/* Copyright (c) 2009, Shlomy Gantz BlueBrick Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Shlomy Gantz or BlueBrick Inc. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SHLOMY GANTZ/BLUEBRICK INC. ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SHLOMY GANTZ/BLUEBRICK INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * JSGantt component is a UI control that displays gantt charts based by using CSS and HTML * @module jsgantt * @title JSGantt */ var JSGantt; if (!JSGantt) JSGantt = {}; var vTimeout = 0; var vBenchTime = new Date().getTime(); /** * Creates a task (one row) in gantt object * @class TaskItem * @namespace JSGantt * @constructor * @for JSGantt * @param pID {Number} Task unique numeric ID * @param pName {String} Task Name * @param pStart {Date} Task start date/time (not required for pGroup=1 ) * @param pEnd {Date} Task end date/time, you can set the end time to 12:00 to indicate half-day (not required for pGroup=1 ) * @param pColor {String} Task bar RGB value * @param pLink {String} Task URL, clicking on the task will redirect to this url. Leave empty if you do not with the Task also serve as a link * @param pMile {Boolean} Determines whether task is a milestone (1=Yes,0=No) * @param pRes {String} Resource to perform the task * @param pComp {Number} Percent complete (Number between 0 and 100) * @param pGroup {Boolean} * @param pParent {Number} ID of the parent task * @param pOpen {Boolean} * @param pDepend {String} Comma seperated list of IDs this task depends on * @param pCaption {String} Caption to be used instead of default caption (Resource). * note : you should use setCaption("Caption") in order to display the caption * @return void */ JSGantt.TaskItem = function(pID, pName, pStart, pEnd, pColor, pLink, pMile, pRes, pComp, pGroup, pParent, pOpen, pDepend, pCaption) { /** * The name of the attribute. * @property vID * @type String * @default pID * @private */ var vID = pID; /** * @property vName * @type String * @default pName * @private */ var vName = pName; /** * @property vStart * @type Datetime * @default new Date() * @private */ var vStart = new Date(); /** * @property vEnd * @type Datetime * @default new Date() * @private */ var vEnd = new Date(); /** * @property vColor * @type String * @default pColor * @private */ var vColor = pColor; /** * @property vLink * @type String * @default pLink * @private */ var vLink = pLink; /** * @property vMile * @type Boolean * @default pMile * @private */ var vMile = pMile; /** * @property vRes * @type String * @default pRes * @private */ var vRes = pRes; /** * @property vComp * @type Number * @default pComp * @private */ var vComp = pComp; /** * @property vGroup * @type Boolean * @default pGroup * @private */ var vGroup = pGroup; /** * @property vParent * @type Number * @default pParent * @private */ var vParent = pParent; /** * @property vOpen * @type Boolean * @default pOpen * @private */ var vOpen = pOpen; /** * @property vDepend * @type String * @default pDepend * @private */ var vDepend = pDepend; /** * @property vCaption * @type String * @default pCaption * @private */ var vCaption = pCaption; /** * @property vDuration * @type Number * @default '' * @private */ var vDuration = ''; /** * @property vLevel * @type Number * @default 0 * @private */ var vLevel = 0; /** * @property vNumKid * @type Number * @default 0 * @private */ var vNumKid = 0; /** * @property vVisible * @type Boolean * @default 0 * @private */ var vVisible = 1; var x1, y1, x2, y2; if (vGroup != 1) { vStart = JSGantt.parseDateStr(pStart,g.getDateInputFormat()); vEnd = JSGantt.parseDateStr(pEnd,g.getDateInputFormat()); } /** * Returns task ID * @method getID * @return {Number} */ this.getID = function(){ return vID }; /** * Returns task name * @method getName * @return {String} */ this.getName = function(){ return vName }; /** * Returns task start date * @method getStart * @return {Datetime} */ this.getStart = function(){ return vStart}; /** * Returns task end date * @method getEnd * @return {Datetime} */ this.getEnd = function(){ return vEnd }; /** * Returns task bar color (i.e. 00FF00) * @method getColor * @return {String} */ this.getColor = function(){ return vColor}; /** * Returns task URL (i.e. http://www.jsgantt.com) * @method getLink * @return {String} */ this.getLink = function(){ return vLink }; /** * Returns whether task is a milestone (1=Yes,0=No) * @method getMile * @return {Boolean} */ this.getMile = function(){ return vMile }; /** * Returns task dependencies as list of values (i.e. 123,122) * @method getDepend * @return {String} */ this.getDepend = function(){ if(vDepend) return vDepend; else return null }; /** * Returns task caption (if it exists) * @method getCaption * @return {String} */ this.getCaption = function(){ if(vCaption) return vCaption; else return ''; }; /** * Returns task resource name as string * @method getResource * @return {String} */ this.getResource = function(){ if(vRes) return vRes; else return ' '; }; /** * Returns task completion percent as numeric value * @method getCompVal * @return {Boolean} */ this.getCompVal = function(){ if(vComp) return vComp; else return 0; }; /** * Returns task completion percent as formatted string (##%) * @method getCompStr * @return {String} */ this.getCompStr = function(){ if(vComp) return vComp+'%'; else return ''; }; /** * Returns task duration as a fortmatted string based on the current selected format * @method getDuration * @param vFormat {String} selected format (minute,hour,day,week,month) * @return {String} */ this.getDuration = function(vFormat){ if (vMile) vDuration = '-'; else if (vFormat=='hour') { tmpPer = Math.ceil((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / ( 60 * 60 * 1000) ); if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Hour'; else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Hours'; } else if (vFormat=='minute') { tmpPer = Math.ceil((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / ( 60 * 1000) ); if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Minute'; else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Minutes'; } else { //if(vFormat == 'day') { tmpPer = Math.ceil((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1); if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Day'; else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Days'; } //else if(vFormat == 'week') { // tmpPer = ((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1)/7; // if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Week'; // else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Weeks'; //} //else if(vFormat == 'month') { // tmpPer = ((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1)/30; // if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Month'; // else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Months'; //} //else if(vFormat == 'quater') { // tmpPer = ((this.getEnd() - this.getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1)/120; // if(tmpPer == 1) vDuration = '1 Qtr'; // else vDuration = tmpPer + ' Qtrs'; //} return( vDuration ) }; /** * Returns task parent ID * @method getParent * @return {Number} */ this.getParent = function(){ return vParent }; /** * Returns whether task is a group (1=Yes,0=No) * @method getGroup * @return {Number} */ this.getGroup = function(){ return vGroup }; /** * Returns whether task is open (1=Yes,0=No) * @method getOpen * @return {Boolean} */ this.getOpen = function(){ return vOpen }; /** * Returns task tree level (0,1,2,3...) * @method getLevel * @return {Boolean} */ this.getLevel = function(){ return vLevel }; /** * Returns the number of child tasks * @method getNumKids * @return {Number} */ this.getNumKids = function(){ return vNumKid }; /** * Returns the X position of the left side of the task bar on the graph (right side) * @method getStartX * @return {Number} */ this.getStartX = function(){ return x1 }; /** * Returns the Y position of the top of the task bar on the graph (right side) * @method getStartY * @return {Number} */ this.getStartY = function(){ return y1 }; /** * Returns the X position of the right of the task bar on the graph (right side) * @method getEndX * @return {Int} */ this.getEndX = function(){ return x2 }; /** * Returns the Y position of the bottom of the task bar on the graph (right side) * @method getEndY * @return {Number} */ this.getEndY = function(){ return y2 }; /** * Returns whether task is visible (1=Yes,0=No) * @method getVisible * @return {Boolean} */ this.getVisible = function(){ return vVisible }; /** * Set task dependencies * @method setDepend * @param pDepend {String} A comma delimited list of task IDs the current task depends on. * @return {void} */ this.setDepend = function(pDepend){ vDepend = pDepend;}; /** * Set task start date/time * @method setStart * @param pStart {Datetime} * @return {void} */ this.setStart = function(pStart){ vStart = pStart;}; /** * Set task end date/time * @method setEnd * @param pEnd {Datetime} * @return {void} */ this.setEnd = function(pEnd) { vEnd = pEnd; }; /** * Set task tree level (0,1,2,3...) * @method setLevel * @param pLevel {Number} * @return {void} */ this.setLevel = function(pLevel){ vLevel = pLevel;}; /** * Set Number of children for the task * @method setNumKid * @param pNumKid {Number} * @return {void} */ this.setNumKid = function(pNumKid){ vNumKid = pNumKid;}; /** * Set task completion percentage * @method setCompVal * @param pCompVal {Number} * @return {void} */ this.setCompVal = function(pCompVal){ vComp = pCompVal;}; /** * Set a task bar starting position (left) * @method setStartX * @param pX {Number} * @return {void} */ this.setStartX = function(pX) {x1 = pX; }; /** * Set a task bar starting position (top) * @method setStartY * @param pY {Number} * @return {String} */ this.setStartY = function(pY) {y1 = pY; }; /** * Set a task bar starting position (right) * @method setEndX * @param pX {Number} * @return {String} */ this.setEndX = function(pX) {x2 = pX; }; /** * Set a task bar starting position (bottom) * @method setEndY * @param pY {Number} * @return {String} */ this.setEndY = function(pY) {y2 = pY; }; /** * Set task open/closed * @method setOpen * @param pOpen {Boolean} * @return {void} */ this.setOpen = function(pOpen) {vOpen = pOpen; }; /** * Set task visibility * @method setVisible * @param pVisible {Boolean} * @return {void} */ this.setVisible = function(pVisible) {vVisible = pVisible; }; }; /** * Creates the gant chart. for example:

var g = new JSGantt.GanttChart('g',document.getElementById('GanttChartDIV'), 'day');

var g = new JSGantt.GanttChart( - assign the gantt chart to a javascript variable called 'g' 'g' - the name of the variable that was just assigned (will be used later so that gantt object can reference itself) document.getElementById('GanttChartDIV') - reference to the DIV that will hold the gantt chart 'day' - default format will be by day * * @class GanttChart * @param pGanttVar {String} the name of the gantt chart variable * @param pDiv {String} reference to the DIV that will hold the gantt chart * @param pFormat {String} default format (minute,hour,day,week,month,quarter) * @return void */ JSGantt.GanttChart = function(pGanttVar, pDiv, pFormat) { /** * The name of the gantt chart variable * @property vGanttVar * @type String * @default pGanttVar * @private */ var vGanttVar = pGanttVar; /** * The name of the gantt chart DIV * @property vDiv * @type String * @default pDiv * @private */ var vDiv = pDiv; /** * Selected format (minute,hour,day,week,month) * @property vFormat * @type String * @default pFormat * @private */ var vFormat = pFormat; /** * Show resource column * @property vShowRes * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ var vShowRes = 1; /** * Show duration column * @property vShowDur * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ var vShowDur = 1; /** * Show percent complete column * @property vShowComp * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ var vShowComp = 1; /** * Show start date column * @property vShowStartDate * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ var vShowStartDate = 1; /** * Show end date column * @property vShowEndDate * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ var vShowEndDate = 1; /** * Date input format * @property vDateInputFormat * @type String * @default "mm/dd/yyyy" * @private */var vDateInputFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"; /** * Date display format * @property vDateDisplayFormat * @type String * @default "mm/dd/yy" * @private */var vDateDisplayFormat = "mm/dd/yy"; var vNumUnits = 0; var vCaptionType; var vDepId = 1; var vTaskList = new Array(); var vFormatArr = new Array("day","week","month","quarter"); var vQuarterArr = new Array(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4); var vMonthDaysArr = new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); var vMonthArr = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); /** * Set current display format (minute/hour/day/week/month/quarter) * Only the first 4 arguments are used, for example: * * g.setFormatArr("day","week","month"); * * will show 3 formatting options (day/week/month) at the bottom right of the gantt chart * @method setFormatArr * @return {void} */ this.setFormatArr = function() { vFormatArr = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {vFormatArr[i] = arguments[i];} if(vFormatArr.length>4){vFormatArr.length=4;} }; /** * Show/Hide resource column * @param pShow {Number} 1=Show,0=Hide * @method setShowRes * @return {void} */ this.setShowRes = function(pShow) { vShowRes = pShow; }; /** * Show/Hide duration column * @param pShow {Number} 1=Show,0=Hide * @method setShowDur * @return {void} */ this.setShowDur = function(pShow) { vShowDur = pShow; }; /** * Show/Hide completed column * @param pShow {Number} 1=Show,0=Hide * @method setShowComp * @return {void} */ this.setShowComp = function(pShow) { vShowComp = pShow; }; /** * Show/Hide start date column * @param pShow {Number} 1=Show,0=Hide * @method setShowStartDate * @return {void} */ this.setShowStartDate = function(pShow) { vShowStartDate = pShow; }; /** * Show/Hide end date column * @param pShow {Number} 1=Show,0=Hide * @method setShowEndDate * @return {void} */ this.setShowEndDate = function(pShow) { vShowEndDate = pShow; }; /** * Overall date input format * @param pShow {String} (mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd) * @method setDateInputFormat * @return {void} */ this.setDateInputFormat = function(pShow) { vDateInputFormat = pShow; }; /** * Overall date display format * @param pShow {String} (mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd) * @method setDateDisplayFormat * @return {void} */ this.setDateDisplayFormat = function(pShow) { vDateDisplayFormat = pShow; }; /** * Set gantt caption * @param pType {String}

Caption-Displays a custom caption set in TaskItem
Resource-Displays task resource
Duration-Displays task duration
Complete-Displays task percent complete

* @method setCaptionType * @return {void} */ this.setCaptionType = function(pType) { vCaptionType = pType }; /** * Set current display format and redraw gantt chart (minute/hour/day/week/month/quarter) * @param pFormat {String} (mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd) * @method setFormat * @return {void} */ this.setFormat = function(pFormat){ vFormat = pFormat; this.Draw(); }; /** * Returns whether resource column is shown * @method getShowRes * @return {Number} */ this.getShowRes = function(){ return vShowRes }; /** * Returns whether duration column is shown * @method getShowDur * @return {Number} */ this.getShowDur = function(){ return vShowDur }; /** * Returns whether percent complete column is shown * @method getShowComp * @return {Number} */ this.getShowComp = function(){ return vShowComp }; /** * Returns whether start date column is shown * @method getShowStartDate * @return {Number} */ this.getShowStartDate = function(){ return vShowStartDate }; /** * Returns whether end date column is shown * @method getShowEndDate * @return {Number} */ this.getShowEndDate = function(){ return vShowEndDate }; /** * Returns date input format * @method getDateInputFormat * @return {String} */ this.getDateInputFormat = function() { return vDateInputFormat }; /** * Returns current display format * @method getDateDisplayFormat * @return {String} */ this.getDateDisplayFormat = function() { return vDateDisplayFormat }; /** * Returns current gantt caption type * @method getCaptionType * @return {String} */ this.getCaptionType = function() { return vCaptionType }; /** * Calculates X/Y coordinates of a task and sets the Start and End properties of the TaskItem * @method CalcTaskXY * @return {Void} */ this.CalcTaskXY = function () { var vList = this.getList(); var vTaskDiv; var vParDiv; var vLeft, vTop, vHeight, vWidth; for(i = 0; i < vList.length; i++) { vID = vList[i].getID(); vTaskDiv = document.getElementById("taskbar_"+vID); vBarDiv = document.getElementById("bardiv_"+vID); vParDiv = document.getElementById("childgrid_"+vID); if(vBarDiv) { vList[i].setStartX( vBarDiv.offsetLeft ); vList[i].setStartY( vParDiv.offsetTop+vBarDiv.offsetTop+6 ); vList[i].setEndX( vBarDiv.offsetLeft + vBarDiv.offsetWidth ); vList[i].setEndY( vParDiv.offsetTop+vBarDiv.offsetTop+6 ); }; }; }; /** * Adds a TaskItem to the Gantt object task list array * @method AddTaskItem * @return {Void} */ this.AddTaskItem = function(value) { vTaskList.push(value); }; /** * Returns task list Array * @method getList * @return {Array} */ this.getList = function() { return vTaskList }; /** * Clears dependency lines between tasks * @method clearDependencies * @return {Void} */ this.clearDependencies = function() { var parent = document.getElementById('rightside'); var depLine; var vMaxId = vDepId; for ( i=1; i task 2 start) * @method drawDependency * @return {Void} */ this.drawDependency =function(x1,y1,x2,y2) { if(x1 + 10 < x2) { this.sLine(x1,y1,x1+4,y1); this.sLine(x1+4,y1,x1+4,y2); this.sLine(x1+4,y2,x2,y2); this.dLine(x2,y2,x2-3,y2-3); this.dLine(x2,y2,x2-3,y2+3); this.dLine(x2-1,y2,x2-3,y2-2); this.dLine(x2-1,y2,x2-3,y2+2); } else { this.sLine(x1,y1,x1+4,y1); this.sLine(x1+4,y1,x1+4,y2-10); this.sLine(x1+4,y2-10,x2-8,y2-10); this.sLine(x2-8,y2-10,x2-8,y2); this.sLine(x2-8,y2,x2,y2); this.dLine(x2,y2,x2-3,y2-3); this.dLine(x2,y2,x2-3,y2+3); this.dLine(x2-1,y2,x2-3,y2-2); this.dLine(x2-1,y2,x2-3,y2+2); } }; /** * Draw all task dependencies * @method DrawDependencies * @return {Void} */ this.DrawDependencies = function () { //First recalculate the x,y this.CalcTaskXY(); this.clearDependencies(); var vList = this.getList(); for(var i = 0; i < vList.length; i++) { vDepend = vList[i].getDepend(); if(vDepend) { var vDependStr = vDepend + ''; var vDepList = vDependStr.split(','); var n = vDepList.length; for(var k=0;k 0) { // Process all tasks preset parent date and completion % JSGantt.processRows(vTaskList, 0, -1, 1, 1); // get overall min/max dates plus padding vMinDate = JSGantt.getMinDate(vTaskList, vFormat); vMaxDate = JSGantt.getMaxDate(vTaskList, vFormat); // Calculate chart width variables. vColWidth can be altered manually to change each column width // May be smart to make this a parameter of GanttChart or set it based on existing pWidth parameter if(vFormat == 'day') { vColWidth = 18; vColUnit = 1; } else if(vFormat == 'week') { vColWidth = 37; vColUnit = 7; } else if(vFormat == 'month') { vColWidth = 37; vColUnit = 30; } else if(vFormat == 'quarter') { vColWidth = 60; vColUnit = 90; } else if(vFormat=='hour') { vColWidth = 18; vColUnit = 1; } else if(vFormat=='minute') { vColWidth = 18; vColUnit = 1; } vNumDays = (Date.parse(vMaxDate) - Date.parse(vMinDate)) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); vNumUnits = vNumDays / vColUnit; vChartWidth = vNumUnits * vColWidth + 1; vDayWidth = (vColWidth / vColUnit) + (1/vColUnit); vMainTable = '' + ''; vMainTable += vLeftTable; // Draw the Chart Rows vRightTable = '
'; if(vShowRes !=1) vNameWidth+=vStatusWidth; if(vShowDur !=1) vNameWidth+=vStatusWidth; if(vShowComp!=1) vNameWidth+=vStatusWidth; if(vShowStartDate!=1) vNameWidth+=vStatusWidth; if(vShowEndDate!=1) vNameWidth+=vStatusWidth; // DRAW the Left-side of the chart (names, resources, comp%) vLeftTable = '
' + '' + ' ' + ' '; if(vShowRes ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowDur ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowComp==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowStartDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowEndDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; vLeftTable += '' + ' ' + ' ' ; if(vShowRes ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowDur ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowComp==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowStartDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowEndDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; vLeftTable += ''; for(i = 0; i < vTaskList.length; i++) { if( vTaskList[i].getGroup()) { vBGColor = "f3f3f3"; vRowType = "group"; } else { vBGColor = "ffffff"; vRowType = "row"; } vID = vTaskList[i].getID(); if(vTaskList[i].getVisible() == 0) vLeftTable += '' ; else vLeftTable += '' ; vLeftTable += ' ' + ' ' ; if(vShowRes ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowDur ==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowComp==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowStartDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; if(vShowEndDate==1) vLeftTable += ' ' ; vLeftTable += ''; } // DRAW the date format selector at bottom left. Another potential GanttChart parameter to hide/show this selector vLeftTable += '' + '
ResourceDuration% Comp.Start DateEnd Date
 '; for(j=1; j ' ; else vLeftTable += '+ ' ; } else { vLeftTable += '   '; } vLeftTable += ' ' + vTaskList[i].getName() + '' + vTaskList[i].getResource() + '' + vTaskList[i].getDuration(vFormat) + '' + vTaskList[i].getCompStr() + '' + JSGantt.formatDateStr( vTaskList[i].getStart(), vDateDisplayFormat) + '' + JSGantt.formatDateStr( vTaskList[i].getEnd(), vDateDisplayFormat) + '
  Powered by jsGantt      Format:'; if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("minute")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='minute') vLeftTable += 'Minute'; else vLeftTable += 'Minute'; } if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("hour")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='hour') vLeftTable += 'Hour'; else vLeftTable += 'Hour'; } if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("day")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='day') vLeftTable += 'Day'; else vLeftTable += 'Day'; } if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("week")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='week') vLeftTable += 'Week'; else vLeftTable += 'Week'; } if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("month")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='month') vLeftTable += 'Month'; else vLeftTable += 'Month'; } if (vFormatArr.join().indexOf("quarter")!=-1) { if (vFormat=='quarter') vLeftTable += 'Quarter'; else vLeftTable += 'Quarter'; } // vLeftTable += ' .'; vLeftTable += '
' + '
' + '' + ''; vTmpDate.setFullYear(vMinDate.getFullYear(), vMinDate.getMonth(), vMinDate.getDate()); vTmpDate.setHours(0); vTmpDate.setMinutes(0); // Major Date Header while(Date.parse(vTmpDate) <= Date.parse(vMaxDate)) { vStr = vTmpDate.getFullYear() + ''; vStr = vStr.substring(2,4); if(vFormat == 'minute') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setHours(vTmpDate.getHours()+1); } if(vFormat == 'hour') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate()+1); } if(vFormat == 'day') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate()+1); } else if(vFormat == 'week') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate()+7); } else if(vFormat == 'month') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); while(vTmpDate.getDate() > 1) { vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); } } else if(vFormat == 'quarter') { vRightTable += ''; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 81); while(vTmpDate.getDate() > 1) { vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); } } } vRightTable += ''; // Minor Date header and Cell Rows vTmpDate.setFullYear(vMinDate.getFullYear(), vMinDate.getMonth(), vMinDate.getDate()); vNxtDate.setFullYear(vMinDate.getFullYear(), vMinDate.getMonth(), vMinDate.getDate()); vNumCols = 0; while(Date.parse(vTmpDate) <= Date.parse(vMaxDate)) { if (vFormat == 'minute') { if( vTmpDate.getMinutes() ==0 ) vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; else vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; vDateRowStr += ''; vItemRowStr += ''; vTmpDate.setMinutes(vTmpDate.getMinutes() + 1); } else if (vFormat == 'hour') { if( vTmpDate.getHours() ==0 ) vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; else vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; vDateRowStr += ''; vItemRowStr += ''; vTmpDate.setHours(vTmpDate.getHours() + 1); } else if(vFormat == 'day' ) { if( JSGantt.formatDateStr(vCurrDate,'mm/dd/yyyy') == JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate,'mm/dd/yyyy')) { vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; vWeekendColor = "9999ff"; vWeekdayGColor = "bbbbff"; vWeekendGColor = "8888ff"; } else { vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; vWeekendColor = "cfcfcf"; vWeekdayGColor = "f3f3f3"; vWeekendGColor = "c3c3c3"; } if(vTmpDate.getDay() % 6 == 0) { vDateRowStr += ''; vItemRowStr += ''; } else { vDateRowStr += ''; if( JSGantt.formatDateStr(vCurrDate,'mm/dd/yyyy') == JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate,'mm/dd/yyyy')) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); } else if(vFormat == 'week') { vNxtDate.setDate(vNxtDate.getDate() + 7); if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; else vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; if(vNxtDate <= vMaxDate) { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } else { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 7); } else if(vFormat == 'month') { vNxtDate.setFullYear(vTmpDate.getFullYear(), vTmpDate.getMonth(), vMonthDaysArr[vTmpDate.getMonth()]); if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; else vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; if(vNxtDate <= vMaxDate) { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } else { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); while(vTmpDate.getDate() > 1) { vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); } } else if(vFormat == 'quarter') { vNxtDate.setDate(vNxtDate.getDate() + 122); if( vTmpDate.getMonth()==0 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==1 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==2 ) vNxtDate.setFullYear(vTmpDate.getFullYear(), 2, 31); else if( vTmpDate.getMonth()==3 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==4 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==5 ) vNxtDate.setFullYear(vTmpDate.getFullYear(), 5, 30); else if( vTmpDate.getMonth()==6 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==7 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==8 ) vNxtDate.setFullYear(vTmpDate.getFullYear(), 8, 30); else if( vTmpDate.getMonth()==9 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==10 || vTmpDate.getMonth()==11 ) vNxtDate.setFullYear(vTmpDate.getFullYear(), 11, 31); if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vWeekdayColor = "ccccff"; else vWeekdayColor = "ffffff"; if(vNxtDate <= vMaxDate) { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } else { vDateRowStr += ''; if( vCurrDate >= vTmpDate && vCurrDate < vNxtDate ) vItemRowStr += ''; else vItemRowStr += ''; } vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 81); while(vTmpDate.getDate() > 1) { vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate() + 1); } } } vRightTable += vDateRowStr + ''; vRightTable += '
' ; vRightTable += JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate, vDateDisplayFormat) + ' ' + vTmpDate.getHours() + ':00 -' + vTmpDate.getHours() + ':59 ' ; vRightTable += JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate, vDateDisplayFormat) + '' + JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate,vDateDisplayFormat.substring(0,5)) + ' - '; vTmpDate.setDate(vTmpDate.getDate()+6); vRightTable += JSGantt.formatDateStr(vTmpDate, vDateDisplayFormat) + '`'+ vStr + '`'+ vStr + '`'+ vStr + '
' + vTmpDate.getMinutes() + '
' + vTmpDate.getHours() + '
' + vTmpDate.getDate() + '
' + vTmpDate.getDate() + '
' + (vTmpDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + vTmpDate.getDate() + '
' + (vTmpDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + vTmpDate.getDate() + '
' + vMonthArr[vTmpDate.getMonth()].substr(0,3) + '
' + vMonthArr[vTmpDate.getMonth()].substr(0,3) + '
Qtr. ' + vQuarterArr[vTmpDate.getMonth()] + '
Qtr. ' + vQuarterArr[vTmpDate.getMonth()] + '
'; // Draw each row for(i = 0; i < vTaskList.length; i++) { vTmpDate.setFullYear(vMinDate.getFullYear(), vMinDate.getMonth(), vMinDate.getDate()); vTaskStart = vTaskList[i].getStart(); vTaskEnd = vTaskList[i].getEnd(); vNumCols = 0; vID = vTaskList[i].getID(); // vNumUnits = Math.ceil((vTaskList[i].getEnd() - vTaskList[i].getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) + 1; vNumUnits = (vTaskList[i].getEnd() - vTaskList[i].getStart()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1; if (vFormat=='hour') { vNumUnits = (vTaskList[i].getEnd() - vTaskList[i].getStart()) / ( 60 * 1000) + 1; } else if (vFormat=='minute') { vNumUnits = (vTaskList[i].getEnd() - vTaskList[i].getStart()) / ( 60 * 1000) + 1; } if(vTaskList[i].getVisible() == 0) vRightTable += ''; } vMainTable += vRightTable + '
'; vDiv.innerHTML = vMainTable; } }; //this.draw /** * Mouseover behaviour for gantt row * @method mouseOver * @return {Void} */ this.mouseOver = function( pObj, pID, pPos, pType ) { if( pPos == 'right' ) vID = 'child_' + pID; else vID = 'childrow_' + pID; pObj.bgColor = "#ffffaa"; vRowObj = JSGantt.findObj(vID); if (vRowObj) vRowObj.bgColor = "#ffffaa"; }; /** * Mouseout behaviour for gantt row * @method mouseOut * @return {Void} */ this.mouseOut = function( pObj, pID, pPos, pType ) { if( pPos == 'right' ) vID = 'child_' + pID; else vID = 'childrow_' + pID; pObj.bgColor = "#ffffff"; vRowObj = JSGantt.findObj(vID); if (vRowObj) { if( pType == "group") { pObj.bgColor = "#f3f3f3"; vRowObj.bgColor = "#f3f3f3"; } else { pObj.bgColor = "#ffffff"; vRowObj.bgColor = "#ffffff"; } } }; }; //GanttChart /** * @class */ /** * Checks whether browser is IE * * @method isIE */ JSGantt.isIE = function () { if(typeof document.all != 'undefined') {return true;} else {return false;} }; /** * Recursively process task tree ... set min, max dates of parent tasks and identfy task level. * * @method processRows * @param pList {Array} - Array of TaskItem Objects * @param pID {Number} - task ID * @param pRow {Number} - Row in chart * @param pLevel {Number} - Current tree level * @param pOpen {Boolean} * @return void */ JSGantt.processRows = function(pList, pID, pRow, pLevel, pOpen) { var vMinDate = new Date(); var vMaxDate = new Date(); var vMinSet = 0; var vMaxSet = 0; var vList = pList; var vLevel = pLevel; var i = 0; var vNumKid = 0; var vCompSum = 0; var vVisible = pOpen; for(i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) { if(pList[i].getParent() == pID) { vVisible = pOpen; pList[i].setVisible(vVisible); if(vVisible==1 && pList[i].getOpen() == 0) {vVisible = 0;} pList[i].setLevel(vLevel); vNumKid++; if(pList[i].getGroup() == 1) { JSGantt.processRows(vList, pList[i].getID(), i, vLevel+1, vVisible); }; if( vMinSet==0 || pList[i].getStart() < vMinDate) { vMinDate = pList[i].getStart(); vMinSet = 1; }; if( vMaxSet==0 || pList[i].getEnd() > vMaxDate) { vMaxDate = pList[i].getEnd(); vMaxSet = 1; }; vCompSum += pList[i].getCompVal(); } } if(pRow >= 0) { pList[pRow].setStart(vMinDate); pList[pRow].setEnd(vMaxDate); pList[pRow].setNumKid(vNumKid); pList[pRow].setCompVal(Math.ceil(vCompSum/vNumKid)); } }; /** * Determine the minimum date of all tasks and set lower bound based on format * * @method getMinDate * @param pList {Array} - Array of TaskItem Objects * @param pFormat {String} - current format (minute,hour,day...) * @return {Datetime} */ JSGantt.getMinDate = function getMinDate(pList, pFormat) { var vDate = new Date(); vDate.setFullYear(pList[0].getStart().getFullYear(), pList[0].getStart().getMonth(), pList[0].getStart().getDate()); // Parse all Task End dates to find min for(i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) { if(Date.parse(pList[i].getStart()) < Date.parse(vDate)) vDate.setFullYear(pList[i].getStart().getFullYear(), pList[i].getStart().getMonth(), pList[i].getStart().getDate()); } if ( pFormat== 'minute') { vDate.setHours(0); vDate.setMinutes(0); } else if (pFormat == 'hour' ) { vDate.setHours(0); vDate.setMinutes(0); } // Adjust min date to specific format boundaries (first of week or first of month) else if (pFormat=='day') { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 1); while(vDate.getDay() % 7 > 0) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 1); } } else if (pFormat=='week') { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 7); while(vDate.getDay() % 7 > 0) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 1); } } else if (pFormat=='month') { while(vDate.getDate() > 1) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 1); } } else if (pFormat=='quarter') { if( vDate.getMonth()==0 || vDate.getMonth()==1 || vDate.getMonth()==2 ) {vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1);} else if( vDate.getMonth()==3 || vDate.getMonth()==4 || vDate.getMonth()==5 ) {vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 3, 1);} else if( vDate.getMonth()==6 || vDate.getMonth()==7 || vDate.getMonth()==8 ) {vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 6, 1);} else if( vDate.getMonth()==9 || vDate.getMonth()==10 || vDate.getMonth()==11 ) {vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 9, 1);} }; return(vDate); }; /** * Used to determine the minimum date of all tasks and set lower bound based on format * * @method getMaxDate * @param pList {Array} - Array of TaskItem Objects * @param pFormat {String} - current format (minute,hour,day...) * @return {Datetime} */ JSGantt.getMaxDate = function (pList, pFormat) { var vDate = new Date(); vDate.setFullYear(pList[0].getEnd().getFullYear(), pList[0].getEnd().getMonth(), pList[0].getEnd().getDate()); // Parse all Task End dates to find max for(i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) { if(Date.parse(pList[i].getEnd()) > Date.parse(vDate)) { //vDate.setFullYear(pList[0].getEnd().getFullYear(), pList[0].getEnd().getMonth(), pList[0].getEnd().getDate()); vDate.setTime(Date.parse(pList[i].getEnd())); } } if (pFormat == 'minute') { vDate.setHours(vDate.getHours() + 1); vDate.setMinutes(59); } if (pFormat == 'hour') { vDate.setHours(vDate.getHours() + 2); } // Adjust max date to specific format boundaries (end of week or end of month) if (pFormat=='day') { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() + 1); while(vDate.getDay() % 6 > 0) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() + 1); } } if (pFormat=='week') { //For weeks, what is the last logical boundary? vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() + 11); while(vDate.getDay() % 6 > 0) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() + 1); } } // Set to last day of current Month if (pFormat=='month') { while(vDate.getDay() > 1) { vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() + 1); } vDate.setDate(vDate.getDate() - 1); } // Set to last day of current Quarter if (pFormat=='quarter') { if( vDate.getMonth()==0 || vDate.getMonth()==1 || vDate.getMonth()==2 ) vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 2, 31); else if( vDate.getMonth()==3 || vDate.getMonth()==4 || vDate.getMonth()==5 ) vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 5, 30); else if( vDate.getMonth()==6 || vDate.getMonth()==7 || vDate.getMonth()==8 ) vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 8, 30); else if( vDate.getMonth()==9 || vDate.getMonth()==10 || vDate.getMonth()==11 ) vDate.setFullYear(vDate.getFullYear(), 11, 31); } return(vDate); }; /** * Returns an object from the current DOM * * @method findObj * @param theObj {String} - Object name * @param theDoc {Document} - current document (DOM) * @return {Object} */ JSGantt.findObj = function (theObj, theDoc) { var p, i, foundObj; if(!theDoc) {theDoc = document;} if( (p = theObj.indexOf("?")) > 0 && parent.frames.length){ theDoc = parent.frames[theObj.substring(p+1)].document; theObj = theObj.substring(0,p); } if(!(foundObj = theDoc[theObj]) && theDoc.all) {foundObj = theDoc.all[theObj];} for (i=0; !foundObj && i < theDoc.forms.length; i++) {foundObj = theDoc.forms[i][theObj];} for(i=0; !foundObj && theDoc.layers && i < theDoc.layers.length; i++) {foundObj = JSGantt.findObj(theObj,theDoc.layers[i].document);} if(!foundObj && document.getElementById) {foundObj = document.getElementById(theObj);} return foundObj; }; /** * Change display format of current gantt chart * * @method changeFormat * @param pFormat {String} - Current format (minute,hour,day...) * @param ganttObj {GanttChart} - The gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.changeFormat = function(pFormat,ganttObj) { if(ganttObj) { ganttObj.setFormat(pFormat); ganttObj.DrawDependencies(); } else {alert('Chart undefined');}; }; /** * Open/Close and hide/show children of specified task * * @method folder * @param pID {Number} - Task ID * @param ganttObj {GanttChart} - The gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.folder= function (pID,ganttObj) { var vList = ganttObj.getList(); for(i = 0; i < vList.length; i++) { if(vList[i].getID() == pID) { if( vList[i].getOpen() == 1 ) { vList[i].setOpen(0); JSGantt.hide(pID,ganttObj); if (JSGantt.isIE()) {JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).innerText = '+';} else {JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).textContent = '+';} } else { vList[i].setOpen(1); JSGantt.show(pID, 1, ganttObj); if (JSGantt.isIE()) {JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).innerText = '–';} else {JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).textContent = '–';} } } } }; /** * Hide children of a task * * @method hide * @param pID {Number} - Task ID * @param ganttObj {GanttChart} - The gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.hide= function (pID,ganttObj) { var vList = ganttObj.getList(); var vID = 0; for(var i = 0; i < vList.length; i++) { if(vList[i].getParent() == pID) { vID = vList[i].getID(); JSGantt.findObj('child_' + vID).style.display = "none"; JSGantt.findObj('childgrid_' + vID).style.display = "none"; vList[i].setVisible(0); if(vList[i].getGroup() == 1) {JSGantt.hide(vID,ganttObj);} } } }; /** * Show children of a task * * @method show * @param pID {Number} - Task ID * @param ganttObj {GanttChart} - The gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.show = function (pID, pTop, ganttObj) { var vList = ganttObj.getList(); var vID = 0; for(var i = 0; i < vList.length; i++) { if(vList[i].getParent() == pID) { vID = vList[i].getID(); if(pTop == 1) { if (JSGantt.isIE()) { // IE; if( JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).innerText == '+') { JSGantt.findObj('child_'+vID).style.display = ""; JSGantt.findObj('childgrid_'+vID).style.display = ""; vList[i].setVisible(1); } } else { if( JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).textContent == '+') { JSGantt.findObj('child_'+vID).style.display = ""; JSGantt.findObj('childgrid_'+vID).style.display = ""; vList[i].setVisible(1); } } } else { if (JSGantt.isIE()) { // IE; if( JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).innerText == '–') { JSGantt.findObj('child_'+vID).style.display = ""; JSGantt.findObj('childgrid_'+vID).style.display = ""; vList[i].setVisible(1); } } else { if( JSGantt.findObj('group_'+pID).textContent == '–') { JSGantt.findObj('child_'+vID).style.display = ""; JSGantt.findObj('childgrid_'+vID).style.display = ""; vList[i].setVisible(1); } } } if(vList[i].getGroup() == 1) {JSGantt.show(vID, 0,ganttObj);} } } }; /** * Handles click events on task name, currently opens a new window * * @method taskLink * @param pRef {String} - URL for window * @param pWidth {Number} - Width of window * @param pHeight {Number} - Height of window * @return {void} */ JSGantt.taskLink = function(pRef,pWidth,pHeight) { if(pWidth) {vWidth =pWidth;} else {vWidth =400;} if(pHeight) {vHeight=pHeight;} else {vHeight=400;} var OpenWindow=window.open(pRef, "newwin", "height="+vHeight+",width="+vWidth); }; /** * Parse dates based on gantt date format setting as defined in JSGantt.GanttChart.setDateInputFormat() * * @method parseDateStr * @param pDateStr {String} - A string that contains the date (i.e. "01/01/09") * @param pFormatStr {String} - The date format (mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd) * @return {Datetime} */ JSGantt.parseDateStr = function(pDateStr,pFormatStr) { var vDate =new Date(); vDate.setTime( Date.parse(pDateStr)); switch(pFormatStr) { case 'mm/dd/yyyy': var vDateParts = pDateStr.split('/'); vDate.setFullYear(parseInt(vDateParts[2], 10), parseInt(vDateParts[0], 10) - 1, parseInt(vDateParts[1], 10)); break; case 'dd/mm/yyyy': var vDateParts = pDateStr.split('/'); vDate.setFullYear(parseInt(vDateParts[2], 10), parseInt(vDateParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(vDateParts[0], 10)); break; case 'yyyy-mm-dd': var vDateParts = pDateStr.split('-'); vDate.setFullYear(parseInt(vDateParts[0], 10), parseInt(vDateParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(vDateParts[1], 10)); break; } return(vDate); }; /** * Display a formatted date based on gantt date format setting as defined in JSGantt.GanttChart.setDateDisplayFormat() * * @method formatDateStr * @param pDate {Date} - A javascript date object * @param pFormatStr {String} - The date format (mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,yyyy-mm-dd...) * @return {String} */ JSGantt.formatDateStr = function(pDate,pFormatStr) { vYear4Str = pDate.getFullYear() + ''; vYear2Str = vYear4Str.substring(2,4); vMonthStr = (pDate.getMonth()+1) + ''; vDayStr = pDate.getDate() + ''; var vDateStr = ""; switch(pFormatStr) { case 'mm/dd/yyyy': return( vMonthStr + '/' + vDayStr + '/' + vYear4Str ); case 'dd/mm/yyyy': return( vDayStr + '/' + vMonthStr + '/' + vYear4Str ); case 'yyyy-mm-dd': return( vYear4Str + '-' + vMonthStr + '-' + vDayStr ); case 'mm/dd/yy': return( vMonthStr + '/' + vDayStr + '/' + vYear2Str ); case 'dd/mm/yy': return( vDayStr + '/' + vMonthStr + '/' + vYear2Str ); case 'yy-mm-dd': return( vYear2Str + '-' + vMonthStr + '-' + vDayStr ); case 'mm/dd': return( vMonthStr + '/' + vDayStr ); case 'dd/mm': return( vDayStr + '/' + vMonthStr ); } }; /** * Parse an external XML file containing task items. * * @method parseXML * @param ThisFile {String} - URL to XML file * @param pGanttVar {Gantt} - Gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.parseXML = function(ThisFile,pGanttVar){ var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1; // Is this Chrome try { //Internet Explorer xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); } catch(e) { try { //Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc. if (is_chrome==false) { xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null); } } catch(e) { alert(e.message); return; } } if (is_chrome==false) { // can't use xmlDoc.load in chrome at the moment xmlDoc.async=false; xmlDoc.load(ThisFile); // we can use loadxml JSGantt.AddXMLTask(pGanttVar); xmlDoc=null; // a little tidying Task = null; } else { JSGantt.ChromeLoadXML(ThisFile,pGanttVar); ta=null; // a little tidying } }; /** * Add a task based on parsed XML doc * * @method AddXMLTask * @param pGanttVar {Gantt} - Gantt object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.AddXMLTask = function(pGanttVar){ Task=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("task"); var n = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.length; // the number of tasks. IE gets this right, but mozilla add extra ones (Whitespace) for(var i=0;i/gi); var n = ta.length; // the number of tasks. for(var i=1;i/i); if(te.length> 2){var pID=te[1];} else {var pID = 0;} pID *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pName=te[1];} else {var pName = "No Task Name";} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pStart=te[1];} else {var pStart = "";} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pEnd=te[1];} else {var pEnd = "";} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pColor=te[1];} else {var pColor = '0000ff';} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pLink=te[1];} else {var pLink = "";} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pMile=te[1];} else {var pMile = 0;} pMile *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pRes=te[1];} else {var pRes = "";} var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pComp=te[1];} else {var pComp = 0;} pComp *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pGroup=te[1];} else {var pGroup = 0;} pGroup *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pParent=te[1];} else {var pParent = 0;} pParent *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pOpen=te[1];} else {var pOpen = 1;} pOpen *= 1; var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pDepend=te[1];} else {var pDepend = "";} //pDepend *= 1; if (pDepend.length==0){pDepend=''} // need this to draw the dependency lines var te = Task.split(//i); if(te.length> 2){var pCaption=te[1];} else {var pCaption = "";} // Finally add the task pGanttVar.AddTaskItem(new JSGantt.TaskItem(pID , pName, pStart, pEnd, pColor, pLink, pMile, pRes, pComp, pGroup, pParent, pOpen, pDepend,pCaption )); }; }; }; /** * Used for benchmarking performace * * @method benchMark * @param pItem {TaskItem} - TaskItem object * @return {void} */ JSGantt.benchMark = function(pItem){ var vEndTime=new Date().getTime(); alert(pItem + ': Elapsed time: '+((vEndTime-vBenchTime)/1000)+' seconds.'); vBenchTime=new Date().getTime(); };