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Loading this in the head was slowing page load time */ addLoadEvent( function() { var lists = document.createElement("script"); lists.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); lists.setAttribute("src", toRoot+"lists.js"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(lists); } ); addLoadEvent( function() { $("pre:not(.no-pretty-print)").addClass("prettyprint"); prettyPrint(); } ); function setToRoot(root, assets) { toRoot = root; toAssets = assets; // note: toRoot also used by carousel.js } function restoreWidth(navWidth) { var windowWidth = $(window).width() + "px"; content.css({marginLeft:parseInt(navWidth) + 6 + "px"}); //account for 6px-wide handle-bar if (isIE6) { content.css({width:parseInt(windowWidth) - parseInt(navWidth) - 6 + "px"}); // necessary in order for scrollbars to be visible } sidenav.css({width:navWidth}); resizePackagesNav.css({width:navWidth}); classesNav.css({width:navWidth}); $("#packages-nav").css({width:navWidth}); } function restoreHeight(packageHeight) { var windowHeight = ($(window).height() - HEADER_HEIGHT); var swapperHeight = windowHeight - 13; $("#swapper").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); sidenav.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); content.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); resizePackagesNav.css({maxHeight:swapperHeight + "px", height:packageHeight}); classesNav.css({height:swapperHeight - parseInt(packageHeight) + "px"}); $("#packages-nav").css({height:parseInt(packageHeight) - 6 + "px"}); //move 6px to give space for the resize handle devdocNav.css({height:sidenav.css("height")}); $("#nav-tree").css({height:swapperHeight + "px"}); } function readCookie(cookie) { var myCookie = cookie_namespace+"_"+cookie+"="; if (document.cookie) { var index = document.cookie.indexOf(myCookie); if (index != -1) { var valStart = index + myCookie.length; var valEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", valStart); if (valEnd == -1) { valEnd = document.cookie.length; } var val = document.cookie.substring(valStart, valEnd); return val; } } return 0; } function writeCookie(cookie, val, section, expiration) { if (val==undefined) return; section = section == null ? 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