Title: Building from source # Building from source ### Checking out the source To checkout the source, run this command with your subversion client. svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb-eclipse-plugin openejb-eclipse-plugin ### Building the source To build the plugin you will need Maven (the build has been tested with Maven 2.0.7). To run the build, issue this command mvn -Dassemble clean install You should be aware that this will download any dependencies, including a copy of Eclipse. This will take a while for your first build. ### Importing the plugin code into an Eclipse workspace You can generate the Eclipse projects for the plugins by running the following command mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse You can add the M2_REPO classpath variable to your Eclipse workspace by running the following command mvn -Declipse.workspace= eclipse:add-maven-repo