------ Introduction ------ Rahul Thakur, Mark Struberg ------ November 29, 2010 ------ OpenJPA Maven Plugin This plugin provides useful tasks for building and maintaining an OpenJPA project with maven. All goals work on a given set of JPA entities. * Goals Overview * {{{enhance-mojo.html}openjpa:enhance}} Enhance the entity classes with persistence functionality. * {{{sql-mojo.html}openjpa:sql}} Create a file with SQL statements, with e.g. CREATE TABLE statements * {{{schema-mojo.html}openjpa:schema}} Create a file which contains the schema mapping XML * {{{test-enhance-mojo.html}openjpa:test-enhance}} Enhance the entity classes in the test classpath with persistence functionality. [] * Usage Instructions on how to use the OpenJPA Maven Plugin can be found on the {{{usage.html}usage page}}. * Examples * {{{examples/enhance.html} JPA enhancement example.}} * {{{examples/sql.html} SQL maintenance strategies.}} * {{{examples/schema.html} Schema mapping example.}} * {{{examples/testenhance.html} JPA enhancement for test classes example.}} * {{{examples/credentials.html} Manually setting.the credentials for accessing the database at build time }} []