/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see: http://dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml */ dojo.provide("dojo.io.BrowserIO"); dojo.require("dojo.io.common"); dojo.require("dojo.lang.array"); dojo.require("dojo.lang.func"); dojo.require("dojo.string.extras"); dojo.require("dojo.dom"); dojo.require("dojo.undo.browser"); if(!dj_undef("window")) { dojo.io.checkChildrenForFile = function(/*DOMNode*/node){ //summary: Checks any child nodes of node for an input type="file" element. var hasFile = false; var inputs = node.getElementsByTagName("input"); dojo.lang.forEach(inputs, function(input){ if(hasFile){ return; } if(input.getAttribute("type")=="file"){ hasFile = true; } }); return hasFile; //boolean } dojo.io.formHasFile = function(/*DOMNode*/formNode){ //summary: Just calls dojo.io.checkChildrenForFile(). return dojo.io.checkChildrenForFile(formNode); //boolean } dojo.io.updateNode = function(/*DOMNode*/node, /*String or Object*/urlOrArgs){ //summary: Updates a DOMnode with the result of a dojo.io.bind() call. //node: DOMNode //urlOrArgs: String or Object // Either a String that has an URL, or an object containing dojo.io.bind() // arguments. node = dojo.byId(node); var args = urlOrArgs; if(dojo.lang.isString(urlOrArgs)){ args = { url: urlOrArgs }; } args.mimetype = "text/html"; args.load = function(t, d, e){ while(node.firstChild){ dojo.dom.destroyNode(node.firstChild); } node.innerHTML = d; }; dojo.io.bind(args); } dojo.io.formFilter = function(/*DOMNode*/node) { //summary: Returns true if the node is an input element that is enabled, has //a name, and whose type is one of the following values: ["file", "submit", "image", "reset", "button"] var type = (node.type||"").toLowerCase(); return !node.disabled && node.name && !dojo.lang.inArray(["file", "submit", "image", "reset", "button"], type); //boolean } // TODO: Move to htmlUtils dojo.io.encodeForm = function(/*DOMNode*/formNode, /*String?*/encoding, /*Function?*/formFilter){ //summary: Converts the names and values of form elements into an URL-encoded //string (name=value&name=value...). //formNode: DOMNode //encoding: String? // The encoding to use for the values. Specify a string that starts with // "utf" (for instance, "utf8"), to use encodeURIComponent() as the encoding // function. Otherwise, dojo.string.encodeAscii will be used. //formFilter: Function? // A function used to filter out form elements. The element node will be passed // to the formFilter function, and a boolean result is expected (true indicating // indicating that the element should have its name/value included in the output). // If no formFilter is specified, then dojo.io.formFilter() will be used. if((!formNode)||(!formNode.tagName)||(!formNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == "form")){ dojo.raise("Attempted to encode a non-form element."); } if(!formFilter) { formFilter = dojo.io.formFilter; } var enc = /utf/i.test(encoding||"") ? encodeURIComponent : dojo.string.encodeAscii; var values = []; for(var i = 0; i < formNode.elements.length; i++){ var elm = formNode.elements[i]; if(!elm || elm.tagName.toLowerCase() == "fieldset" || !formFilter(elm)) { continue; } var name = enc(elm.name); var type = elm.type.toLowerCase(); if(type == "select-multiple"){ for(var j = 0; j < elm.options.length; j++){ if(elm.options[j].selected) { values.push(name + "=" + enc(elm.options[j].value)); } } }else if(dojo.lang.inArray(["radio", "checkbox"], type)){ if(elm.checked){ values.push(name + "=" + enc(elm.value)); } }else{ values.push(name + "=" + enc(elm.value)); } } // now collect input type="image", which doesn't show up in the elements array var inputs = formNode.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; if(input.type.toLowerCase() == "image" && input.form == formNode && formFilter(input)) { var name = enc(input.name); values.push(name + "=" + enc(input.value)); values.push(name + ".x=0"); values.push(name + ".y=0"); } } return values.join("&") + "&"; //String } dojo.io.FormBind = function(/*DOMNode or Object*/args) { //summary: constructor for a dojo.io.FormBind object. See the Dojo Book for //some information on usage: http://manual.dojotoolkit.org/WikiHome/DojoDotBook/Book23 //args: DOMNode or Object // args can either be the DOMNode for a form element, or an object containing // dojo.io.bind() arguments, one of which should be formNode with the value of // a form element DOMNode. this.bindArgs = {}; if(args && args.formNode) { this.init(args); } else if(args) { this.init({formNode: args}); } } dojo.lang.extend(dojo.io.FormBind, { form: null, bindArgs: null, clickedButton: null, init: function(/*DOMNode or Object*/args) { //summary: Internal function called by the dojo.io.FormBind() constructor //do not call this method directly. var form = dojo.byId(args.formNode); if(!form || !form.tagName || form.tagName.toLowerCase() != "form") { throw new Error("FormBind: Couldn't apply, invalid form"); } else if(this.form == form) { return; } else if(this.form) { throw new Error("FormBind: Already applied to a form"); } dojo.lang.mixin(this.bindArgs, args); this.form = form; this.connect(form, "onsubmit", "submit"); for(var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var node = form.elements[i]; if(node && node.type && dojo.lang.inArray(["submit", "button"], node.type.toLowerCase())) { this.connect(node, "onclick", "click"); } } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; if(input.type.toLowerCase() == "image" && input.form == form) { this.connect(input, "onclick", "click"); } } }, onSubmit: function(/*DOMNode*/form) { //summary: Function used to verify that the form is OK to submit. //Override this function if you want specific form validation done. return true; //boolean }, submit: function(/*Event*/e) { //summary: internal function that is connected as a listener to the //form's onsubmit event. e.preventDefault(); if(this.onSubmit(this.form)) { dojo.io.bind(dojo.lang.mixin(this.bindArgs, { formFilter: dojo.lang.hitch(this, "formFilter") })); } }, click: function(/*Event*/e) { //summary: internal method that is connected as a listener to the //form's elements whose click event can submit a form. var node = e.currentTarget; if(node.disabled) { return; } this.clickedButton = node; }, formFilter: function(/*DOMNode*/node) { //summary: internal function used to know which form element values to include // in the dojo.io.bind() request. var type = (node.type||"").toLowerCase(); var accept = false; if(node.disabled || !node.name) { accept = false; } else if(dojo.lang.inArray(["submit", "button", "image"], type)) { if(!this.clickedButton) { this.clickedButton = node; } accept = node == this.clickedButton; } else { accept = !dojo.lang.inArray(["file", "submit", "reset", "button"], type); } return accept; //boolean }, // in case you don't have dojo.event.* pulled in connect: function(/*Object*/srcObj, /*Function*/srcFcn, /*Function*/targetFcn) { //summary: internal function used to connect event listeners to form elements //that trigger events. Used in case dojo.event is not loaded. if(dojo.evalObjPath("dojo.event.connect")) { dojo.event.connect(srcObj, srcFcn, this, targetFcn); } else { var fcn = dojo.lang.hitch(this, targetFcn); srcObj[srcFcn] = function(e) { if(!e) { e = window.event; } if(!e.currentTarget) { e.currentTarget = e.srcElement; } if(!e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault = function() { window.event.returnValue = false; } } fcn(e); } } } }); dojo.io.XMLHTTPTransport = new function(){ //summary: The object that implements the dojo.io.bind transport for XMLHttpRequest. var _this = this; var _cache = {}; // FIXME: make this public? do we even need to? this.useCache = false; // if this is true, we'll cache unless kwArgs.useCache = false this.preventCache = false; // if this is true, we'll always force GET requests to cache // FIXME: Should this even be a function? or do we just hard code it in the next 2 functions? function getCacheKey(url, query, method) { return url + "|" + query + "|" + method.toLowerCase(); } function addToCache(url, query, method, http) { _cache[getCacheKey(url, query, method)] = http; } function getFromCache(url, query, method) { return _cache[getCacheKey(url, query, method)]; } this.clearCache = function() { _cache = {}; } // moved successful load stuff here function doLoad(kwArgs, http, url, query, useCache) { if( ((http.status>=200)&&(http.status<300))|| // allow any 2XX response code (http.status==304)|| // get it out of the cache (location.protocol=="file:" && (http.status==0 || http.status==undefined))|| (location.protocol=="chrome:" && (http.status==0 || http.status==undefined)) ){ var ret; if(kwArgs.method.toLowerCase() == "head"){ var headers = http.getAllResponseHeaders(); ret = {}; ret.toString = function(){ return headers; } var values = headers.split(/[\r\n]+/g); for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var pair = values[i].match(/^([^:]+)\s*:\s*(.+)$/i); if(pair) { ret[pair[1]] = pair[2]; } } }else if(kwArgs.mimetype == "text/javascript"){ try{ ret = dj_eval(http.responseText); }catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); dojo.debug(http.responseText); ret = null; } }else if(kwArgs.mimetype == "text/json" || kwArgs.mimetype == "application/json"){ try{ ret = dj_eval("("+http.responseText+")"); }catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); dojo.debug(http.responseText); ret = false; } }else if((kwArgs.mimetype == "application/xml")|| (kwArgs.mimetype == "text/xml")){ ret = http.responseXML; if(!ret || typeof ret == "string" || !http.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")) { ret = dojo.dom.createDocumentFromText(http.responseText); } }else{ ret = http.responseText; } if(useCache){ // only cache successful responses addToCache(url, query, kwArgs.method, http); } kwArgs[(typeof kwArgs.load == "function") ? "load" : "handle"]("load", ret, http, kwArgs); }else{ var errObj = new dojo.io.Error("XMLHttpTransport Error: "+http.status+" "+http.statusText); kwArgs[(typeof kwArgs.error == "function") ? "error" : "handle"]("error", errObj, http, kwArgs); } } // set headers (note: Content-Type will get overriden if kwArgs.contentType is set) function setHeaders(http, kwArgs){ if(kwArgs["headers"]) { for(var header in kwArgs["headers"]) { if(header.toLowerCase() == "content-type" && !kwArgs["contentType"]) { kwArgs["contentType"] = kwArgs["headers"][header]; } else { http.setRequestHeader(header, kwArgs["headers"][header]); } } } } this.inFlight = []; this.inFlightTimer = null; this.startWatchingInFlight = function(){ //summary: internal method used to trigger a timer to watch all inflight //XMLHttpRequests. if(!this.inFlightTimer){ // setInterval broken in mozilla x86_64 in some circumstances, see // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344439 // using setTimeout instead this.inFlightTimer = setTimeout("dojo.io.XMLHTTPTransport.watchInFlight();", 10); } } this.watchInFlight = function(){ //summary: internal method that checks each inflight XMLHttpRequest to see //if it has completed or if the timeout situation applies. var now = null; // make sure sync calls stay thread safe, if this callback is called during a sync call // and this results in another sync call before the first sync call ends the browser hangs if(!dojo.hostenv._blockAsync && !_this._blockAsync){ for(var x=this.inFlight.length-1; x>=0; x--){ try{ var tif = this.inFlight[x]; if(!tif || tif.http._aborted || !tif.http.readyState){ this.inFlight.splice(x, 1); continue; } if(4==tif.http.readyState){ // remove it so we can clean refs this.inFlight.splice(x, 1); doLoad(tif.req, tif.http, tif.url, tif.query, tif.useCache); }else if (tif.startTime){ //See if this is a timeout case. if(!now){ now = (new Date()).getTime(); } if(tif.startTime + (tif.req.timeoutSeconds * 1000) < now){ //Stop the request. if(typeof tif.http.abort == "function"){ tif.http.abort(); } // remove it so we can clean refs this.inFlight.splice(x, 1); tif.req[(typeof tif.req.timeout == "function") ? "timeout" : "handle"]("timeout", null, tif.http, tif.req); } } }catch(e){ try{ var errObj = new dojo.io.Error("XMLHttpTransport.watchInFlight Error: " + e); tif.req[(typeof tif.req.error == "function") ? "error" : "handle"]("error", errObj, tif.http, tif.req); }catch(e2){ dojo.debug("XMLHttpTransport error callback failed: " + e2); } } } } clearTimeout(this.inFlightTimer); if(this.inFlight.length == 0){ this.inFlightTimer = null; return; } this.inFlightTimer = setTimeout("dojo.io.XMLHTTPTransport.watchInFlight();", 10); } var hasXmlHttp = dojo.hostenv.getXmlhttpObject() ? true : false; this.canHandle = function(/*dojo.io.Request*/kwArgs){ //summary: Tells dojo.io.bind() if this is a good transport to //use for the particular type of request. This type of transport cannot //handle forms that have an input type="file" element. // FIXME: we need to determine when form values need to be // multi-part mime encoded and avoid using this transport for those // requests. return hasXmlHttp && dojo.lang.inArray(["text/plain", "text/html", "application/xml", "text/xml", "text/javascript", "text/json", "application/json"], (kwArgs["mimetype"].toLowerCase()||"")) && !( kwArgs["formNode"] && dojo.io.formHasFile(kwArgs["formNode"]) ); //boolean } this.multipartBoundary = "45309FFF-BD65-4d50-99C9-36986896A96F"; // unique guid as a boundary value for multipart posts this.bind = function(/*dojo.io.Request*/kwArgs){ //summary: function that sends the request to the server. //This function will attach an abort() function to the kwArgs dojo.io.Request object, //so if you need to abort the request, you can call that method on the request object. //The following are acceptable properties in kwArgs (in addition to the //normal dojo.io.Request object properties). //url: String: URL the server URL to use for the request. //method: String: the HTTP method to use (GET, POST, etc...). //mimetype: Specifies what format the result data should be given to the load/handle callback. Valid values are: // text/javascript, text/json, application/json, application/xml, text/xml. Any other mimetype will give back a text // string. //transport: String: specify "XMLHTTPTransport" to force the use of this XMLHttpRequest transport. //headers: Object: The object property names and values will be sent as HTTP request header // names and values. //sendTransport: boolean: If true, then dojo.transport=xmlhttp will be added to the request. //encoding: String: The type of encoding to use when dealing with the content kwArgs property. //content: Object: The content object is converted into a name=value&name=value string, by // using dojo.io.argsFromMap(). The encoding kwArgs property is passed to dojo.io.argsFromMap() // for use in encoding the names and values. The resulting string is added to the request. //formNode: DOMNode: a form element node. This should not normally be used. Use new dojo.io.FormBind() instead. // If formNode is used, then the names and values of the form elements will be converted // to a name=value&name=value string and added to the request. The encoding kwArgs property is used // to encode the names and values. //postContent: String: Raw name=value&name=value string to be included as part of the request. //back or backButton: Function: A function to be called if the back button is pressed. If this kwArgs property // is used, then back button support via dojo.undo.browser will be used. See notes for dojo.undo.browser on usage. // You need to set djConfig.preventBackButtonFix = false to enable back button support. //changeUrl: boolean or String: Used as part of back button support. See notes for dojo.undo.browser on usage. //user: String: The user name. Used in conjuction with password. Passed to XMLHttpRequest.open(). //password: String: The user's password. Used in conjuction with user. Passed to XMLHttpRequest.open(). //file: Object or Array of Objects: an object simulating a file to be uploaded. file objects should have the following properties: // name or fileName: the name of the file // contentType: the MIME content type for the file. // content: the actual content of the file. //multipart: boolean: indicates whether this should be a multipart mime request. If kwArgs.file exists, then this // property is set to true automatically. //sync: boolean: if true, then a synchronous XMLHttpRequest call is done, // if false (the default), then an asynchronous call is used. //preventCache: boolean: If true, then a cache busting parameter is added to the request URL. // default value is false. //useCache: boolean: If true, then XMLHttpTransport will keep an internal cache of the server // response and use that response if a similar request is done again. // A similar request is one that has the same URL, query string and HTTP method value. // default is false. if(!kwArgs["url"]){ // are we performing a history action? if( !kwArgs["formNode"] && (kwArgs["backButton"] || kwArgs["back"] || kwArgs["changeUrl"] || kwArgs["watchForURL"]) && (!djConfig.preventBackButtonFix)) { dojo.deprecated("Using dojo.io.XMLHTTPTransport.bind() to add to browser history without doing an IO request", "Use dojo.undo.browser.addToHistory() instead.", "0.4"); dojo.undo.browser.addToHistory(kwArgs); return true; } } // build this first for cache purposes var url = kwArgs.url; var query = ""; if(kwArgs["formNode"]){ var ta = kwArgs.formNode.getAttribute("action"); if((ta)&&(!kwArgs["url"])){ url = ta; } var tp = kwArgs.formNode.getAttribute("method"); if((tp)&&(!kwArgs["method"])){ kwArgs.method = tp; } query += dojo.io.encodeForm(kwArgs.formNode, kwArgs.encoding, kwArgs["formFilter"]); } if(url.indexOf("#") > -1) { dojo.debug("Warning: dojo.io.bind: stripping hash values from url:", url); url = url.split("#")[0]; } if(kwArgs["file"]){ // force post for file transfer kwArgs.method = "post"; } if(!kwArgs["method"]){ kwArgs.method = "get"; } // guess the multipart value if(kwArgs.method.toLowerCase() == "get"){ // GET cannot use multipart kwArgs.multipart = false; }else{ if(kwArgs["file"]){ // enforce multipart when sending files kwArgs.multipart = true; }else if(!kwArgs["multipart"]){ // default kwArgs.multipart = false; } } if(kwArgs["backButton"] || kwArgs["back"] || kwArgs["changeUrl"]){ dojo.undo.browser.addToHistory(kwArgs); } var content = kwArgs["content"] || {}; if(kwArgs.sendTransport) { content["dojo.transport"] = "xmlhttp"; } do { // break-block if(kwArgs.postContent){ query = kwArgs.postContent; break; } if(content) { query += dojo.io.argsFromMap(content, kwArgs.encoding); } if(kwArgs.method.toLowerCase() == "get" || !kwArgs.multipart){ break; } var t = []; if(query.length){ var q = query.split("&"); for(var i = 0; i < q.length; ++i){ if(q[i].length){ var p = q[i].split("="); t.push( "--" + this.multipartBoundary, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + p[0] + "\"", "", p[1]); } } } if(kwArgs.file){ if(dojo.lang.isArray(kwArgs.file)){ for(var i = 0; i < kwArgs.file.length; ++i){ var o = kwArgs.file[i]; t.push( "--" + this.multipartBoundary, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + o.name + "\"; filename=\"" + ("fileName" in o ? o.fileName : o.name) + "\"", "Content-Type: " + ("contentType" in o ? o.contentType : "application/octet-stream"), "", o.content); } }else{ var o = kwArgs.file; t.push( "--" + this.multipartBoundary, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + o.name + "\"; filename=\"" + ("fileName" in o ? o.fileName : o.name) + "\"", "Content-Type: " + ("contentType" in o ? o.contentType : "application/octet-stream"), "", o.content); } } if(t.length){ t.push("--"+this.multipartBoundary+"--", ""); query = t.join("\r\n"); } }while(false); // kwArgs.Connection = "close"; var async = kwArgs["sync"] ? false : true; var preventCache = kwArgs["preventCache"] || (this.preventCache == true && kwArgs["preventCache"] != false); var useCache = kwArgs["useCache"] == true || (this.useCache == true && kwArgs["useCache"] != false ); // preventCache is browser-level (add query string junk), useCache // is for the local cache. If we say preventCache, then don't attempt // to look in the cache, but if useCache is true, we still want to cache // the response if(!preventCache && useCache){ var cachedHttp = getFromCache(url, query, kwArgs.method); if(cachedHttp){ doLoad(kwArgs, cachedHttp, url, query, false); return; } } // much of this is from getText, but reproduced here because we need // more flexibility var http = dojo.hostenv.getXmlhttpObject(kwArgs); var received = false; // build a handler function that calls back to the handler obj if(async){ var startTime = // FIXME: setting up this callback handler leaks on IE!!! this.inFlight.push({ "req": kwArgs, "http": http, "url": url, "query": query, "useCache": useCache, "startTime": kwArgs.timeoutSeconds ? (new Date()).getTime() : 0 }); this.startWatchingInFlight(); }else{ // block async callbacks until sync is in, needed in khtml, others? _this._blockAsync = true; } if(kwArgs.method.toLowerCase() == "post"){ // FIXME: need to hack in more flexible Content-Type setting here! if (!kwArgs.user) { http.open("POST", url, async); }else{ http.open("POST", url, async, kwArgs.user, kwArgs.password); } setHeaders(http, kwArgs); http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", kwArgs.multipart ? ("multipart/form-data; boundary=" + this.multipartBoundary) : (kwArgs.contentType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); try{ http.send(query); }catch(e){ if(typeof http.abort == "function"){ http.abort(); } doLoad(kwArgs, {status: 404}, url, query, useCache); } }else{ var tmpUrl = url; if(query != "") { tmpUrl += (tmpUrl.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + query; } if(preventCache) { tmpUrl += (dojo.string.endsWithAny(tmpUrl, "?", "&") ? "" : (tmpUrl.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?")) + "dojo.preventCache=" + new Date().valueOf(); } if (!kwArgs.user) { http.open(kwArgs.method.toUpperCase(), tmpUrl, async); }else{ http.open(kwArgs.method.toUpperCase(), tmpUrl, async, kwArgs.user, kwArgs.password); } setHeaders(http, kwArgs); try { http.send(null); }catch(e) { if(typeof http.abort == "function"){ http.abort(); } doLoad(kwArgs, {status: 404}, url, query, useCache); } } if( !async ) { doLoad(kwArgs, http, url, query, useCache); _this._blockAsync = false; } kwArgs.abort = function(){ try{// khtml doesent reset readyState on abort, need this workaround http._aborted = true; }catch(e){/*squelsh*/} return http.abort(); } return; } dojo.io.transports.addTransport("XMLHTTPTransport"); } }