settings['puny_module_path'] . '/classes/Puny.class.php'); // Get the configured editor username / password $punyUsername = App::Get()->settings['puny_editor_username']; $punyPassword = App::Get()->settings['puny_editor_password']; // Get the provided credentials from the POST request $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; // Ensure that the editor credentials are properly configured in config.ini if ( !($punyUsername && $punyPassword) ) { $_SESSION['puny_error'] = "Unable to launch Puny because the Puny " . "admin credentials are not configured properly."; App::Get()->redirect(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_root'] . '/error'); } // Test the provided values against the configured values if ( $username == $punyUsername && $password == $punyPassword ) { // Login success Puny::initializeEditorSession(); App::get()->redirect(SITE_ROOT . '/'); } else { // Login Failure... $_SESSION['puny_error'] = "Invalid editor credentials provided..."; App::Get()->redirect(App::Get()->settings['puny_module_root'] . '/error'); } exit();