1.0 1.2 BIRT Tag Library http://www.eclipse.org/birt/taglibs/birt.tld This Tag Library makes user develope JSP with BIRT Viewer component easily. viewer org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.ViewerTag JSP The viewer tag is to specify how to import and control BIRT Report Viewer into JSP page. This tag will use Ajax framework to retrieve report content. id true true Specifies the current viewer id. It should be unique. It can contain number,letter or underline. pattern false true Specifies which servlet pattern to be used to preview report. Default value is frameset. ( frameset or run ) baseURL false true Specifies base URL of BIRT viewer. Default to the current context. title false true Specifies the report title displayed at the top. isHostPage false true Specifies whether the viewer occupies the whole page. Default to false. scrolling false true Sets the IFrame style "scrolling ". If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. ( auto | yes | no ) position false true Sets the style "position" of report container. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. ( static | absolute | fixed | relative ) style false true Sets the style of report container. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. height false true Sets the height of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. width false true Sets the width of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. top false true Sets the top of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. left false true Sets the left of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. frameborder false true Specifies whether displays the iframe border. Default to no. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. ( Yes | No ) reportDesign false true Specifies the report design file name. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportDocument false true Specifies the report document file name. Noted: only support "file:" URL format. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportletId false true Specifies the instance id of reportlet. The "reportDocument" attribute should be required. Noted: frameset pattern doesn't support reportlet. bookmark false true Specifies the targeted bookmark name. locale false true Specifies the Locale information. timeZone false true Specifies a time zone id. For example: "America/Los_Angeles" or "GMT+1" or "GMT+01:00". svg false true Specifies whether supports the SVG output format or not. format false true Specifies the output format of report. emitterId false true Specifies the emitter id for the report output. pageOverflow false true Specifies the page overflow setting for the PDF format. One of the following values: 0 for "auto", 1 for "actual size", 2 for "fit to page". rtl false true Specifies whether supports rtl page or not. pageNum false true Specifies output page number when render document file. pageRange false true Specifies page range when render document file. resourceFolder false true Specifies the referenced resource folder. Default value is defined in web.xml. forceOverwriteDocument false true Specifies whether forces to overwrite the generated document. If allowPageBreak is false,ignore this attribute. Default value is defined in web.xml. showTitle false true Specifies whether shows the report title. Default to true. showToolBar false true Specifies whether shows the toolbar. Default to true. showNavigationBar false true Specifies whether shows the Navigation Bar. If allowPageBreak is false,ignore this attribute. Default to true. showParameterPage false true Specifies whether show the parameter dialog or not. Default to true. isReportlet false true Specifies whether render reportlet by bookmark. Default to false. report org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.ReportTag JSP The report tag can provide fast report preview without Ajax framework. The report content can be output to web browser directly. id true true Specifies the current viewer id. It should be unique. It can contain number,letter or underline. baseURL false true Specifies base URL of BIRT viewer. Default to the current context. If report container is DIV, ignore this attribute. isHostPage false true Specifies whether the viewer occupies the whole page. Default to false. scrolling false true Sets the DIV/IFrame style "scrolling ". If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. ( auto | yes | no ) position false true Sets the style "position" of report container. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. ( static | absolute | fixed | relative ) style false true Sets the style of report container. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. height false true Sets the height of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. width false true Sets the width of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. top false true Sets the top of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. left false true Sets the left of report container in pixels. If isHostPage is true, ignore this attribute. frameborder false true Specifies whether displays the iframe border. Available when user IFrame. Default to no. ( Yes | No ) reportDesign false true Specifies the report design file name. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportDocument false true Specifies the report document file name. Noted: only support "file:" URL format. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportletId false true Specifies the instance id of reportlet. The "reportDocument" attribute should be required. bookmark false true Specifies the targeted bookmark name. locale false true Specifies the Locale information. timeZone false true Specifies a time zone id. For example: "America/Los_Angeles" or "GMT+1" or "GMT+01:00". svg false true Specifies whether supports the SVG output format or not. format false true Specifies the output format of report. emitterId false true Specifies the emitter id for the report output. pageOverflow false true Specifies the page overflow setting for the PDF format. One of the following values: 0 for "auto", 1 for "actual size", 2 for "fit to page". rtl false true Specifies whether supports rtl page or not. showParameterPage false true Specifies whether show the parameter dialog or not. Default to true. If report container is DIV, ignore this attribute. resourceFolder false true Specifies the referenced resource folder. Default value is defined in web.xml. reportContainer false true Specifies iframe or div as report container. Default to iframe. ( iframe | div ) pageNum false true Specifies output page number when render document file. pageRange false true Specifies page range when render document file. isReportlet false true Specifies whether render reportlet by bookmark. Default to false. param org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.ParamTag JSP The param tag specifies the parameters defined in report design file. name true true Specifies the report parameter name. pattern false true Specifies the report parameter pattern format. value false true Specifies the report parameter value. If doesn't set, value is null. displayText false true Specifies the report parameter display text. delim false true Specifies the delimiter for multiple values. Defaults to pipe "|". isLocale false true Specifies whether the report parameter value is a locale/format related string. value org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.ParamValueTag JSP The param value tag specifies multiple values for a given param tag. value false true Specifies the report parameter value. If doesn't set, value is null. displayText false true Specifies the report parameter display text. parameterPage org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.RequesterTag JSP The parameterPage tag can help developers to display BIRT parameter page or create a user-defined parameter page. This tag can collect these parameters and submit to BIRT servlet to handle request. id true true Specifies the parameter page id.It should be unique. It can contain number,letter or underline. name false true Specifies the parameter page name. If attribute 'isCustom' is true, this name should be required and unique. isCustom false true Specifies whether uses the user-defined parameter page. If false, use the BIRT parameter dialog. Default to false. title false true Specifies the report title displayed at the top. baseURL false true Specifies base URL of BIRT viewer. Default to the current context. scrolling false true Sets the DIV/IFrame style "scrolling ". ( auto | yes | no ) position false true Sets the style "position" of parameter page. ( static | absolute | fixed | relative ) style false true Sets the style of parameter page. height false true Sets the height of parameter page in pixels. width false true Sets the width of parameter page in pixels. top false true Sets the top of parameter page in pixels. left false true Sets the left of parameter page in pixels. frameborder false true Specifies whether displays the iframe border. Default to no. If set "isCustom" to true, ignore this attribute. ( Yes | No ) reportDesign false true Specifies the report design file name. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportDocument false true Specifies the report document file name. Noted: only support "file:" URL format. ( Absolute path, relative path or URL ) reportletId false true Specifies the instance id of reportlet. The "reportDocument" attribute should be required. Noted: frameset pattern doesn't support reportlet. pattern false true Specifies the servlet pattern for request submit. BIRT supports three patterns: frameset, run and preview. Can refer to the user-defined servlet pattern. Default to frameset. target false true Specifies the target window for request submit. bookmark false true Specifies the targeted bookmark name. locale false true Specifies the Locale information. timeZone false true Specifies a time zone id. For example: "America/Los_Angeles" or "GMT+1" or "GMT+01:00". svg false true Specifies whether supports the SVG output format or not. format false true Specifies the output format of report. emitterId false true Specifies the emitter id for the report output. pageOverflow false true Specifies the page overflow setting for the PDF format. One of the following values: 0 for "auto", 1 for "actual size", 2 for "fit to page". rtl false true Specifies whether supports rtl page or not. resourceFolder false true Specifies the referenced resource folder. Default value is defined in web.xml. forceOverwriteDocument false true Specifies whether forces to overwrite the generated document. If allowPageBreak is false,ignore this attribute. Default value is defined in web.xml. showTitle false true Specifies whether shows the report title. Default to true. showToolBar false true Specifies whether shows the toolbar. Default to true. showNavigationBar false true Specifies whether shows the Navigation Bar. If allowPageBreak is false,ignore this attribute. Default to true. isReportlet false true Specifies whether render reportlet by bookmark. Default to false. paramDef org.eclipse.birt.report.taglib.ParamDefTag JSP The param tag is used to generate html code for defined parameter in ParameterPage tag. id true true Specifies the id of parameter control.It should be unique. It can contain number,letter or underline. name true true Specifies the report parameter name. pattern false true Specifies the report parameter pattern format. It is used to parse defined parameter value string. value false true Specifies the report parameter value. If doesn't set, use default value. displayText false true Specifies the report parameter display text. isLocale false true Specifies whether the report parameter value is a locale/format related string. It is used to parse defined parameter value string. title false true Specifies the title attribute of parameter control. cssClass false true Specifies the css class attribute of parameter control. style false true Specifies the parameter control style.