Description The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing services. OpenNLP also included maximum entropy and perceptron based machine learning. The goal of the OpenNLP project will be to create a mature toolkit for the abovementioned tasks. An additional goal is to provide a large number of pre-built models for a variety of languages, as well as the annotated text resources that those models are derived from.
General Library Structure The Apache OpenNLP library contains several components, enabling one to build a full natural language processing pipeline. These components include: sentence detector, tokenizer, name finder, document categorizer, part-of-speech tagger, chunker, parser, coreference resolution. Components contain parts which enable one to execute the respective natural language processing task, to train a model and often also to evaluate a model. Each of these facilities is accessible via its application program interface (API). In addition, a command line interface (CLI) is provided for convenience of experiments and training.
Application Program Interface (API). Generic Example OpenNLP components have similar APIs. Normally, to execute a task, one should provide a model and an input. A model is usually loaded by providing a FileInputStream with a model to a constructor of the model class: After the model is loaded the tool itself can be instantiated. After the tool is instantiated, the processing task can be executed. The input and the output formats are specific to the tool, but often the output is an array of String, and the input is a String or an array of String.
Command line interface (CLI)
Description OpenNLP provides a command line script, serving as a unique entry point to all included tools. The script is located in the bin directory of OpenNLP binary distribution. Included are versions for Windows: opennlp.bat and Linux or compatible systems: opennlp.
Setting up OpenNLP script uses JAVA_CMD and JAVA_HOME variables to determine which command to use to execute Java virtual machine. OpenNLP script uses OPENNLP_HOME variable to determine the location of the binary distribution of OpenNLP. It is recommended to point this variable to the binary distribution of current OpenNLP version and update PATH variable to include $OPENNLP_HOME/bin or %OPENNLP_HOME%\bin. Such configuration allows calling OpenNLP conveniently. Examples below suppose this configuration has been done.
Generic Example Apache OpenNLP provides a common command line script to access all its tools: This script prints current version of the library and lists all available tools: . Usage: opennlp TOOL where TOOL is one of: Doccat learnable document categorizer DoccatTrainer trainer for the learnable document categorizer DoccatConverter converts leipzig data format to native OpenNLP format DictionaryBuilder builds a new dictionary SimpleTokenizer character class tokenizer TokenizerME learnable tokenizer TokenizerTrainer trainer for the learnable tokenizer TokenizerMEEvaluator evaluator for the learnable tokenizer TokenizerCrossValidator K-fold cross validator for the learnable tokenizer TokenizerConverter converts foreign data formats (namefinder,conllx,pos) to native OpenNLP format DictionaryDetokenizer SentenceDetector learnable sentence detector SentenceDetectorTrainer trainer for the learnable sentence detector SentenceDetectorEvaluator evaluator for the learnable sentence detector SentenceDetectorCrossValidator K-fold cross validator for the learnable sentence detector SentenceDetectorConverter converts foreign data formats (namefinder,conllx,pos) to native OpenNLP format TokenNameFinder learnable name finder TokenNameFinderTrainer trainer for the learnable name finder TokenNameFinderEvaluator Measures the performance of the NameFinder model with the reference data TokenNameFinderCrossValidator K-fold cross validator for the learnable Name Finder TokenNameFinderConverter converts foreign data formats (bionlp2004,conll03,conll02,ad) to native OpenNLP format CensusDictionaryCreator Converts 1990 US Census names into a dictionary POSTagger learnable part of speech tagger POSTaggerTrainer trains a model for the part-of-speech tagger POSTaggerEvaluator Measures the performance of the POS tagger model with the reference data POSTaggerCrossValidator K-fold cross validator for the learnable POS tagger POSTaggerConverter converts conllx data format to native OpenNLP format ChunkerME learnable chunker ChunkerTrainerME trainer for the learnable chunker ChunkerEvaluator Measures the performance of the Chunker model with the reference data ChunkerCrossValidator K-fold cross validator for the chunker ChunkerConverter converts ad data format to native OpenNLP format Parser performs full syntactic parsing ParserTrainer trains the learnable parser BuildModelUpdater trains and updates the build model in a parser model CheckModelUpdater trains and updates the check model in a parser model TaggerModelReplacer replaces the tagger model in a parser model All tools print help when invoked with help parameter Example: opennlp SimpleTokenizer help ]]> OpenNLP tools have similar command line structure and options. To discover tool options, run it with no parameters: The tool will output two blocks of help. The first block describes the general structure of this tool command line: The general structure of this tool command line includes the obligatory tool name (TokenizerTrainer), the optional format parameters ([.namefinder|.conllx|.pos]), the optional parameters ([-abbDict path] ...), and the obligatory parameters (-model modelFile ...). The format parameters enable direct processing of non-native data without conversion. Each format might have its own parameters, which are displayed if the tool is executed without or with help parameter: To switch the tool to a specific format, add a dot and the format name after the tool name: The second block of the help message describes the individual arguments: Most tools for processing need to be provided at least a model: When tool is executed this way, the model is loaded and the tool is waiting for the input from standard input. This input is processed and printed to standard output. Alternative, or one should say, most commonly used way is to use console input and output redirection options to provide also an input and an output files: output.txt]]> Most tools for model training need to be provided first a model name, optionally some training options (such as model type, number of iterations), and then the data. A model name is just a file name. Training options often include number of iterations, cutoff, abbreviations dictionary or something else. Sometimes it is possible to provide these options via training options file. In this case these options are ignored and the ones from the file are used. For the data one has to specify the location of the data (filename) and often language and encoding. A generic example of a command line to launch a tool trainer might be: or with a format: Most tools for model evaluation are similar to those for task execution, and need to be provided fist a model name, optionally some evaluation options (such as whether to print misclassified samples), and then the test data. A generic example of a command line to launch an evaluation tool might be: