The Open For Business Project - Feature List
Written By: David E. Jones,
Edited by Les Austin
Last Updated: 03 August 2004
This purpose of this document is to present the
features of The Open For Business Project. Because of the scope of the
project it is difficult to capture every detail of the included
functionality, but this document should
give you a good overview of both the framework and the applications.
Please note that this document is an on-going
effort just as
The Open For Business Project is. If you are aware of any features we
haven't listed
here, please let us know.
- Free & open source software
- No license or license maintenance costs
- No vendor, service provider, or
application lock-in
- Active and supportive community
- You get full source code
- You can see how everything works
- You can track down issues quickly
- You can change anything you want
- Apache 2.0 Open Source License
- You don't have to open source your
- You can repackage, distribute, and
even sell derivative software
- You can say it is based on Open For
- Standards based
- It is easy to learn for those familiar
with similar software
- It is easy to reuse existing software
based on the same standards
- It is easy to integrate with other
internal or partner systems
- Based on: Sun Java, J2EE; W3C XML, HTML,
SOAP; WfMC XPDL; OMG GL, Party, Product, Workflow
- All applications built on the same framework,
tools & components
- No need to learn and use many different
- No need to integrate applications
- No need to deal with limited features
because of poor integrations between disparate technologies
- Huge cost savings because of consistent
and easy to maintain components
- Standards based flexible and generic data
- Covers all major entities used in
- Provides a structure to simplify the
achievement of custom data needs
- Uses common terms for entity names to
make it easier to understand and use
- Flexible and efficient to use data layer
- No database system lock-in; supports many
different databases
- No need to write redundant persistence
code and configuration
- Easy to use XML data definitions
- Powerful API offers generic operations
that behave differently based on data definitions
- Most operations can be done with a single
line of code and no need to write supporting code
- Loosely coupled multi-layer component
- It is easy to customize and reuse
- It is easy to build new applications
through the composition of existing components
- It is easy to find code and other
components based on consistent patterns
- Components can be replaced without
breaking other components because of well defined and managed
- Distributed architecture
- It is easy to scale multiple servers or
pools of servers
- It is easy to seamlessly integrate &
communicate with other systems
- Service based logic layer
- All logic modeled as a service
- Makes it easy to reuse logic
- Services can be automatically exposed as
Web Services
- Makes it easy add custom user interfaces,
even many at once
- Makes it easy to distribute the system
over multiple servers
- Makes it easy to communicate with other
- Advanced web application framework
- Separates input processing logic, view
data preparation logic and view presentation templates
- Supports many different types of logic,
including scripting languages and services
- Supports many different types of view
templates including XML/XSLT, FreeMarker, Velocity, JSP, and any other
- Tracks all visits and page hits for
security and marketing purposes
- Keeps statistical traffic and performance
data since server start and in time bins
- Perfect for B2C and B2B eCommerce
- Can be easily configured for secure or public
catalog viewing
- Supports automatic switching from HTTP
(insecure) to HTTPS (secure) and back based on protection desired for
each page
- Product Finding
- Product search
- Supports any combination of
constraints per search, including keyword, category, feature, and other
- Indexed Product Keyword Constraints
- Can search for all keywords
specified or any keyword specified
- Configurable stop words are
removed during indexing and searching so they won't affect search
- Configurable suffixes (such as
-y, -ies, etc) are removed during indexing so they won't affect search
- Different product fields can be
weighted differently when indexing
- Category Constraints
- Can restrict search to products
in a given category; this makes it possible to only have the products
for the active catalog show up in keyword search results and other
- Can search in a category and
include all child categories
- Can include multiple categories
in the search to get a cross section of products in the categories, ie
the products must be in all categories
- Can restrict search to products with
a given feature applied
- Search results are ordered by default
based on keyword weights determined during indexing, other orderings
are supported as well
- When search results are presented all
constraints are listed that were used in the search and any one can be
- Product category browse
- Expandable browse tree shows current
category context in the left column on relevent pages (by default)
- Products in a category can be layed
out with different templates assigned to different categories, and
different sub-templates assigned to different products
- By default 10 products are shown at a
time and you can go to previous and next pages (these settings are
easily changed)
- Products can belong to multiple
- Sub-categories can belong to multiple
parent categories
- Root browse category will change
automatically based on the settings associated with the active catalog
- All product, category and catalog
associations are effective dated with from and thru dates
- Unlimited number of products,
categories and catalogs
- Product detail view
- Displays large product image (if one
is specified), with a link to the detail image (if one is specified)
- Displays all relevant product
information including name, short & long descriptions, price,
whether or not inventory is available, etc
- Displays all cross-sells, up-sells,
products deprecated by this product, products that deprecate this
product, and any other desired associated product through simple
template changes
- For products with variants (aka
"virtual" products) shows drop downs for each feature type that is
associated as a selectable feature; to handle available feature
combinations shows all avilable in the first drop down, and each
additional one is populated when a selection in a previous drop-down
has been chosen
- For products with variants can
display small images for each of the features of the first selectable
feature type; a useful application of this is having the color be the
first selectable feature type and having small images for each
different color; when large images are associated with the variant
products the large image will change as corresponding features are
selected in the drop-down(s)
- Displays links to previous and next
products in the current category for easy browsing through the details
of a given category
- With flexible product attributes and
features additional structured information can easily be added and
displayed just how you want
- Special categories
- Shown on special pages like the main
- Examples include top 10 most popular,
promoted items, new items, etc.
- These categories are attached to the
active catalog
- Cross-sells and up-sells
- Modeled as special types of product
- Can also include product
deprecations, marketing packages, etc
- Shown on the product detail page for
each product
- Shopping cart random cross-sells
- Random cross-sells are chosen from
all items currently in the shopping cart
- Shown three at a time; when more than
three unique products are available a different set is chosen on each
new page
- As a product is added to the shopping
cart it is no longer shown
- Displayed on the shopping cart detail
- Displayed in a small box in the right
column underneath the mini shopping cart on relevant pages (by default)
- Quick re-order
- Re-order list built from products
previously ordered
- List is weighted by quantity ordered
and frequency of ordering
- Default re-order quantity is an
average of all quantities previous ordered for a given product
- Only the top five are shown at any
given time
- As a product is added to the shopping
cart it is no longer shown
- Displayed in a small box at the
bottom of the right column on relevant pages (by default)
- Promotions
- Promotion Conditions Supported
- Cart Sub-total
- Total Amount of Product
- X Amount of Product
- X Quantity of Product
- Account Days Since Created
- Party
- Role Type
- Promotion Actions Supported
- Gift With Purchase
- Free Shipping
- X Product for Y% Discount
- X Product for Y Discount
- X Product for Y Price
- Order Percent Discount
- Order Amount Flat
- Use limits per order, customer, promotion
- Promotion Codes
- Can be required for promotion to
- Use limits per customer, code
- Can be restricted to only allow use
by a customer with a specific email address or party ID
- Can associate products and/or categories
with the entire promotion or a specific condition or action, support
include, exclude, and always associations
- With conditions and actions can support
buy X get Y free (or for Z% discount) and many other options
- Rule Based Pricing
- Customer Profile
- Shopping Cart & Checkout Process
- Order History
- Affiliate & Marketing Data
Party Manager
Note: A Party can be either a Person,
or a group of
Parties. A Party Group could be a company, an organization within the
company, a supplier, a customer, and so forth. Information that
describes Parties or is directly related to Parties is contained in
these entities.
- Party Types: Persons and Groups
- Finding Parties
- Party Data Maintenance
- Personal Data
- Organization Data
- UserLogin & Security Data
- Contact Mechanisms: Telecom Number,
Postal Address, Email Address, Web Page Address, etc.
- Payment Mechanisms: Credit Cards, EFT
- Party Roles
- Party Relationships
- Security Data Maintenance
- Security Permissions
- Security Groups
- UserLogin Group Membership
- Group Permission Association
Marketing Manager
- Tracking Code Management
- Marketing Campaign Management
- Central place to track marketing
- Right now includes promotions and
tracking codes
Catalog Manager
Everything involving your products that will be seen by your customers
is managed from here.
- Product Stores
- Identify the venue from which sales will
be made
- Select which stores will handle which
catalogs, categories and products
- Product Catalogs
- Create new catalogs
- Develop collections of products or
categories, assigning them to their related catalogs
- Associate product with price, location,
availability, features, graphics, and other details
- Product Categories
- Specify what products or features will
be gathered under what categories
- Create categories as needed here
- Products
- Define products
- Describe products
- Associate graphic images with products
- Gather information on facilities,
inventory, content, IDs, keywords, associations, suppliers, attributes,
and more
- Product Features
- Add, delete or modify features as shown
in the catalog for any product
- Changes to features can be date defined
to start and to stop
- Price Rules
- Prices can be modified at a working
employee or ordering level when the rules are defined here for price
variations such as discounts, special sales conditions, etc.
- Create names (IDs) for prices rules to be
applied to events, categories, products, stores, etc.
- Promotions
- Define product promotions
- Specify text for promotion
- Specify rules for administration
- Identify stores for applicability
- Assign tracking codes
Facility Manager
- Facility Management
- Facility
- Facility can be a Warehouse, Retail
Store, Office, Building, Meeting Room, etc, etc.
- Inventory & Warehouse Management
- Inventory Location Management
- Pick/Primary and Bulk Location
Management, set thresholds for recommend replenishment stock moves
- Inventory Management: Quantity On
Hand & Available To Promise with Order Inventory Reservations and
Item Issuance for Shipments
- Pick & Pack Management with
picklist generation, supports limited number of orders per picklist,
sorts list by location, can generate pick lists separately for
different shipment methods
- Handles order splitting
preference to ship all at once or as available
- Order only included in picklists
when sufficient inventory is on hand in pick/primary locations
- Streamlined or detailed packing
and shipping processes with serial scale support for weighing and label
printing support
- Facility Group
- Grouping facilities under a common
topic enables consolidated assignments or instructions
- Group features
- Rollups (parent/child relationships)
- Role assignments
- Party to group
- Group to party
- Time of existence or relationship
- Shipment Management
- Parties
- Contact mechanism content
- Automatic Shipment Creation from Purchase
and Sales Orders
- Estimated Costing
- Latest Cancel Date
- Shipment Scheduling
- Shipment Items
- Shipment Packages
- Shipment Item Package Assignment
- Shipment Route Segments
- Shipment Package Route Segment Assignment
- Generate a Shipment Plan
- UPS XML-based Integration (XPCI)
- Confirm Shipment (gets tracking
number, pricing and other information)
- Accept Shipment (gets shipping label
image and finalizes the shipment)
- UPS then knows what to pickup and has
all information about shipments and packages
- Void Shipment
- Track Shipment (updates tracking
Order Manager
- Search for existing orders
- By Order ID or Customer PO#
- By Product ID
- By Role Type
<>By Party ID or User LoginID>- By Order
<>By Store or Web Site>- By Status
- With Date Filter
- View existing orders
- Order Entry
- Sales Orders
- Purchase Orders
- Purchase Order Receipt Scheduling
- Back Orders: includes customer notification,
delivery estimates, partial CC settlements, CC refunds, etc
- Returns & Refunds: based on order items,
track reasons, put refunds on CC, billing account, mail a check, store
credit, etc; assisted creation of replacement order
Accounting Manager
- General Ledger Accounts
- View Chart of Accounts
- Create New GL Account
- Edit an existing GL Account
- Billing Accounts
- Find a Billing Account
- View/Edit a Billing Account
- Delete
- Update
- Modify Roles
- Modify/Create new Terms
- Find/View Invoices
- Payments
- Invoices
- Find/View existing Invoices
- Automatic Invoices from Purchase and
Sales Orders
- Payments
- Find a Payment Received
- by Payment ID
- by Payment Method Type
- by Status
- From/To Party
- with Date Filter
- Record a Manual Transaction
Work Effort Manager
- Track work efforts
- Tasks & to-do items
- Hierarchical items for projects,
phases, tasks, sub-tasks, etc.
- Assign items to multiple parties
- Track priority, cost estimates, etc
- Track estimated and actual: start
times, end times, durations
- Calendar events
- Manage shared and private scheduled
calendar event
- View by day, by week or by month
- Notify other parties of events,
tasks, assignments, and accomplishments
- Workflow activities
- View all activities assigned to you
- View all activities assigned to a
role or party group that you belong to
- Update the status of your involvement
in the activity
- Based on your status updates the
system will automatically update the activity status
- Custom templates and views can be
added to display information related to each activity from the workflow
process context or other database data
- Work efforts are associated with the cost
side of the Cost-Benefit analysis; to manage both sides of the
comparison work efforts can be associated with requirements or requests
- Track requests
- Supports requests: for support, for
features, for fixes, for information, for quotes, for proposals
- Associate requests with requirements
- Associate requests with work efforts
(tasks, projects, etc)
- Each request consists of multiple items,
each of which contains details about what is desired
- The request acts as a package of multple
desired items
- Each request item contains a "story" of
what is desired
- In the Cost-Benefit scheme of things a
request is associated with the benefit side; costs are associated with
the resulting work efforts, allowing you to track and manage BOTH sides
of the comparison
- Track requirements
- Used to internally manage required
features for a product
- Usually based on requests, or request
items to be more accurate
- Each requirement contains a "use case"
for a more formal description of what is to be created
- Requirements are also on the benefit side
of the Cost-Benefit analysis, but the benefits are generally better
understood through associated requests
Content Manager
- Web Site Management
- Create sites
- Modify sites
- Associate parties
- Assign Hosts and Ports
- Establish Standard and Secure Content Prefix
- Specify Cookie Domain
- Dynamic Survey Management
- Create survey
- Find existing survey
- Edit existing survey
- General Information/Concepts
- Basic Content application screens for
creating/updating content, data resources, meta data, content
structure, etc.
- Use slightly modified WYSISWIG editors
from WSPublisher for editing of HTML, XML, plain text and other content
- Tools to mount content structures as
webapp resources
- Associate parties with content for
administrative purposes or for things like keeping track of who has
read and who must read specific content
- Categorization and security features so
that sets of content can be administered and view by limited groups of
- FreeMarker/XSLT/Velocity to allow for
templating in content text, makes it more flexible like JSPs for
dynamic content when needed
- Utility transforms put in the FreeMarker
context for content templates that allow for including other content,
refering to external resources such as images, javascript files, CSS
files, etc.
- Data Resource Management
- Powerful search engine to find existing
- Specify/Identify resources
- Locate/Edit Text, HTML, Images, Attributes,
Roles and Product Features
- Content Management
- Specify the Content Setup by updating the
Content Type ID for Parent TYpe Id, description, etc.
- Layout Editor
- Cache Tools
- Cache Maintenance
- View cache size and hit/miss
- Clear all caches, individual caches,
even individual cache lines
- Clear all expired cache entries
- Manage cache prameters such as size
limit, expire time, soft references, etc
- View inidividual elements in each
- Debug Tools
- Adjust Debugging Levels
- Adjust debug log message levels as
the application is running
- Changes here stay until the server is
shut down
- For permanent changes, use the file
- Entity Engine Tools
- Entity Data Maintenance
- Find, view, create, update, and
remove data in any entity
- Works dynamically according to entity
- Uses flexible permissions to allow
access to all entities, or to a specific set of entities
- Entity Reference & Editing
- Displays detail about all defined
entities including fields, types, table & column names,
relationships, etc
- In main view frame entities are
sorted alphabeticly by package
- In the left frame there is an
alphabetical list of package and an alphabetical list of all entities
- Relationships are displayed with
links to the related entities, making it easy to browse the data model
- An editing page can be used to create
and modify entity definitions in memory
- A page that compares entity
definitions to the database (just like what is done on startup) and
optionally adds missing tables and columns to the database
- Templates that write the entity model
and entity group model XML files in a consistent way for easy
comparison (note that these must be used to save in memory entity
definition changes); these templates can also be used to output this
information to the browser
- A template that reads database
meta-data and creates first pass XML entity definitions which can then
be refined according to your preferences
- XML Data Export
- Exports data from entities as an XML
- The XML is structured such that there
is one element for each entity instance, and one attribute or
sub-element for each populated field in the entity
- The XML file can be saved to the disk
on the server or delivered through the browser to be viewed and/or
saved on the client
- High performance and scalable stream
based output technique can export an unlimited number of entity
instances in each pass
- XML Data Import
- Imports data from entities in an XML
- The XML is structured such that there
is one element for each entity instance, and one attribute or
sub-element for each populated field in the entity
- The XML file can be loaded from the
disk on the server or uploaded through a form in the browser
- High performance and scalable stream
and SAX based input processing technique can import an unlimited number
of entity instances in each pass
- Service Engine Tools
- Job List
- View all scheduled "job" services
- Displays job ID, start date/time,
finish date/time, and service name to invoke
- Schedule Job
- Allows the manual scheduling of a
named service
- Can specify interval size and count
- Can specify an absolute start and
finish date/time
- Can manually add data to the
persisted context used for running the service
- Thread Viewer
- Workflow Engine Tools
- Workflow Monitor
- View all running processes
- Displays package & version,
process & version, status, priority, start date, etc for each
- Can drill down to see all activity
instances that are part of the process
- Displays activity ID, priority,
status, start date, complete date and assignments for each activity
- Links to activity management page in
the Work Effort Manager for each activity
- Links to party profile management
page in the Party Manager for each party assigned to each activity
- Read XPDL File
- Reads, verifies, and displays an XPDL
- Can be located in a file on the
server or at any URL location
- Can verify only, or also write the
data to the database for workflow process execution
- Rule Engine Tools
- Logikus - Run Rulesets
- Provides a web-based user interface
for querying a ruleset containing facts and inductive rules
- Currently only supports backward
- Can determine one result at a time or
all results at once
- Many example rulesets are included
for experimentation
- Data File Tools
- View Data File
- Displays data from flat files based
on a format definition file
- Can write the data file back out to
verify the format definition and read/write repeatability
- Can load data file and format
definition file from a URL or file on the server
- Misc. Setup Tools
- Edit Custom Time Periods
- Browse, create, update, and delete
hierarchical custom time periods
- Time periods can be associated with
an organization party, and browsing time periods can be filtered by
party ID
- Manages fiscal years, quarters,
months, bi-week, week and any custom period type
- Track a period number, period name,
from date and thru date with each time period
- Edit Enumerations
- Edit Status Options
- Server Hit Statistics Tools
- Stats Since Server Start
- Displays server load and performance
statistics for each resource, group of resources, and for all resources
- Tracks data about different types of
resources including requests, events and views
- Displays accumulated data since the
server started
- Links to pages that display the same
data for specifc time bins
- Time bin data is persisted for future
For information about Open For Business contact
David E. Jones at
or Andy Zeneski at