Title: Documentation There exists a manual and Javadoc API documentation for Apache OpenNLP. The manual explains how the various OpenNLP components can be used and trained. ###Apache OpenNLP 1.7.2 documentation * [Apache OpenNLP Manual](documentation/1.7.2/manual/opennlp.html) * [Apache OpenNLP Tools Javadoc](documentation/1.7.2/apidocs/opennlp-tools/index.html) * [Apache OpenNLP UIMA Javadoc](documentation/1.7.2/apidocs/opennlp-uima/index.html) * [Apache OpenNLP BRAT Annotator Javadoc](documentation/1.7.2/apidocs/opennlp-brat-annotator/index.html) * [Apache OpenNLP Morfologik Addon Javadoc](documentation/1.7.2/apidocs/opennlp-morfologik-addon/index.html) Note: All the documentation is also included in the binary distribution.