<%@ page language="java" session="true" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" info="Config" errorPage="error.jsp" import="java.util.Map,java.util.Iterator,org.apache.oodt.grid.Server,org.apache.oodt.grid.Utility,java.net.URL" %> Web Grid Configuration

Web Grid Configuration

<% if (cb.getMessage().length() > 0) { %>
<% } %>
Administrative Settings
Leave blank to leave password unchanged.
Click Yes to enable administrative access from browsers running on the local web-server host only. Click No to allow any host to access these administrative pages.
/>Yes />No
Click Yes to require HTTPS for access to these administrative pages. Note that this will require your web server to also support HTTPS. If you're not sure, click No.
/>Yes />No
System Properties
To add a new system property, enter its key and value at the bottom. You can change the values of existing properties. To delete an existing property, check the box to its right.
<% int row = 1; for (Iterator i = cb.getProperties().entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++row) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String val = (String) entry.getValue(); %> <% } %>
<%= row %>. <%= Utility.esc(key) %>
Code Bases
Specify a URL for each code base. URLs to files are assumed to be jar files. URLs that end in a / refer to directories containing class files. Check the box to delete a code base.
<% row = 0; for (Iterator i = cb.getConfiguration().getCodeBases().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++row) { URL codeBaseURL = (URL) i.next(); %> <% } %>
#Code BaseDelete?
<%= row+1 %>. <%= Utility.esc(codeBaseURL.toString()) %>
Query Handlers
Product Query Handlers
Specify the class name for each product query handler; the class must implement the org.apache.oodt.product.QueryHandler interface.
<% row = 0; for (Iterator i = cb.getProductServers().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++row) { Server server = (Server) i.next(); String className = server.getClassName(); %> <% } %>
#Class NameDelete?
<%= row+1 %>. <%= Utility.esc(className) %>
Profile Query Handlers
Specify the class name for each profile query handler; the class must implement the org.apache.oodt.profile.handlers.ProfileHandler interface.
<% row = 0; for (Iterator i = cb.getProfileServers().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++row) { Server server = (Server) i.next(); String className = server.getClassName(); %> <% } %>
#Class NameDelete?
<%= row+1 %>. <%= Utility.esc(className) %>