Title: Documentation Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # Documentation OData 2.0 Java Library ### How to Start * [Sample Project Setup with Maven Archetypes](/doc/odata2/sample-setup.html) * [Run with Tomcat](/doc/odata2/tomcat.html) * [Maven Dependencies](/doc/odata2/dependencies.html) ### Tutorials (OData 2.0) ##### Olingo for Client usage * [Client Sample Tutorial](/doc/odata2/tutorials/OlingoV2BasicClientSample.html) * [Consuming Delta Responses](/doc/odata2/tutorials/deltaClient.html) * [How to use the Batch Client API](/doc/odata2/tutorials/batchClientApi.html) ##### Olingo for Server usage * [Read Scenario](/doc/odata2/tutorials/basicread.html) * [Write Scenario](/doc/odata2/tutorials/Olingo_Tutorial_BasicWrite.html) * [Read Scenario - $expand](/doc/odata2/tutorials/read_expand.html) * [Read Scenario - Media Resources](/doc/odata2/tutorials/read_media-resource.html) * [Batch Scenario (read/write)](/doc/odata2/tutorials/Olingo_Tutorial_AdvancedReadWrite_Batch.html) * [Delta Responses](/doc/odata2/tutorials/delta.html) ##### Olingo Library Extensions * Java Annotation Processor Extension * [Creating a Web Application Project with Annotation Processor Extension](/doc/odata2/tutorials/AnnotationProcessorExtension.html) * JPA Processor Extension * [Creating a Web Application Project for Transforming JPA Models into OData Services](/doc/odata2/tutorials/CreateWebApp.html) * [Extending the EDM Generated from the JPA Models](/doc/odata2/tutorials/ExtendingtheEDM.html) * [Adding Function Imports for JPA Models](/doc/odata2/tutorials/jpafunctionimport.html) * [Redefine Metadata for JPA Models](/doc/odata2/tutorials/jparedefinemetadata.html) * [Delta Token Support for JPA][1] * [Handling CLOB and BLOB Data Types][2] * [Custom OData JPA Processor][3] ##### Miscellaneous * [Non JAX-RS support](/doc/odata2/tutorials/servlet.html) * [Implementation of Filter Visitor](/doc/odata2/tutorials/Olingo_Tutorial_AdvancedRead_FilterVisitor.html) * [Parse Metadata](/doc/odata2/tutorials/Olingo_Tutorial_BasicRead_EDM.html) * [Service Resolution](/doc/odata2/tutorials/Olingo_Tutorial_Advanced_Service_Resolution.html) * [Debug Support and Custom Error Handling](/doc/odata2/tutorials/debug.html) * [OSGi Support](/doc/odata2/tutorials/osgi.html) ### Javadoc * [Javadoc for OData 2.0 Library](/javadoc/odata2) ### Olingo Project Setup (Contributors) * [Git and Maven Support](/doc/odata2/maven.html) * [Eclipse IDE Support](/doc/odata2/eclipse.html) * [Release Documentation](/doc/odata2/release.html) [1]: http://olingo.apache.org/doc/odata2/tutorials/DeltaQuerySupport.html [2]: http://olingo.apache.org/doc/odata2/tutorials/HandlingClobAndBlob.html [3]: http://olingo.apache.org/doc/odata2/tutorials/CustomODataJPAProcessor.html