<#-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <#if getUsername> <#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: all page headings should start with an h2 tag, not an H1 tag, as there should generally always only be one h1 tag on the page and that will generally always be reserved for the logo at the top of the page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

${uiLabelMap.PartyRequestNewAccount} ${uiLabelMap.PartyAlreadyHaveAccount}, ${uiLabelMap.CommonLoginHere}

<#macro fieldErrors fieldName> <#if errorMessageList?has_content> <#assign fieldMessages = Static["org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.MessageString"].getMessagesForField(fieldName, true, errorMessageList)> <#macro fieldErrorsMulti fieldName1 fieldName2 fieldName3 fieldName4> <#if errorMessageList?has_content> <#assign fieldMessages = Static["org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.MessageString"].getMessagesForField(fieldName1, fieldName2, fieldName3, fieldName4, true, errorMessageList)>  ${uiLabelMap.CommonCancel}  ${uiLabelMap.CommonSave}
<#---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need to include a brief explanation of the form, or certain elements in the form (such as explaining asterisks denote REQUIRED), then you should use a

tag with a class name of "desc" ----------------------------------------------------------------------->


<#---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two types of fieldsets, regular (full width) fielsets, and column (half width) fieldsets. If you want to group two sets of inputs side by side in two columns, give each fieldset a class name of "col" ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
${uiLabelMap.PartyFullName} <#---------------------------------------------------------------------- Each input row should be enclosed in a
. This will ensure than each input field clears the one above it. Alternately, if you want several inputs to float next to each other, you can enclose them in a table as illustrated below for the phone numbers, or you can enclose each label/input pair in a span Example:
<@fieldErrors fieldName="USER_TITLE"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="USER_FIRST_NAME"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="USER_MIDDLE_NAME"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="USER_LAST_NAME"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="USER_SUFFIX"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_ADDRESS2"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_CITY"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_POSTAL_CODE"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_COUNTRY"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_STATE"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ALLOW_SOL"/>
${uiLabelMap.CommonCountry} ${uiLabelMap.PartyAreaCode} ${uiLabelMap.PartyContactNumber} ${uiLabelMap.PartyExtension} ${uiLabelMap.PartyAllowSolicitation}
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CUSTOMER_EMAIL"/>
<#if getUsername>${uiLabelMap.CommonUsername} <#if getUsername> <@fieldErrors fieldName="USERNAME"/> <#if !requestParameters.preferredUsername?has_content>
<#if requestParameters.preferredUsername?has_content> <#else>
${uiLabelMap.CommonPassword} <#if createAllowPassword>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="PASSWORD"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="CONFIRM_PASSWORD"/>
<@fieldErrors fieldName="PASSWORD_HINT"/>
<#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To create a consistent look and feel for all buttons, input[type=submit], and a tags acting as submit buttons, all button actions should have a class name of "button". No other class names should be used to style button actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  ${uiLabelMap.CommonCancel}  ${uiLabelMap.CommonSave}