pay dividend in quarter V 44090 borrow amount in connection V 44092 pay dividend to Macmillan V 44092 lend remainder of million N 44092 lend remainder to Communications V 44093 repay borrowings under parts V 44095 owned Berlitz since 1966 V 44096 posted income of million N 44096 posted income on sales V 44097 notice things about concert N 44101 releases feelings in gratitude V 44102 left collaborators in favor V 44112 is music for people V 44113 is listening for generation V 44116 torments us with novelties V 44117 constructed program around move V 44118 introduces audience to technique V 44120 imagine performance of it N 44123 accompany readings of Sutra N 44129 hits note with hand V 44130 does this in three N 44132 write piece of length N 44132 was problem for me V 44134 began life as accompaniment V 44134 played it on organ V 44135 took it for one V 44142 develop variations from themes V 44142 ignores nature of music N 44143 makes yearn for astringency N 44146 disclose buyer of stake N 44148 negotiating sale of stake N 44148 hold % of stock N 44149 include earnings in results V 44150 reduce holding in concern N 44150 reduce holding as part V 44152 incurred delays during quarter V 44153 reported earnings of million N 44156 reported earnings of million N 44159 establishes standard of discharge N 44161 contains standard of discharge N 44163 be problems with system N 44166 prohibits preparation of water N 44166 protects them from knock V 44171 shake reputation as magazine N 44177 woo advertisers with fervor V 44179 had year in 1988 V 44179 racked gain in pages N 44183 is deterrent for advertisers V 44188 lumping ads at end V 44188 spreading ads among articles V 44189 means costs for advertisers V 44193 pour 500,000 in weeks V 44194 takes advantage of photography N 44197 attract advertisers in categories N 44198 top pages in 1990 V 44200 contemporize thought of Geographic N 44201 be kind of image N 44203 sell majority of unit N 44203 sell majority to Eurocom V 44206 prompted vigor in talks N 44209 awarded accounts for line N 44209 awarded accounts to LaWarre V 44214 restrict trading on exchanges N 44215 propose restrictions after release V 44218 became focus of attempts N 44219 putting selling for accounts N 44220 make money in markets V 44220 is shortage of orders N 44221 improves liquidity in markets N 44221 have order in hand V 44222 becomes problem for contracts V 44223 take arguments into account V 44223 allowing exceptions to restrictions N 44230 restricting trading in bills V 44231 prohibit trading in markets V 44234 banned trading in pit V 44237 made difference in liquidity N 44237 made difference in pit V 44241 adds something to market V 44244 set standards for dealerships V 44246 construct building in style V 44252 built dealership with showroom N 44254 was bear on interiors V 44254 retrofit building without stream V 44262 cut cassette in half V 44263 produced model of recorder N 44265 urged abandonment of project N 44268 introduced pico in 1985 V 44271 provided technology for products V 44274 is one of studies N 44279 push them into piles V 44280 taped it to underside V 44281 gathered leaves into pile V 44281 moved top of pile N 44283 do lawn in hours V 44294 feeding quantities of budget N 44299 created Command in Panama N 44306 keep lot of shrines N 44306 keep lot to him V 44307 burn lot of incense N 44307 burn lot to him V 44308 had thing about Navy N 44308 make part of Army N 44311 hear him at night V 44316 gave them to bureaucracy V 44321 grab him by throat V 44322 added divisions to Army V 44323 parked them at base V 44324 dedicated forces to Gulf V 44325 threw him to ground V 44326 added bureaucrats to RDF V 44327 gave charge of operations N 44328 be training for soldiers V 44334 paying billion in baksheesh N 44334 paying billion to potentates V 44335 had success in Somalia V 44336 was miles from mouth N 44340 spending jillions of dollars N 44340 fight Russians in Iran V 44340 lost interest in subject N 44342 playing admiral in Tampa V 44344 save costs of bureaucrats N 44347 appeared night in bedroom V 44348 dragging chains of brigades N 44351 canceled production of aircraft N 44358 is director of PaineWebber N 44360 is master on wall V 44361 is reminder of problems N 44362 amassed collection of works N 44362 amassed collection at cost V 44367 buy art for S&L V 44369 called halt to fling N 44371 unloaded three of masterpieces N 44374 takes drag on cigarette N 44375 established quality of collection N 44378 are part of picture N 44382 paying dividends on stock V 44382 suggests concern about institution N 44385 epitomize excesses of speculation N 44391 sold Irises at auction V 44392 has painting under key V 44394 established reputation as freespender N 44394 established reputation in year V 44395 picked paintings at prices V 44396 paid million for instance V 44397 was record for artist V 44406 searched galleries in London N 44408 sold Abraham in Wilderness N 44409 spend lot of money N 44411 developed relationship with Sotheby V 44412 assemble collection for headquarters V 44413 stir interest in masters N 44414 dominate action in masters N 44416 paid million for Portrait V 44419 is stranger to spending N 44420 bid 30,000 at auction V 44422 got wind of adventure N 44423 reported losses in quarters V 44425 extended deadline to months V 44429 have nine of paintings N 44429 have nine at home V 44430 storing paintings at home V 44433 got loan from S&L V 44434 owns % of shares N 44436 given dispute among scholars N 44437 question authenticity of Rubens N 44445 dismisses talk as grapes V 44449 compiling statistics on sales N 44450 appreciated % in year V 44452 gets data on appreciation N 44452 gets data from Sotheby V 44458 bring no than 700,000 N 44458 bring no at auction V 44462 spotted bargains in masters V 44472 had counsel of curators N 44475 put them on market V 44479 defends itself in matter V 44481 resell them at profit V 44482 advise client on purchases V 44482 set estimates on paintings V 44484 be conflict of interest N 44486 express interest in paintings N 44487 seeking return on investment V 44489 get paintings at prices V 44491 buy painting from bank V 44499 pours coffee from silver V 44499 dabs brim with linen V 44505 take it for decadence V 44508 had change in earnings N 44510 compares profit with estimate V 44510 have forecasts in days V 44514 replace Board of Institute N 44515 handling books at time V 44517 studied issues for year V 44517 proposed FASB on 30 V 44518 produced opinions in life V 44524 had meeting on 28 V 44525 disclose translations in dollars V 44528 repurchase shares in transactions V 44531 named Co. as agent V 44538 awarded contract by Army V 44542 is maker of simulators N 44543 provide amplifiers for system V 44547 increased capital by million V 44548 has billion in assets N 44549 appointed officer of maker N 44550 founded company in 1959 V 44553 establish facilities for vehicles N 44553 establish facilities in Pakistan V 44554 given contract for improvements N 44555 got contract for equipment N 44557 reflect increase of million N 44560 fell % to million V 44564 follow fluctuations of ingots N 44576 are prescription for market N 44580 bought list of stocks N 44583 see jump in profits N 44590 are a after jolt V 44591 decline % to % N 44592 ran tests on stocks V 44592 be father of analysis N 44595 been two-thirds in cash N 44595 been two-thirds since July V 44596 piled debt in buy-outs V 44599 fall % to % N 44603 doing buying in stocks N 44605 increased proportion of assets N 44607 deflated lot of speculation N 44608 runs Management in York N 44611 see this as market V 44612 was fluff in market V 44613 was blunder by market N 44614 was overreaction to event N 44614 get financing for takeover V 44617 hurts confidence in stocks N 44620 drop % in months V 44622 lead buy-outs of chains N 44628 throwing money at any V 44628 doing deals on basis V 44629 be gains in both N 44635 help team in LBO V 44637 help us in search V 44640 lose confidence in economy N 44645 been one for retailers V 44652 blocking sales of line N 44653 issued order in court V 44655 was subject of yesterday N 44657 repeated denial of charges N 44659 resume payments with payout V 44660 paid dividend on 31 V 44663 settling disputes over gas N 44664 given pipelines until 31 V 44667 take advantage of mechanism N 44669 negotiate settlement of contracts N 44671 introducing competition into transportation V 44674 change some of provisions N 44675 prepaid million on loan V 44675 bringing reduction for year N 44675 bringing reduction to million V 44676 owes million on loan V 44678 resume payments with dividend V 44678 paid 6 to shares V 44679 paid dividend on 1 V 44680 abandoned properties with potential N 44680 experienced results from ventures V 44681 reached agreement with lenders V 44683 reduce amortization of portion N 44683 reduce amortization through 1992 V 44686 provide MLX with flexibility V 44686 complete restructuring of structure N 44687 filed statement with Commission V 44687 covering offering of million N 44688 acquired interest in Corp. N 44690 access information on services N 44691 is publisher of Journal N 44692 report charge of cents N 44692 report charge for quarter V 44693 sold bakeries to Bakery V 44694 were part of Order N 44695 had income of million N 44697 rose % from tons V 44698 used % of capability N 44700 named director of commission N 44702 was finance of Inc. N 44703 acquired service from Intelligence V 44705 supplies reports on plans N 44706 is compiler of information N 44708 be site for exposition N 44708 be site in 2000 V 44710 renovate sections of town N 44713 holding expo in Venice V 44715 are ventures between firms N 44717 got anything in shops V 44718 runs casino at Hotel N 44719 increase sales to Europe N 44719 holding talks with Italy N 44719 adding pipe to section V 44719 expanding capacity by meters N 44719 expanding capacity from billion V 44721 suspend strike by workers N 44721 resume negotiations with Ltd. N 44722 meet company for talks V 44723 began Thursday with participating V 44724 demanded increase in wage N 44724 was increase of % N 44726 curbing fouling of rivers N 44726 limiting damage from accidents N 44726 improving handling of chemicals N 44728 joined country except Albania N 44728 joined country at meeting V 44729 rushed edition across Baltic V 44732 owns % of Paev N 44734 require lot of twisting N 44734 require lot by Treasury V 44735 market package around world V 44736 swap loans for bonds V 44737 swapping loans for bonds V 44738 covers billion of debt N 44739 paid 4,555 in taxes N 44739 paid 4,555 in province V 44741 spend million for maintenance V 44743 elected director of maker N 44744 placed shares at 2.50 V 44754 change loss to plus V 44758 's move in industry N 44761 be car per family V 44764 bought LeMans on loan V 44766 supplying rest of world N 44768 took Co. in 1986 V 44769 making variations of vehicle N 44770 had agreement with Corp. V 44773 has % of market N 44773 sell 18,000 of models N 44773 sell 18,000 of models N 44774 rising % to units V 44775 expand capacity by 1991 V 44777 selling vehicles through unit V 44778 sell units in 1989 V 44781 is car in Korea V 44782 claims % of market N 44783 have interests in Kia V 44784 is the of Three N 44785 make cars with payments V 44789 holds % of market N 44789 is series of disruptions N 44791 build minicars by mid-1990s V 44793 has project for cars V 44796 named officer of bank N 44806 buying funds during day V 44808 have that at all V 44813 boosted levels in weeks V 44821 void orders before close V 44833 sell securities in market V 44836 acquire Central of Inc. N 44836 acquire Central in swap V 44839 has assets of billion N 44842 WON blessing on 18 V 44842 became openers for makers V 44843 selling them in U.S V 44845 sold softies under sublicense V 44845 gained rights from Academy V 44846 invented them in 1962 V 44847 wraps itself over cornea V 44848 became eye of storm N 44849 showed traces of bacteria N 44851 were hearings on questions N 44851 were hearings in 1972 V 44859 remains leader among majors V 44862 seeking safety in companies V 44864 planning placement of stock N 44867 sell stock without hitch V 44872 take six to months N 44878 slashed value of offering N 44878 slashed value by % V 44881 showing signs after years V 44882 seeing light at end N 44884 publishes newsletter on IPOs N 44887 sell % of stock N 44887 sell % in IPO V 44888 making decisions on basis V 44889 borrow funds against IPO V 44892 affect operations of companies N 44897 flood market with funds V 44898 is non-event for business V 44901 form alliances with corporations V 44902 made it for them V 44903 see lining in clouds V 44904 lose enthusiasm for deals N 44906 underline lack of control N 44907 have degree of influence N 44908 reported loss for quarter V 44913 had loss in quarter V 44914 had loss of million N 44915 had loss of million N 44916 had loss of million N 44922 reported decline in income N 44922 excluding gains in quarters N 44926 included gain of cents N 44926 included gain as reversal V 44928 climbed % to million V 44929 jumped % to million V 44930 had profit of million N 44930 had profit against loss V 44931 excluding charge for recall N 44931 reflecting expenses in systems N 44933 had sales to million V 44945 marked end of Empire N 44947 call land of Britain N 44948 justify use of adjective N 44949 sets beauty of land N 44961 see father in condition N 44967 shifting scene from country V 44967 fashioned novel in mode V 44968 adopt attitude towards employer V 44979 spreads wings at dusk V 44981 teaches English at University V 44982 completed sale of assets N 44982 completed sale to Inc. V 44984 is part of program N 44986 distributes propane through subsidiary V 44988 overlooking runway of Airport N 44989 lease some of jetliners N 44989 lease some to airline V 44992 build terminal in Union V 44993 lease some of planes N 44993 lease some to Lingus V 44994 is notion of ferry N 44994 ferry Armenians to Angeles V 44998 leasing planes to Aeroflot V 45000 has ventures with Aeroflot V 45009 were rage in West V 45013 unload gallons of fuel N 45013 unload gallons into farm V 45014 resells it to carriers V 45015 pays bills with fuel V 45017 opened shops at Airport V 45018 manages sales on flights V 45022 taking advantage of prices N 45022 board flights in Shannon N 45028 was landfall in Europe N 45029 made stop for air V 45030 shot jetliner over Sea V 45030 suspended flights for months V 45032 making heap of money N 45032 making heap from friendship V 45033 add Lingus to team V 45035 rose % in August V 45036 rose % in August V 45038 shipping steel from plant V 45038 testing mettle of competitors N 45039 creates piece of steel N 45040 make ton of steel N 45040 make ton in hours V 45048 get toehold in market N 45050 enable production without ovens V 45051 locked giants from steelmaking V 45054 spent billions of dollars N 45054 boost percentage of cast N 45057 beat guy down street N 45058 beat everyone around world N 45061 plying dollars in market V 45064 remain kings of steel N 45065 produce drop in bucket N 45066 representing half of tons N 45070 make dent in market N 45072 set it on dock V 45074 visit plant in City N 45076 Cementing relationships with clients V 45076 is means of survival N 45079 promote cans to nation V 45081 touting doors with inserts N 45084 funneling pipe to Union V 45087 produce steel for products V 45093 offset growth of minimills N 45094 mention incursion of imports N 45095 awaiting lifting of restraints N 45096 expect competition from countries N 45102 getting attention on Street V 45104 pay billion to billion N 45106 pay million to Inc. V 45111 give prediction of award N 45117 told Kodak on occasions V 45117 followed advice in instance V 45122 sold them at price V 45128 tumbled % in quarter V 45128 rendering outlook for quarters V 45129 was delay in shipment N 45130 cited increase in business N 45130 cut revenue in term V 45131 cut value of earnings N 45136 following increase in period N 45138 see anything in fundamentals V 45142 mark declines from net N 45143 kept recommendation on stock V 45151 won business as sale V 45151 leased equipment to customer V 45152 losing money on leases V 45153 doing some of deals N 45154 announces versions of mainframes N 45156 gaining momentum in market V 45160 was % below levels V 45165 raise forecasts for 1989 N 45170 include cents from effects V 45172 increase % from billion V 45174 blamed volume on weather V 45175 were % in quarter V 45176 rose % in quarter V 45178 increased % in quarter V 45179 jumped % with sales V 45181 increased % in quarter V 45187 brought company to Pepsi V 45187 expect acquisition in year V 45188 take advantage of opportunities N 45189 be chairman of Commission N 45191 held posts at Department N 45191 become president of Corp N 45192 been solicitor at Department V 45193 met Bush in 1950s V 45193 was man in Midland V 45193 was lawyer for firm V 45194 regulates billions of dollars N 45198 represents balance of payout N 45198 paid 17 in distribution V 45199 resume schedule of dividends N 45199 resume schedule at end V 45200 supply electricity to utility V 45202 halted work on lines N 45202 stopped negotiations for resale N 45203 begin deliveries in 1992 V 45206 lost place in line N 45208 has customers in mind V 45213 rise amount of change N 45214 were times than those N 45215 given degree of leverage N 45216 be nature of creatures N 45217 buy amount within period V 45218 sold options on stocks V 45218 buy contracts at prices V 45219 had choice in cases V 45219 sell contracts at prices V 45220 be blow to Exchange V 45221 halted trading in step V 45224 make rotation with time V 45228 underscoring seriousness of transfer N 45228 put total of million N 45228 guarantee positions in case V 45233 have luxury of time N 45234 talk Bank of watchman N 45235 put money into bailout V 45237 had problems during crash V 45240 processes trades for exchanges V 45240 insure integrity of markets N 45242 give contributions to guarantee N 45243 contributed million to guarantee V 45247 is lounge of Co. N 45249 take time for massage V 45251 sneak therapists into office V 45252 is nothing like rubfests N 45254 take place in rooms V 45256 pay part of fee N 45258 are balm for injuries V 45261 feel tension around neck V 45262 leave room after massage V 45263 plies trade in office V 45265 opened doors to massage V 45272 describing visits as breaks V 45274 invited masseuse to offices V 45276 build lot of tension N 45277 brought them to halt V 45286 change consciousness towards touch N 45289 won officials at Co. N 45290 stresses professionalism during visits V 45291 visiting Emerson since January V 45294 bring touching into America V 45299 rest knees on supports V 45299 bury face in padding V 45302 massaging man in supermarket V 45306 was point in career V 45306 taken policy for business V 45307 were people in line V 45311 does work in Pittsburgh V 45311 is tip of iceberg N 45313 's nothing like skin V 45314 be cancellation of loan N 45314 be cancellation since killings V 45314 terminated credit for project N 45315 provide loan to Corp. V 45318 had doubts about project N 45318 had doubts before 4 V 45328 secured promise from Bank N 45328 lend Development at maturity V 45328 finance repayment of borrowing N 45330 pay fees to committee V 45335 acquire Inc. for 23 V 45335 expand presence in business N 45340 provide base for stores V 45341 tested sector with acquisition V 45344 had losses for years V 45345 rang profit of million N 45345 rang profit after carry-forward V 45346 turned corner in profitability V 45350 pay kind of price N 45350 getting player in industry N 45351 raised question about deal N 45352 get act in discounting V 45353 address loss in stores N 45361 make offer for shares N 45362 tender majority of shares N 45364 named officer of unit N 45365 remain president of company N 45365 represent stations in organizations V 45367 plummet points in seconds V 45373 blamed foul-up on problem V 45375 was lot of confusion N 45376 buys some of stocks N 45380 heads desk at Corp. N 45386 miscalculated drop as decline V 45388 sold dollars on news V 45388 buy them at prices V 45390 viewing prices as subject V 45393 was points at time N 45399 named president of company N 45400 retains positions as officer N 45401 representing plaintiff in suit N 45401 strike blow for client V 45404 forgo damages against client N 45404 forgo damages in return V 45408 pay 50,000 as part V 45409 scuttled deal at minute V 45412 take shot at Alexander N 45414 strike Alexander above belt V 45415 catch him from behind V 45416 assign rights to anyone V 45417 regards agreement as something V 45420 sign release from liability N 45421 rained money in markets V 45422 reaching levels for time V 45423 reap windfalls in matter V 45425 jumped points in seconds V 45425 moved rest of day N 45426 represents profit for contract V 45427 trade contracts at time N 45427 trade contracts in market V 45429 assumed positions for fear V 45431 shouting minutes before start N 45432 fell points at open V 45442 are thing of past N 45443 regained some of footing N 45446 provide prices for issues V 45450 's bit of euphoria N 45452 tumbled points to 96 V 45453 recovering losses from Friday N 45458 citing pattern of rates N 45458 see defaults from years N 45459 is concern about liquidity N 45463 include issues from TV N 45465 have rate in year V 45465 seeing problems in midst V 45467 was tonic for market N 45468 recovered all of losses N 45468 recovered all from Friday V 45471 be sellers of securities N 45477 following display of volatility N 45479 approach market as investor V 45481 owning stocks over long-term V 45482 outperformed everything by shot V 45485 losing money in market V 45486 favor investor with portfolio N 45487 is % to % N 45488 need money for years V 45490 have place in portfolio N 45492 building equity in home N 45492 provides protection against inflation N 45492 cover cost of living N 45493 invest money in stocks V 45494 sell stocks at time V 45502 pay taxes on gains V 45509 getting attention from broker V 45510 have advantage over investors V 45511 have edge in companies V 45514 sees revival of interest N 45514 boost performance of stocks N 45514 boost performance in term V 45515 eliminated effort in stocks N 45515 resuming coverage of area N 45516 seeing turnaround in interest N 45520 Buy stocks on weakness V 45522 invests amount into market V 45525 put money at time V 45536 faced doubt about bid N 45537 reviving purchase at price V 45538 face rejection by board N 45539 dropping it in light V 45540 make offer at price V 45541 obtain financing for bid V 45542 halted Friday for announcement V 45543 tumbled 56.875 to 222.875 V 45544 wreaked havoc among traders V 45545 showed signs of stalling N 45546 reaching high of 107.50 N 45548 proven mettle as artist N 45549 buy bit of company N 45554 foil Trump in Congress V 45554 bolstered authority of Department N 45555 put blame for collapse N 45555 put blame on Congress V 45556 wrote members of Congress N 45563 paid price of 80 N 45564 protect airline with transaction V 45572 obtained financing for bid N 45573 leave him with problem V 45573 handicap him in effort V 45573 oust board in fight V 45574 finance buy-out at price V 45575 lowering offer to 250 V 45576 borrow 6.1 from banks V 45579 received million in fees N 45579 raise rest of financing N 45587 joined forces under threat V 45593 obtain offer from bidders V 45594 exclude him from deliberations V 45596 finish work on bills V 45596 put sting into cuts V 45597 impose discipline on process V 45597 shift funds among programs V 45599 strip scores of provisions N 45605 bring deficit below target V 45606 cutting spending across board V 45607 provide aid for care V 45610 torpedoed plan in order V 45610 press fight for cut N 45613 have effect on process V 45616 slicing % from payments V 45619 wraps work on spending N 45623 making cuts from activity V 45626 has control of activities N 45629 exempt accounts from cuts V 45631 include cut in taxes N 45631 include cut as part V 45634 involved 425,000 in payments N 45634 use influence with Meese N 45634 use influence on behalf V 45635 described defendant as player V 45636 sold office for 300,000 V 45642 serve a of sentences N 45642 being eligible for parole N 45644 criticized Wallach for host V 45645 influence jury in August V 45647 get help for woman N 45649 blamed woes on friendship V 45651 been fulfillment of dreams N 45657 has worth of 273,000 N 45659 play role in phases V 45660 hailed ruling as victory V 45660 achieve reforms in union V 45660 achieve election of officials N 45661 was departure from terms N 45665 oversee activities for years V 45667 revealed disagreements over scope N 45668 gave right to trial N 45668 gave right for terms V 45670 received evidence about comments V 45671 sentenced defendant to years V 45671 killing men in park V 45673 touched furor in community V 45673 prompted complaints about Hampton N 45674 remove Hampton from bench V 45678 explain rationale for sentencing N 45680 carry streamlining of appeals N 45680 proposed month by force V 45681 expedite consideration of proposals N 45682 provide lawyers to inmates V 45682 challenge constitutionality of convictions N 45684 sent report to Congress V 45686 eases number of restrictions N 45688 joined firm of Bain N 45690 joining Apple in 1986 V 45691 trim levels of businesses N 45692 jumped % in August V 45692 outstripping climb in inventories N 45695 are news for economy V 45704 is summary of report N 45705 expects reduction in income N 45705 expects reduction for quarter V 45706 reduced million because damage V 45707 had net of million N 45707 had net on revenue V 45709 offer number of paintings N 45709 offer number at estimates V 45711 absorb itself in art V 45714 offered him at sale V 45714 consigned biggie to Sotheby V 45723 reduced deductions for donation N 45727 been chairman of Board N 45728 been source of collections N 45729 is hemorrhaging of patrimony N 45731 is tip of iceberg N 45732 be wasteland for museums V 45741 makes playground for bidders N 45741 given plenty of dollars N 45749 is point of game N 45757 suggests sale as sort V 45760 become sort of beanstalk N 45763 sell unit to group V 45764 have impact on earnings N 45765 has sales of million N 45766 keeping eye on indicators V 45767 handle crush of orders N 45767 handle crush during hours V 45770 held series of discussions N 45772 demonstrate value of improvements N 45775 is memory for regulators V 45776 renewed attacks on firms N 45778 was warning to firms N 45778 become danger in event V 45779 tolerate kind of action N 45780 dispatched examiners into rooms V 45781 creating losses among investors V 45784 signed letter of intent N 45784 acquire Inc. of Britain N 45787 has million in sales N 45789 named president for affairs N 45808 opens season with Godunov V 45808 featuring singers from Union N 45814 makes debut at Hall V 45815 make debut at Opera V 45819 Being newspaper in town N 45820 secured rights to features N 45821 keep offerings for itself V 45822 nabbing some of draws N 45828 seeking contracts for features N 45828 seeking contracts of pacts V 45832 turned fees from competitors N 45833 stole features from Globe V 45834 pulled features from Bulletin V 45834 was growth for Universal V 45835 was consideration in Dallas V 45837 is venture between Universal N 45838 develop ads for newspapers N 45843 discuss episode in public V 45844 sponsor discussion on pact N 45844 sponsor discussion at meeting V 45851 get cut from type V 45853 see increases in pay N 45857 become part of boilerplate N 45859 including exemption from laws N 45860 enhance competitiveness of companies N 45863 prohibit use of rating N 45865 requires rollback in premiums N 45870 make war against reformers V 45873 build cars in quarter V 45874 putting pressure on Corp. V 45874 rise % from levels V 45875 fall % to cars V 45877 builds cars for dealers V 45881 adding car at plant V 45889 's lot of flexibility N 45890 have impact on schedules V 45892 are forecasts for quarter N 45892 turned cars in fourth-quarter V 45893 closing plant in Wayne N 45895 lose distinction as car N 45896 was second to Escort N 45896 was second in year V 45897 top list in 1990 V 45898 leaving magazine by end V 45899 be magazine at core V 45900 launch magazine as a V 45901 be partner in magazine N 45901 be partner with editor V 45902 started Cook in 1979 V 45903 sold it to Group V 45907 calm fears of Armageddon N 45908 reflecting nervousness about behavior N 45910 dropped the for day N 45911 lost points for amount V 45912 fell three-quarters of point N 45912 sought haven from stocks N 45913 expected the from market V 45917 ease credit in weeks V 45923 be case with program V 45924 accommodate amounts for purchasers N 45925 holds share of market N 45926 showing loss of billion N 45928 consider expansion of FHA N 45929 including purchasers in program V 45930 erases ceiling of 101,250 N 45930 places cap at % V 45933 making loans without requirements V 45933 increases risk of default N 45935 increased it to % V 45936 doubled exposure in markets N 45937 awaiting report on losses N 45938 placing ceiling at 124,875 V 45939 provide consolation in face V 45940 is intrusion into market N 45943 afford payments on home N 45944 guarantee mortgages on homes N 45946 bearing burden of guarantees N 45948 gave appearance of industry N 45950 gave way to bailout V 45953 expanding guarantees without reform V 45960 are libraries in City V 45960 solve riddle of Sterbas N 45967 changing hands at yen V 45968 followed Average like dog V 45971 take brouhaha of days N 45973 began night in trading V 45983 stabilize currency at level V 45984 fell pfennig to 1.8560 V 45987 dropped % against mark V 45987 shoot % to point V 45988 defend currencies against mark V 45990 's the as 1987 N 45990 is lot of uncertainty N 45991 selling dollars in lots V 46001 losing profits through currency V 46005 trust market because volatility V 46006 lost lot of money N 46006 lost lot in 1970s V 46007 sees opportunities in markets N 46008 rose 4 to 367.30 V 46013 played role in slide V 46015 sent market into tailspin V 46016 discourage some of banks N 46019 irritated some in administration N 46021 had problems with jawboning V 46022 blame him for crash V 46023 put financing on terms V 46024 have kind of questions N 46025 sending signals about buy-outs N 46029 gives lots of room N 46029 provide picture to community N 46030 raises specter of decision-making N 46031 spelled policy for buy-outs N 46032 makes decisions on issues N 46032 finishes ruminations on issue N 46034 reach decision on buy-outs N 46034 have problems with buy-outs N 46037 exerting control over airlines V 46038 contributed % of equity N 46038 received % of stock N 46039 was violation of spirit N 46040 discussing interpretation of law N 46041 undermine position in talks V 46042 defining control by citizens N 46042 applying reasoning to buy-outs V 46043 plays rift in administration N 46044 have understanding of importance N 46046 open markets to carriers V 46046 blocking service by carriers N 46049 spends amount on maintenance V 46050 is correlation between load N 46052 satisfied concerns on deal N 46053 extend requirements to airlines V 46061 cut inventories of models N 46064 save some of plants N 46065 need plant for APV V 46067 was part of plans N 46069 is one of lines N 46070 introduced versions of cars N 46071 close plant for weeks V 46072 had supply of cars N 46072 had supply at end V 46077 reported increase in income N 46079 credited demand for plywood N 46082 posted gain in net N 46084 include gain on settlement N 46086 include gain of million N 46088 including gain on sale N 46091 expects all of 1989 N 46093 lowered prices at start V 46101 take stocks off hands V 46101 cutting prices in reaction V 46102 lowered bids in anticipation V 46103 oversees trading on Nasdaq N 46104 received quotes by 10 V 46109 expect rash of selling N 46109 lower prices in anticipation V 46113 was shades of 1987 N 46114 made fortune on market V 46116 rose 1 to 33 V 46117 gained 1 to 19 V 46118 added 1 to 45 V 46119 advanced 1 to 46 V 46120 jumped 1 to 75 V 46121 eased 1 to 17 V 46122 rose 0.56 to 449.89 V 46123 falling 6.90 to 456.08 V 46124 was news in contrast V 46125 acquire Skipper for 11.50 V 46127 settled dispute with unit N 46128 rose 1 to 11 V 46129 fell 3 to 104 V 46130 rose 1 to 41 V 46131 jumped % to 17 V 46133 bring press into line V 46134 indicate frustration with problems N 46135 advocate end to policy N 46136 show responsibility in reporting V 46139 regard TV as tools V 46141 discussed possibility of war N 46142 gave criticism of Afanasyev N 46144 lasted a under hours N 46145 was speaker from leader N 46148 contained criticism of Gorbachev N 46150 thanked leader for ability V 46152 quoted readers as saying V 46154 sparked bitterness at paper V 46155 see chief in future V 46156 took look at activities V 46157 attacked level of debate N 46158 adopting legislation with minimum V 46160 imposes restrictions on movement N 46160 set ceilings for prices N 46160 preventing sale of goods N 46161 is reporter of topics N 46162 waste talents with assignments V 46168 were participants in days N 46168 supply boosts to nation V 46170 sells products to force V 46171 has visions of harvests N 46174 been officer of Bank N 46176 named president of division N 46176 become president of Co. N 46177 suffered bloodbath since crash N 46179 total million for traders V 46181 received proposals from investors V 46183 obtain financing for agreement V 46183 buy UAL at 300 V 46187 buy AMR at 120 V 46189 owned equivalent of % N 46189 indicating losses of million N 46190 own equivalent of % N 46190 indicating million in losses N 46192 made all of declines N 46192 made all on Friday V 46193 been reports of firms N 46194 provide cushion against losses V 46196 was position for arbs N 46203 soliciting bids for all V 46203 owns % of Warner N 46205 were % with falling V 46210 buy amounts of stock N 46211 are demands by lenders N 46212 been result of judgments N 46213 remove chemical from market V 46214 kept public in dark V 46215 counteract lockhold of interests N 46216 inform public about risks V 46217 used skills of firm N 46217 educate public about results V 46219 present facts about pesticides N 46219 present facts to segment V 46220 do something about it V 46221 educate public about risk V 46223 abused trust of media N 46227 was risk to Americans N 46229 learn something from episode V 46232 was intent of NRDC N 46235 frightened people about chemicals V 46238 creating obstacle to sale N 46240 restrict RTC to borrowings V 46242 raising billion from debt V 46245 maintain assets of thrifts N 46246 leaving spending for bailout N 46246 leaving spending at billion V 46246 including interest over years V 46253 subtracting value of assets N 46256 pay price of consultation N 46256 want kind of flexibility N 46257 hold hearing on bill N 46257 hold hearing next Tuesday V 46263 filmed commercial at EDT V 46263 had it on air V 46264 placed ads in newspapers V 46266 running them during broadcast V 46268 fled market in panic V 46270 prepared ads in case V 46271 ordered pages in editions N 46272 touted 800-number beneath headline N 46273 received volume of calls N 46273 received volume over weekend V 46279 protect them against volatility V 46280 plug funds by name V 46282 rush it on air V 46286 is place for appreciation N 46287 appear times on CNN V 46289 keep money in market V 46295 make one of commercials N 46296 replacing commercial of campaign N 46305 reached agreement in principle N 46305 acquire stake in Advertising N 46307 resigned post in September V 46307 becomes executive of Arnold N 46308 retain title of president N 46309 handle account for area N 46312 includes ads from advertisers N 46313 distribute % of revenues N 46313 distribute % as grants V 46316 is sport of mean N 46317 dumped runs by bushel V 46320 hit pitch from Reuschel N 46320 hit pitch into stands V 46321 struck runs in games V 46323 salve pain of droughts N 46324 had hits in four V 46325 got seven of hits N 46325 scored four of runs N 46325 scored four in decision V 46326 held Giants to hits V 46327 was pitcher during campaign V 46328 permit Giants in innings V 46330 's one of gurus N 46334 's name for conveyance N 46334 observe them in calm V 46335 sat side by side N 46335 sat side in seats V 46336 bearing emblems of teams N 46340 represents triumph of civility N 46342 need police in seat V 46343 gave lot of heroes N 46344 lost months of season N 46344 lost months to surgery V 46345 was ditto in two N 46345 moved runner in inning V 46346 is reputation among Bashers V 46346 turn ball to him V 46348 exemplifies side of equation N 46349 smoked Toronto in playoffs V 46353 went 5-for-24 with ribbies V 46354 gives hope in games N 46360 reported drop in income N 46366 reflecting softening of markets N 46367 showed gains during quarter V 46368 estimate gains at % V 46371 had profit of million N 46372 lowered estimates for 1989 N 46374 had income of million N 46378 Link Pay to Performance V 46379 limit practice to analysts V 46380 extend standards to force V 46380 pay salary with bonus N 46381 stop lot of account-churning N 46385 reach office until a.m. V 46386 had calls from States V 46391 breathed sigh of relief N 46396 left signals for London V 46397 declined % in trading V 46400 outnumbered 80 to 20 N 46403 is sort of market N 46411 targeted shares of Reuters N 46412 showed price at pence V 46413 sensed buyer on day V 46416 abandoned search for shares N 46417 was a.m. in York V 46417 fielded call from customer N 46417 wanting opinion on market N 46417 having troubles before break V 46425 watched statistics on television V 46426 hit 2029.7 off points V 46433 dumped Receipts in PLC V 46437 posted loss on Street N 46443 has chance in million N 46444 has chance in million V 46447 approve buy-outs of airlines N 46448 spurred action on legislation N 46450 withdrew bid for Corp. N 46451 criticized bill as effort V 46451 thwart bid for AMR N 46452 express opposition to bill N 46453 brushed allegations as excuse V 46454 is room in position V 46455 was response to situation N 46456 cited examples as reasons V 46460 have authority to mergers N 46461 view bill as effort V 46461 add certainty to process V 46461 preserve fitness of industry N 46463 determining intent of acquisition N 46464 give control to interest V 46466 expressed support for bill N 46466 expressed support in order V 46468 divesting themselves of entities N 46470 called step toward resumption N 46471 made expression of expectations N 46472 provided increase over life V 46474 delay delivery of jetliners N 46476 receiving 100 from fund V 46482 launch offer for stock N 46483 file materials with Commission V 46484 holds stake in Dataproducts N 46484 made bid for company N 46484 made bid in May V 46487 seeking buyer for months V 46487 announced plan in September V 46487 took itself off block V 46489 sell million of holdings N 46489 sell million to Inc. V 46493 have reason for optimism N 46493 have reason after rebound V 46494 was hit of markets N 46499 been center of fever N 46499 been center in weeks V 46506 had memories of exchange N 46506 losing % of value N 46506 losing % in crash V 46510 delayed minutes of crush V 46512 took three-quarters of hour N 46512 get reading on market N 46513 spent night in offices V 46515 surprised a by storm V 46517 inhibit recovery for exchange N 46517 showing signs of weakness N 46518 took some of hits N 46521 cropped price by marks V 46521 leaving incentive for investors N 46522 recouped two-thirds of losses N 46522 recouped two-thirds in wake V 46523 plunged points at p.m V 46525 scooped equities across board V 46527 gave Bourse after fall V 46530 was buying in Paris V 46531 changed line in mid-conversation V 46536 posted loss for quarter N 46536 add billion to reserves V 46537 placed parent of Co. N 46537 placed parent among banks V 46537 covered portfolios to countries N 46537 covered portfolios with reserves V 46542 climbed 1.50 to 44.125 V 46543 sank % in quarter V 46544 finance loans to customers N 46545 received million of payments N 46545 been million in quarter N 46546 costing million of income N 46546 costing bank in period V 46547 climbed % to million V 46549 grew % to million V 46556 totaled million in quarter V 46558 offset growth of % N 46558 offset growth in operations V 46559 squeeze margin in Southeast N 46560 jumped 3.50 to 51 V 46562 contributed million to line V 46563 reflect % of earnings N 46564 raised billion in capital N 46564 raised billion during quarter V 46565 purchased both for million V 46568 post increase in income N 46568 post increase because growth V 46575 offset losses in market N 46576 reported increase in losses N 46579 fell % in quarter V 46580 grew % in period V 46582 take position on offer N 46583 seeks % of concern N 46584 begin process in 1994 V 46584 buy holders at price V 46585 challenges agreement between Corp. N 46588 has obligation to purchase N 46589 operate LIN in manner V 46589 diminish value in years V 46595 owns % of Telerate N 46604 accepted legitimacy of position N 46606 put estimate on losses V 46612 accept delays after 13 V 46619 retire obligations through exchanges V 46620 provided million in assistance N 46620 provided million to unit V 46620 maintain million in stock N 46620 maintain million in unit V 46621 buy % of stock N 46623 get shares of stock N 46623 get shares in exchange V 46623 receive shares of stock N 46624 paves way for surpluses N 46624 be center of economy N 46625 exchange all for package V 46626 swap 9 for share V 46627 buy share for 10.75 V 46629 offering amount for amount V 46630 redeem warrants at option V 46633 increase debt by million V 46640 fell % to million V 46641 grew % to million V 46642 jumped % to billion V 46643 grew % to million V 46644 reported loss of million N 46645 reached million from million V 46648 advanced % on market V 46649 is company for Co. N 46651 posted income for quarter N 46651 reflecting improvement in businesses N 46652 was contributor to results N 46653 including gain of million N 46656 signed agreement with builder N 46656 purchase building for million V 46659 use stocks as collateral V 46663 were all over weekend V 46665 handle meltdown in prices N 46669 falls points in day V 46670 enter market at levels V 46673 cause slide in prices N 46674 was the of worlds N 46676 stopped trading in securities N 46678 focused selling on Exchange V 46682 is limit for declines N 46685 execute orders in one V 46688 halted slide in prices N 46688 halted slide on Friday V 46691 synchronize breakers in markets V 46696 handle volume of shares N 46698 prevent crack in prices N 46701 is professor of economics N 46702 poses prospects for firms N 46703 open borders in 1992 V 46703 set effort off rails V 46704 face pressure from unions N 46704 face pressure in nations V 46704 play role in decisions V 46709 involving players for league N 46714 broke jaw with bat V 46715 dismissed suit against team N 46717 freeing nurses from duties V 46718 basing pay on education V 46720 basing advancement on education V 46723 signs nurses for travel V 46724 TREATING EMPLOYEES with respect V 46726 treat them with respect V 46729 get priority in bargaining V 46735 report rise in losses N 46742 gives inventors of microchip N 46743 accuses postmaster of tactics V 46747 had problems at all V 46749 changed hands during session V 46750 beefing computers after crash V 46751 quell falls in prices N 46753 brought rationality to market V 46756 fell % in quarter V 46758 is the in string N 46760 feeling pressure from Corp. N 46760 tested sale of pieces N 46763 be hit with diners N 46765 experienced problems in markets N 46769 post drop in income N 46772 selling approach to clients N 46774 is mention at end N 46777 features spots as Floodlights N 46779 offer tips to consumers V 46781 's risk of messages N 46781 created spots for Bank V 46783 Sees Pitfalls In Push N 46786 include products like Soap N 46787 realizing pitfalls of endorsements N 46788 puts Sunlight on list V 46790 questioned validity of list N 46804 replaced Willis in place V 46806 rattled conservatives with views V 46807 is director of Institute N 46809 release information about her N 46810 disclosed selection by Sullivan N 46811 is result of politics N 46812 pressure Hill for spending V 46816 been member of coalition N 46821 backed host of programs N 46824 boost spending above level V 46825 peg ceiling on guarantees N 46825 peg ceiling to % V 46825 limiting it to 101,250 V 46825 increase availability of mortgages N 46825 provide funding for Administration N 46825 increase incentives for construction N 46825 including billion in grants N 46830 lost billion in 1988 V 46831 pump billion into program V 46831 requested million for year V 46834 pushes price of housing N 46838 be conservatives in terms V 46839 override commitment to responsibility N 46843 insulate them from effects V 46847 give momentum to plans V 46848 make declaration on that N 46848 make declaration during meeting V 46851 has significance in itself V 46852 set date for conference N 46853 set date for conference N 46854 reminds me of joke N 46855 was combination of things N 46858 stop procession before end V 46860 get cash from banks V 46860 confirmed fear among arbitragers N 46863 spooked crowds along Street N 46866 opened Monday at 224 V 46867 opened Monday at 80 V 46869 lost % on Friday V 46871 line consortium of banks N 46872 setting stage for march V 46873 cast pall over market V 46874 ignoring efforts by Mattress N 46875 sell billion in bonds N 46875 sell billion before year-end V 46877 distract us from fundamentalism V 46878 are implications for makers N 46879 confirm direction of regulators N 46882 reflected reappraisal of excesses N 46883 be judges of quality N 46893 distinguish debt from debt V 46893 draw line at industry V 46896 rebounded morning with rising V 46896 close session at 35087.38 V 46897 slid points on Monday V 46898 soared points to 35133.83 V 46900 provide direction for markets V 46902 had losses than Tokyo N 46903 was market since plunge N 46904 set tone for markets V 46908 was speculation during day N 46911 sank 45.66 to 2600.88 V 46916 show gain of 200 N 46917 posted decline of year N 46918 fell 100.96 to 3655.40 V 46921 bear resemblance to events N 46926 outnumbered ones on market V 46927 called scenario for Japan N 46931 described plunge in U.S. N 46931 described plunge as event V 46933 posted gains on speculation V 46935 adjust allocation in equities N 46947 ended % above close N 46952 see % on downside N 46952 counting risk of news N 46953 closed drop since 1987 N 46962 dumped holdings on scale V 46963 cited memories of years N 46967 tipped world on side V 46970 reduce emissions by % V 46974 bars sale of crops N 46976 take control of policy N 46979 mandate reduction of dioxide N 46983 is ambition of General N 46985 collected plans from groups V 46985 cobbled them into initiative V 46986 's day of election N 46989 spend maximum for campaign N 46996 spend money on litigation V 46997 is issue among segments V 46998 are nation unto themselves N 46999 lost control of commerce N 46999 lost control to attorney V 47000 impose costs on citizens V 47001 define itself for futureeither V 47004 erased half of plunge N 47004 gaining 88.12 to 2657.38 V 47005 was advance for average N 47007 outnumbered 975 to 749 N 47007 suffered aftershocks of plunge N 47009 tumbled 102.06 to 1304.23 V 47011 fell 7 to 222 V 47013 concerned a about narrowness V 47016 gave credence to declaration V 47022 find orders from firms N 47023 hammering stocks into losses V 47024 sold baskets of stock N 47025 was hangover from Friday N 47028 losing 63.52 in minutes V 47032 pushed stocks to values V 47034 was lot of bargain-hunting N 47035 oversees billion in investments N 47036 put it in market V 47038 had one of imbalances N 47038 had one on Friday V 47038 was one of stocks N 47041 represented % of volume N 47046 was lot of selling N 47049 showed gain of 5.74 N 47052 get burst of energy N 47052 broke bottles of water N 47053 get prices for shares V 47054 was bedlam on the V 47067 maintain markets during plunge V 47069 were halts in issues V 47070 is one of stocks N 47074 jumped 1 to 38 V 47074 rose 1 to 1 V 47075 were sector of market N 47076 rising 1 to 43 V 47077 rose 1 to 43 V 47080 added 3 to 28 V 47080 rose 3 to 18 V 47080 rose 3 to 14 V 47081 climbed 4 to 124 V 47082 praised performance of personnel N 47085 make % of volume N 47087 get kind of reaction N 47088 had conversations with firms V 47089 were buyers of issues N 47089 were buyers amid flood V 47100 joined soulmates in battle V 47101 order cancellation of flight N 47106 cover percentage of traffic N 47106 represent expansion of ban N 47107 be concession for industry N 47111 had support from Lautenberg V 47111 used position as chairman N 47111 garner votes for initiative V 47114 retains support in leadership V 47115 owes debt to lawmakers V 47115 used position in conference N 47115 salvage exemption from ban V 47117 killed handful of projects N 47120 increase spending for equipment N 47121 includes million for airport N 47121 created alliances between lawmakers N 47122 gain leverage over city N 47124 delayed funds for project N 47125 review costs of phase N 47126 preserve million in subsidies N 47130 including million for improvements N 47132 reported earnings for quarter N 47133 free executives from agreement V 47134 acquire Columbia for billion V 47137 reflecting success of movies N 47138 including Huntsman of City N 47138 boosted stake in Corp. N 47138 boosted stake to % V 47139 acquire Aristech in transaction V 47142 send version of package N 47143 send delegation of staffers N 47143 send delegation to Poland V 47143 assist legislature in procedures V 47144 calls gift of democracy N 47145 view it as Horse V 47146 create atrocities as bill N 47146 be budget of States N 47147 explain work to Poles V 47147 do the for people V 47153 rose % to punts V 47157 reflected rebound in profit-taking N 47160 expected drop in prices N 47160 expected drop after drop V 47163 reduce size of portfolios N 47167 considered signal of changes N 47174 quoted yesterday at % V 47176 battered Friday in trading V 47176 post gains after session V 47179 making market in issues N 47180 make markets for issues V 47180 improved sentiment for bonds N 47182 rose point in trading V 47184 keep eye on trading V 47189 be bellwether for trading N 47191 includes report on trade N 47195 do damage to us V 47197 provide details of issue N 47198 is division of Corp. N 47224 ended 1 at 111 V 47224 rose 21 to 98 V 47228 quoted yesterday at 98 V 47231 yielding % to assumption V 47231 narrowed point to 1.42 V 47232 were dealings in Mac N 47232 gather collateral for deals N 47233 producing amounts of issues N 47234 was activity in market V 47236 drove bonds in dealings V 47240 dominated trading throughout session V 47243 was point at bid V 47247 weighing alternatives for unit N 47247 contacting buyers of operation N 47249 represented million of million N 47250 contact buyers for unit N 47251 raised stake in Ltd. N 47253 increase stake in ADT N 47253 increase stake beyond % V 47253 extend offer to rest V 47255 is 47%-controlled by Ltd. N 47256 posted surge in profit N 47256 posted surge for year V 47260 credited upsurge in sales N 47260 credited upsurge to sales V 47261 totaled yen in months V 47266 had profit before depreciation V 47268 is supplier of equipment N 47268 is supplier in U.S. V 47270 reported loss of million N 47272 reported income of 955,000 N 47274 fell cents to 4.25 V 47275 told investors in York N 47279 reflect improvements in margins N 47281 extended date of offer N 47282 sell facilities to party V 47282 reach agreement on sale N 47287 extended date of commitment N 47287 extended date to 15 V 47291 buy % of Ltd. N 47291 buy % with assumption V 47292 acquire % of Regatta N 47292 acquire % under conditions V 47293 manage operations under Gitano V 47294 have sales in excess V 47296 manufacturing clothes under trademark V 47298 had income of million N 47300 increased number of units N 47302 represent % of equity N 47305 extended offer of 32 N 47305 extended offer to 1 V 47307 holds total of % N 47307 holds total on basis V 47308 expire night at midnight V 47310 is unit of Corp. N 47310 is partner in Partners N 47317 feature photos of celebrities N 47318 report rush to orders N 47321 advancing look with collections V 47327 ignored market for years V 47330 snare portion of industry N 47334 outpacing growth in market N 47338 has quality to it V 47341 jumped year to rolls V 47342 features shots of stars N 47343 distinguish ads from spreads V 47345 won award as ad N 47353 show it to friends V 47358 costs a than film N 47362 increasing sponsorship of classes N 47363 sponsoring scores of contests N 47363 offering paper as prizes V 47364 distributing video to processors V 47367 has price of 250 N 47367 noticed requests from parents N 47371 made leaps in development N 47374 selected 15 of photos N 47374 selected 15 for issue V 47379 attributed performance to rate V 47380 had increase in profit N 47389 owns refinery in Switzerland N 47390 prompted fears about prospects N 47390 foreshadowed downs by times V 47391 reached record of 223.0 N 47391 reached record in August V 47393 marked gain for indicator N 47393 uses average as base V 47395 anticipate start of recession N 47395 anticipate start before end V 47397 is member of Group N 47400 foresee growth through rest V 47401 expect rise in 1990 N 47401 expect rise after adjustment V 47402 signal recoveries by periods V 47403 entered months before onset N 47403 turned months before recoveries N 47406 reached peak in 1929 V 47408 been performance of index N 47408 is part of index N 47412 is indicator of prospects N 47414 assigned mark of 80 N 47415 lost power because impact V 47417 diminished relevancy to outlook N 47420 building share of market N 47420 building share through growth V 47421 acquire interest in Birkel N 47424 is producer of pasta N 47424 is producer with sales V 47425 has workers at units V 47425 is producer of sauces N 47426 strengthens position in market N 47428 reduced rating on million N 47429 confirmed rating at C. V 47430 downgraded ratings on debt N 47431 reduced ratings for deposits N 47435 AVOIDED repeat of Monday N 47437 erased half of plunge N 47441 following plunge on Monday N 47443 withdrew offer for Air N 47443 citing change in conditions N 47444 slid 22.125 to 76.50 V 47445 get financing for bid V 47446 fell 56.875 to 222.875 V 47448 tumbled % in quarter V 47451 decrease production in quarter V 47460 slid % in quarter V 47463 solidify dominance of market N 47464 posted loss for quarter N 47464 reflecting addition to reserves N 47466 acquire Warehouse for million V 47466 expanding presence in business N 47473 are guide to levels N 47504 reached agreement with Corp. N 47504 develop standards for microprocessor V 47505 is entry in market N 47506 is leader for microprocessors N 47506 forms heart of computers N 47507 acquire stake in Alliant N 47508 license technologies to Intel V 47509 use microprocessor in products V 47511 expand position in markets N 47511 acquired division from Corp. V 47512 make contribution to earnings N 47513 earned million on revenue V 47515 had sales in year V 47516 built stake in company N 47517 owned a under % N 47517 owned a for years V 47518 notified Burmah of reason V 47519 merged operations with those V 47520 owns % of Calor N 47521 owns brand of oils N 47521 reported rise in income N 47522 sell Group to Inc. V 47523 expecting million to million N 47525 divest itself of operations N 47526 is sale of products N 47527 Citing provision for accounts N 47527 posted loss for quarter N 47528 sustained loss of million N 47530 reflect doubt about collectability N 47533 announced creation of group N 47533 bring interests in region N 47534 comprise all of operations N 47537 sell operations to PLC V 47538 standing trial in Namibia V 47545 were victims of suppression N 47546 declared representative of people N 47547 remove Korps from Angola V 47547 end control of Namibia N 47550 defended leaders in court V 47554 is the in series N 47556 washing hands over results V 47557 redress record in Namibia V 47558 investigates complaints from sides V 47559 reflected stability of market N 47562 continued lockstep with dollar N 47562 giving some of gains N 47563 have effect on economy V 47568 cut consumption of pork N 47569 gave some of gains N 47571 rose 4 to 367.30 V 47579 giving 10 of that N 47579 giving 10 at close V 47587 be harbinger of things N 47587 called halt to string N 47589 following days of gains N 47590 dampened spirits in pits N 47592 increased ceiling for quarter N 47593 sends shivers through markets V 47594 took note of yesterday N 47596 declined cents to 1.2745 V 47598 provided help for copper N 47604 declined tons to tons V 47611 was factor in market N 47612 is part of area N 47613 absorbing effect of hurricane N 47614 kept prices under pressure V 47620 buy tons of sugar N 47620 buy tons in market V 47623 was drop in market N 47625 hurt demand for pork N 47626 dropped limit of cents N 47629 take advantage of dip N 47630 report earnings per share N 47630 report earnings for quarter V 47630 report earnings per share N 47636 extended offer for Inc. N 47637 has value of million N 47638 is partnership of unit N 47640 owns % of shares N 47643 posted increase of earnings N 47644 earned million in quarter V 47645 credited number of loans N 47646 depressed originations to billion V 47647 enjoyed increase throughout 1989 V 47647 topped billion at end V 47649 entered atmosphere during repair V 47650 involves use of bag N 47653 curtail use of substance N 47654 see process as step V 47655 discovered northeast of Field N 47656 run test on wells V 47656 is miles from Field N 47657 are barrels of oil N 47658 estimated reserves of barrels N 47658 estimated reserves of barrels N 47659 owns interest in field N 47662 reduce income for months N 47669 acquire ISI for U.S V 47674 make offer for shares N 47675 sell stake in ISI N 47675 sell stake to Memotec V 47677 accept inquiries from others N 47679 resumed purchase of stock N 47679 resumed purchase under program V 47682 buy shares from time V 47686 purchase division of Corp N 47692 complements efforts by group N 47698 follows strike against company N 47702 replaced anxiety on Street V 47703 accept plunge as correction V 47706 gained strength at p.m. V 47706 slapped Shopkorn on back V 47708 opened morning on Board V 47713 handled volume without strain V 47717 plunged drop in history N 47720 fell % in trading V 47722 learned lessons since crash V 47723 are cause for selling N 47725 owns supplier of equipment N 47727 played part in comeback V 47729 kicked Monday with spree V 47729 began day by amounts V 47732 buy some of chips N 47736 eyed opening in Tokyo N 47737 plunged points in minutes V 47742 proved comfort to markets N 47743 delayed hour because crush V 47747 was sea of red N 47749 sending message to Street V 47757 running pell-mell to safety V 47759 started recovery in stocks N 47759 started recovery on Tuesday V 47762 posted loss on Street N 47769 triggering gains in Aluminium N 47770 had one of imbalances N 47770 had one on Friday V 47770 was one of stocks N 47772 prompting cheers on floors V 47773 get prices for shares V 47774 was bedlam on the V 47776 spurred buying from boxes N 47776 trigger purchases during periods V 47786 anticipating drop in Dow N 47787 withdrawing offer for Corp. N 47790 took events in stride V 47795 puts some of LBOs N 47795 puts some on skids V 47798 acquire % for 11.50 V 47799 begin offer for Skipper N 47799 begin offer on Friday V 47801 rose cents to 11 V 47803 turned proposal from Pizza N 47804 settled dispute with Hut N 47806 had income of 361,000 N 47809 considered protest in history N 47809 press demands for freedoms N 47811 demanded dismissal of leader N 47812 was right of people N 47814 raised possiblity of unrest N 47816 cover percentage of flights N 47816 represent expansion of ban N 47817 fined 250,000 for conviction V 47819 resumed countdown for launch N 47819 dismissed lawsuit by groups N 47821 extend ban on financing N 47824 endorsed ban on trade N 47824 endorsed ban in attempt V 47824 rescue elephant from extinction V 47826 held talks with Gadhafi V 47827 was trip to Egypt N 47828 announced reduction in formalities N 47830 allow visits between families N 47830 allow visits on peninsula V 47831 be the since 1945 N 47833 resumed activity in Africa V 47833 raising fears of backlash N 47834 bringing chaos to nation V 47837 approved limits on increases N 47837 approved limits without provisions V 47838 considered test of resolve N 47840 controls seats in legislature N 47841 opened round of talks N 47841 opened round in effort V 47842 present proposal during negotiations V 47843 selling arms to guerrillas V 47847 rose % in September V 47849 sell divisions of Co. N 47849 sell divisions for 600 V 47850 completing acquisition of Inc. N 47850 completing acquisition in April V 47850 considering sale of Cluett N 47851 make shirts under name V 47854 bring total of million N 47858 acquired it for million V 47859 had profit of million N 47860 sells clothes under labels V 47861 had sales of million N 47861 had sales in 1988 V 47862 fell cents to 53.875 V 47863 change name to PLC V 47863 write chunk of billion N 47864 posted drop in earnings N 47865 solidify dominance of market N 47868 erase perception of Arrow N 47869 is thing of past N 47870 make lot of sense N 47870 make lot to me V 47871 ousted Berry as executive V 47871 forced Fromstein as chief V 47872 solidified control in April V 47874 pull takeover of Manpower N 47874 produce earnings for companies V 47876 creating drag on earnings N 47877 is excess of cost N 47880 shows handful of pounds N 47880 following write-off of will N 47880 reflects billion of worth N 47881 eradicate some of will N 47881 eradicate some in swoop V 47882 represent chunk with claiming V 47882 overstated extent of will N 47883 bolster prospects during times V 47884 fell % in months V 47884 sliding % in July V 47885 blamed drop in quarter N 47885 blamed drop on growth V 47887 transforming Inc. from underachiever V 47887 guide turnaround at acquisition N 47892 including 815,000 from gain N 47893 were million in 1988 V 47896 was price by 1992 V 47897 achieve price in 1988 V 47899 set target of 50 N 47899 set target by end V 47901 joined Applied as officer V 47903 providing return on capital N 47911 named officer of Applied N 47911 named officer in 1986 V 47912 set growth as objective V 47913 took company in offering V 47915 reached million in year V 47917 hear state of challenge N 47918 order divestiture of merger N 47919 challenge merger on grounds V 47920 order break of mergers N 47920 have authority in lawsuits V 47921 resolve views of courts N 47921 operate chains as businesses V 47924 approved settlement between staff N 47926 cost consumers in prices V 47930 lack authority in lawsuits N 47934 preserve record of condition N 47934 Agreed Gell vs. Corp N 47938 urging leeway for states N 47942 supporting right to abortion N 47942 filed brief in cases V 47944 recognizing right to abortion N 47945 tending furnaces of Co. N 47950 restricts him to child V 47957 truck fish from coast V 47957 import sets from Japan V 47958 be mayor in U.S. V 47969 rises morning at a.m. V 47971 pops downstairs to shop V 47972 is equivalent of 80 N 47972 buys porridge for family V 47983 turned blood-red from peppers V 47985 buys bowl of rice N 47987 relate views from Party N 47988 read speeches from leaders N 47989 have opinion about events N 47990 do part in effort N 47991 chart cycles of employees N 47992 alternating doses of propaganda N 47992 alternating doses with threats V 47998 heads efforts at factory N