Release Notes for Apache OFBiz® 16.11.02
Apache OFBiz® is an open source product for the automation of enterprise processes that includes framework components and business applications.
Apache OFBiz 16.11.02, released in 2017-05-22, is the second release of the 16.11 series, that has been stabilized since November 2016.
- [OFBIZ-9198] - Missing file results in error
- [OFBIZ-9310] - On setting verbose true, UtilHttp.getParameterMap() method prints username and password in logs
- [OFBIZ-9313] - Update Tomcat to 8.0.42 because of CVE-2017-5648
- [OFBIZ-9331] - Convert QuoteRole entity related service from simple to entity auto.
- [OFBIZ-6386] - compareBigDecimals in org.ofbiz.minilang.method.conditional.Compare does not compare certain values correctly
- [OFBIZ-7066] - temporal expression screen missing date dialogbox
- [OFBIZ-7265] - Could not obtain Lock on lucene index Lock
- [OFBIZ-7375] - Routing should not be allow to update with empty routing name
- [OFBIZ-8266] - From Date and Thru Date doesn't reflect on List Quote Roles screen.
- [OFBIZ-8318] - Error on scrum main page
- [OFBIZ-9125] - Errormessage is displayed twice in
- [OFBIZ-9126] - SimpleMethod: Problem with Variables in key-fields
- [OFBIZ-9133] - catalog/control/FindReviews does not render proper column data
- [OFBIZ-9152] - SimpleMethod: FindByAnd never using EntityListIterator
- [OFBIZ-9155] - JobPoller does not run and hence scheduled/async jobs are never run
- [OFBIZ-9157] - "View Order" throws exception in getReturnableQuantity
- [OFBIZ-9178] - deprecation messages in console output
- [OFBIZ-9184] - In entitymodel.xsd entity-alias for condition-expr must be required
- [OFBIZ-9191] - Navigate Accounts tree does not work
- [OFBIZ-9195] - Error in glAccountId retrieval for fixed asset depreciations
- [OFBIZ-9196] - Regression: a commit between R15 and the Gradle switch uses/blocks the ports
- [OFBIZ-9201] - Birt logging unlogical high
- [OFBIZ-9204] - Cancelled OrderItems are still included in orderGrandTotal
- [OFBIZ-9208] - reinstate url cache in UtilURL.fromResource
- [OFBIZ-9216] - report GL Account Trial Balance
- [OFBIZ-9220] - Employment Applications in Party manager does not list any record even if they exist.
- [OFBIZ-9224] - 16.11 ofbizUrl include host+port and break some reverse-proxy / docker setups
- [OFBIZ-9225] - Editing quantity of configurable products changes actual product
- [OFBIZ-9228] - Create an Accounting Transaction page not found
- [OFBIZ-9230] - Missing reference to the delegator in framework/widget/templates/HtmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl
- [OFBIZ-9234] - The ecommerce breadcrumb fails when you come from the catalog product link
- [OFBIZ-9252] - While re-ordering an order, order terms doesn't set
- [OFBIZ-9261] - Handle only labels with the "_" separator between languages and countries
- [OFBIZ-9265] - Error in accounting report inventory valuation with through date with an empty value.
- [OFBIZ-9280] - Sort Links in Lookup for Data Resource Id causes unwanted behaviour on Find Content page
- [OFBIZ-9309] - Ecommerce component showing error screen on searchContent from showcontenttree page
- [OFBIZ-9311] - The help button or link does not show for the Birt, BI and example components
- [OFBIZ-9314] - WorkEffort shows error on party assignment
- [OFBIZ-9315] - WorkEffort Keywords does not list after adding.
- [OFBIZ-9324] - Accounting_quantity_diff <-- Item variance
- [OFBIZ-9345] - Error viewing tomahawk-themed page when externalLoginKey is not enabled
- [OFBIZ-9144] - refactor javadocs in OFBiz to be standards compliant
- [OFBIZ-9175] - Build OFBIZ as EAR with Gradle EAR Plugin
- [OFBIZ-9289] - SOAPEventHandler only outputs error to log when secureSoapAnswer = false
- [OFBIZ-9318] - Create New Quote button is duplicated on View Quote page
- [OFBIZ-9323] - Remove the birt.tld file and all related files and lines
- [OFBIZ-9326] - Running and Debugging OFBiz in Intellij IDEA