Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 2.6.0.v20100531 Build <2.6.0.v20100609-1613> Payment.Payments.x integer false Payment.Payments.y integer false 135 80 in /templates/blank_report.gif ltr static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted static false string true simple text-box Unformatted 1 paymentId string 2 paymentType string 3 status string 4 from string 5 to string 6 date string 7 amount float paymentId paymentType status from to date amount parameters javaObject 1 null true false 1 paymentId string 2 paymentType string 3 status string 4 from string 5 to string 6 date string 7 amount float OFBIZ NewTabularHierarchy string paymentId string paymentType string status string from string to string date sum dataSetRow["amount"] float Payments html new Date()]]> silver larger bolder center none auto Payment amount Group/date Currency ###0.00{RoundingMode=HALF_UP} center amount_Group/date Currency ###0.00{RoundingMode=HALF_UP} amount 0.3333333333333333in Group Group/paymentId center paymentId Group/paymentType center paymentType Group/status center status Group/from center from Group/to center to Group/date center date after paymentId dimension["Group"]["paymentId"] string paymentType dimension["Group"]["paymentType"] string status dimension["Group"]["status"] string from dimension["Group"]["from"] string to dimension["Group"]["to"] string date dimension["Group"]["date"] string amount_Group/date float Group/date SUM Expression measure["amount"] amount float SUM Expression measure["amount"]