/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see: http://dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml */ dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.push("../src/bootstrap1.js"); dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.push("../src/loader.js"); dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.push("../src/hostenv_browser.js"); dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.push("../src/bootstrap2.js"); dojo.hostenv._loadedUrisListStart = dojo.hostenv.loadedUris.length; function removeComments(contents){ contents = new String((!contents) ? "" : contents); // clobber all comments // FIXME broken if // or /* inside quotes or regexp contents = contents.replace( /^(.*?)\/\/(.*)$/mg , "$1"); contents = contents.replace( /(\n)/mg , "__DOJONEWLINE"); contents = contents.replace( /\/\*(.*?)\*\//g , ""); return contents.replace( /__DOJONEWLINE/mg , "\n"); } dojo.hostenv.getRequiresAndProvides = function(contents){ // FIXME: should probably memoize this! if(!contents){ return []; } // check to see if we need to load anything else first. Ugg. var deps = []; var tmp; RegExp.lastIndex = 0; var testExp = /dojo.(hostenv.loadModule|hostenv.require|require|requireIf|kwCompoundRequire|hostenv.conditionalLoadModule|hostenv.startPackage|provide)\([\w\W]*?\)/mg; while((tmp = testExp.exec(contents)) != null){ deps.push(tmp[0]); } return deps; } dojo.hostenv.getDelayRequiresAndProvides = function(contents){ // FIXME: should probably memoize this! if(!contents){ return []; } // check to see if we need to load anything else first. Ugg. var deps = []; var tmp; RegExp.lastIndex = 0; var testExp = /dojo.(requireAfterIf)\([\w\W]*?\)/mg; while((tmp = testExp.exec(contents)) != null){ deps.push(tmp[0]); } return deps; } /* dojo.getNonExistantDescendants = function(objpath){ var ret = []; // fast path for no periods if(typeof objpath != "string"){ return dj_global; } if(objpath.indexOf('.') == -1){ if(dj_undef(objpath, dj_global)){ ret.push[objpath]; } return ret; } var syms = objpath.split(/\./); var obj = dj_global; for(var i=0;i=0; x--){ dojo.clobberLastObject(removals[x]); } var depList = []; var seen = dojo.hostenv._writtenIncludes; for(var x=0; x"); } document.write(""); dojo.hostenv._loadedUrisListStart = 0; if (!willCallAgain) { // turn off debugAtAllCosts, so that dojo.require() calls inside of ContentPane hrefs // work correctly dj_eval = old_dj_eval; dojo.hostenv.loadUri = dojo.hostenv.oldLoadUri; } }