Apache OpenNLP 1.5.2-incubating =============================== Building from the Source Distribution ------------------------------------- At least Maven 3.0.0 is required for building. To build everything go into the opennlp directory and run the following command: mvn clean install The results of the build will be placed in: opennlp-distr/target/apache-opennlp-[version]-bin.tar-gz (or .zip) What is new in OpenNLP 1.5.2-incubating --------------------------------------- This release contains a couple of new features, improvements and bug fixes. The maxent trainer can now run in multiple threads to utilize multi-core CPUs, configurable feature generation was added to the name finder, the perceptron trainer was refactored and improved, machine learners can now be configured with much more options via a parameter file, evaluators can print out detailed evaluation information. Additionally the release contains the following noteworthy changes: - Improved the white space handling in the Sentence Detector and its training code - Added more cross validator command line tools - Command line handling code has been refactored - Fixed problems with the new build - Now uses fast token class feature generation code by default - Added support for BioNLP/NLPBA 2004 shared task data - Removal of old and deprecated code - Dictionary case sensitivity support is now done properly A detailed list of the issues related to this release can be found in the release notes. Requirements ------------ Java 1.5 is required to run OpenNLP Maven 3.0.0 is required for building it Known OSGi Issues ------------ In an OSGi environment the following things are not supported: - The coreference resolution component - The ability to load a user provided feature generator class Note ---- The current API contains still many deprecated methods, these will be removed in one of our next releases, please migrate to our new API.